crossfire rules and lans



- Rule:

Crossfire does not welcome cheaters and will double any ban length given by Clanbase, that ban will include site activity and Crossfire tournament activity be that online or OFF. Crossfire will on occasion bust players off our evidence and accord, this will be met with an instant 12 month ban from the site and its tournaments.

How do you feel about that? With the gnajda/slajdan cases (plus any other future bans) and the unclear evidence and general confusion, isnt it best to give Clanbase banned people the opportunity to prove to everyone that they haven't cheated, by playing at the next CDC? And if so, lifting the player's Clanbase ban and change the cheater policy are logical steps, but thats not to be discussed for now...

I mean, what has crossfire to lose?

yeah, then peoples could beat them if they suck at lan!
Non-issue as gnajda's girl/boyfriend won't let him go to Netherlands
Quote by HellHammerto prove to everyone that they haven't cheated, by playing at the next CDC?

oh please
i dont have an opinion about them, just stating facts
I believe slajdan wants to come
If they cheat why would they want to go to LAN? They aren't exactly going to cheat at LAN so should just let them go. Its giving cheaters a perfect excuse not to go.
dont think cheating on lans is impossible
so true...
only way to be sure is to use different pcs and checked cfg's
but still most wont do
But the use of wallhack etc is impossible. So their gamesense would suck compared to online. It just seems like cheaters have a readily available excuse not to attend a LAN, which in turn benifits them.
cfg's aren't hax, hax are programs imo and like wh is out of guestion at lan and aimbot is like if u have it then u must have really small fov for it otherwise specing ppl behind u see that ur xhair moves but u hand is still : ) and to take that risk to get caught at lan... u'll get killed if u get caught :D
u got a point,

i mean how many people were suspicious of mAus before he went to lan and roflowned everyone
bah would be good to beat them up
by cheating they have ruined their chances to come to lan, even if they wanted to, that's a decent punishment. cheaters dropping out makes teams not to come, thus crossfire would always need to get backup teams and so on. surely would be cool to see some "clean" players coming to lan but well, not everyone's girlfriend lets them come all the way to a different country.
but like gnajda and slajdan, if they aren't cheating they can let the people see that they don't cheat.
they are cheating and they would never come to the lan.
I know :) but some called perfo a cheater and everyone tought he was cheating with his "perfoheisers" and look how he played at shgopen?
he did well, but it could be that he was using cheats to enchance his perfomance even more than that online. he didn't have 'the' perfoheisers at lan and he just wasnt quite as good as he used to be before the lan and at lan.
he was playing better tbh
he was good. but he got bit worse some time before the lan and he retained that level all the way trough the lan and afterwards. he didnt play better at lan than what he used to play for eg. in the game where perfoheisers became known. it could be that he didnt cheat, quite likely even. but still, his lan perfomance doesnt make his whole 'career' clean.
nah ofcourse not, like fost and lunatic used public cheats but still they are playing at a high level for some time
still waiting for slajdan to comment
and excheaters must find a team also or make bSTURS again :P

Edit: All polaks would fail at lan, because at lan they do not lag!

fuck we need 6 mama's at lan so if this "ex"cheater team fails, then they will be beaten up in a sec :/
made me lol:p
LOL slajdan unclear evidence? :DDD
did u watch that demo?

Its not because they did some rly obvious stuff online that they will be low- at lan
same can go for butchji/maus/mystic etc.

maybe they are exactly like them and all the other highskillers... lan and online skill are almost the same (unless they cheated at lan which would appear really far-fetched). if they are lower... oh well... at least everyone will know how they played at lan, which humiliation is imo better and more satisfying for the general community than not show up at all

and ofc i watched the demo. its really hard to prove humanized and wallhack, the one who is supposed to have cheated can also do something lotto, or smth that 24/7 praccing can give...
u watched the demo of slajdan? How his first demo was completly normal and then he disconnects and reconnects for braun and starts so blatlantly hacking? And u still cant see a justified ban? Please.....

Even gnajda was obvious enough... mAus, butchji or mystic never had anything that looked as much like a wh as any of the things these guys had. And all these guys came a long way before reaching their skill lvl
it doesnt matter anyways what we think, its what they do at lan that matters. theres no other clear way to prove it imo.
utter bullshit.... from what ive seen it was as obvious as this.
And in your opinion that guy should go to lan before hes even banned?
Quoteutter bullshit.... from what ive seen it was as obvious as this

you see, i dont think so, and because its not clear (others agree, while others disagree) if its cheats or just skill/24/7 praccing and lotto, thats why i think its best to let them prove that they play like that on lan too... you see, objectivity is key

Like some dud said abit more down
in Gnajda's case this doesn't really matter as he won't come anyway.
but it might be interesting in slajdan's case since he still claims that he's innocent and that he wants to come to cdc5.
after watching the demo i'm also convinced that slajdan was cheating at least in this match (maybe always, maybe not) and that his ban is justified. but where do you have this "beta-etbot" information from? without evidence/source it's useless :p
he doesn't got an etbot tbh, if he got a bot it's something else :)
gnajda is innocent
if he was banned because of ag0ns avi then i need to laugh hard
hide your demos as fast as you can : DDDD
If gnajda's innocent, the pope is a nazi.

Oh wait....
heard something else :)) "etx" or smth but not sure

I will suck at lan coz I cant use my riflemousewallhack there :<
i heard riflenadehax doesnt work for enemies! only for allies =)
xD, btw if im not here in pracc time say to jimmyboy that im sleeping and not gonna paly =)
Quote at least everyone will know how they played at lan, which humiliation is imo better and more satisfying for the general community than not show up at all
They may well be skilled at LAN, but that still doesn't stop them from cheating online :) It doesn't prove anything.

Still: There are people who attend LANs that are known cheaters *hint hint* =d
it shows man, playing one day with cheats and the other without. it fucks up their gamesense, no wallhack, and aim like me, low+ max =). only with a reallyomfgalot of praccing can someone get to humanized skill, and almost none has ever reached it
First of all how can a cheat/hack fuckup your gamesense? It's neither moving nor crouching nor strafing for you. Most of the cheaters nowadays lack the gamesense because they aren't experienced at all and just having insane aiming skill doesn't always help :X
gamesense = knowing where the enemies + teammates always are
Most of the cheaters nowadays lack the gamesense because they aren't experienced at all and just having insane aiming skill doesn't always help :X

read it. How the fuck can you lose something if you didn't have it before?
oops sorry, i meant that they lost the gamesense which is provided by wallhax (c) netcoders
Nevermind ^-^ But I don't think you gain that much gamesense by having wallhack. I played a lot of 3on3 games in the past and we played against a lot of cheaters. Even though they had hacks ( aimbot + wallhack ) we sometimes easily owned them just because of teamplay and gamesense ( letting them shoot all their ammo + getting them on fullspawn ). I think we bashed like 90% of the cheaters that way. The only thing which was impossible to own, were cheaters with some gamesense. You just can't compete with players that got insane aimingskills +knowing what to do :<
what has xfire to loose? a reputation that it doesnt allow cheaters at all. easy.
Member For: 29 days

What point. That you're a retard? Ever heard of fake accounts shithead.
Parent it fup kido....or i ll sent u to ur mom crying...

like we care about u or ur fake account.
You're even a bigger retard then I thought.
If the cheating was 100% proven (i.e. pb screenshot-kick or they admitted it) they shouldn't be allowed to go.

But for players banned for demos, or any other kind of ban for which they can "prove" (more or less) their innocence by playing well on lan, they should definitely be allowed :D

The only problem, as someone said, is that if there are online qualifiers it wouldn't be right to let them play them
Prove what though? that they can play as equally as good without their cheats on?
It's pointless.
prove that the assumption made by the cheatbusters that it's humanly impossible to do something they did in the demo is wrong :D
no online qualys needed anymore, anyone can play
yeah and?
You tell them ma homeboy!!! <3 :*
pointless to have a ban policy for lans
mind wants to come? :D
What if they get attacked @ lanage?!?!
tbh axel had a test bot for 1 week and that was years ago :)
my 2 cents:

This is a Crossfire rule, and is not up for discussion.
morf made it, me morf and axel were a 3v3 team. He made that for fun :D:D and that guy saw the fun post of morf and posted it again I think :D:D:D:
ever heard about online qualifiers?
no online qualys needed anymore, anyone can play
we'll see when its time

We need cheaters at CDC:

-who we will beat if we got drunk=> cheaters!!
-who we will steal if we got broke=>cheaters!!
-who will massage us when we get tired=>cheaters!!
-who we will call if dutch hookers gone on strike=> CHEATERS OFC!!

read my previous reply? (got deleted by admin for being greek)
mama who???
Well, i still think this is getting WAAAY out of hand! every single ET player will whine even more when he sees someone making a nice kill. Especially with the demos-bust:// Its just waay overhyped.

Why cant killerboy go nolife again and do the ip match thingies like he allways does?

I still believe slajdan doesnt cheat! He keeps telling me he never cheated in any way, so i believe him for that. And i really do believe slajdan wants to come to LAN and i think he deserves the chance to do this.
Banning him with demos is retarded all together.

Watch this

that game is all about quick reflexes and thinking one step ahead of the enemy. Why wouldnt ET players do that?
i think its a great idea to allow such players to come, since the proof is low+max
get a fucking clue
Cheating at a LAN aint any harder than cheating online. And the chances of getting caught are slim to none, unless you're a total moron.
Just because the coders don't advertise for it all over the internet, doesnt mean its anything special about it.
Almost anyone who is able to code and hide a bot for online play could code and hide a bot for LAN play.

Enough said.
The main reason for that rule is that if you try cheats you cant come to any LANs hosted by crossfire, because then it's a punishment. That "proving" is like über shit. Maybe he can shoot, maybe he cant, but it's still the punishment for cheating : not able to attend the LAN
why would you give a cheater a change?
is there any avi of slajdan?
You're not updated.
nope dont visit much :( update me or link me pls
QuoteCheating at a LAN aint any harder than cheating online.

Hmmm, so these cheaters could use there aimbots/wallhacks what ever with people stood behind watching them?
H3y? Why am I underlined?
Maybe I should poke you with a stick or something, to see if you still have some brain funtion....

I told that story a thousand times already, not going to say it again.

And besides there is a high chance that I will be there this time. (where have we heard that one before?)
Well I don't have to fly so missing a flight is pretty weird =o]
And besides, spree already knows I don't cheat cause he has seen me play fo real. I even played at his pc and I was über!
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