Other clanbase ban by demo (UPDATE)

Italy sh33p


the demo itself


Another proof that Clanbase has changed behavior towards bans by demo, since (if you watch it) it can't be called a fully conclusive proof in this case, imo

Added by [DRN]Piroman
Confirmed by bartichello/killerboy

p.s. he actually is a well known cheater among the italian community, the point is: are those demos really enough to ban him?

UPDATE: the other player who played that 2on2 and is also banned:

He played under the clanbase account of Italyh3ll, a known rtcw player from ztp
but it seems that it was actually another player spoofing him, according to the ip lookup from yawn
while the real h3ll should be from Rome
wii, now lets send all butchji's & mAus's suspicious demos :-) i bet admins dont have the balls to ban them.
killerboy has no balls idd
retard alert /!\
Lucky me
3rd!!! ! ! "oneelvevenN!N!!
Such a bad thing indeed. Now all good players will be banned.
aka Italy fouillis aka http://clanbase.ggl.com/humaninfo.php?hid=3017864 his other account which is not banned
its been known for years that this guy is cheating at least in the italian community
wait lemme bet...

Vagrants? VgS ?
Is he :X
gay yes he is!
like I already wrote lots of text on the gnajda topic (which suddenly disappeared?), I believe this aswell could be more of a collaborative decision, based on several cases regarding this guy. only this one demo was posted as proof but the decision was made based on bigger amount of 'evidence'(demos).
then clanbase should clearly state all the evidence used to ban them
"since (if you watch it) it can't be called a fully conclusive proof in this case"
"are those demos really enough to ban him?"

ehm what? of course it is enough, like you said.
where did I say that
ouh i misread can't for can

in my opinion banning for demos is a good thing in general if it's conclusive enough. i haven't watched the demos in this case so i can't say much about it.
hacks dont actually have that feature. aimbots work on visible targets. surely you could code a feature like that but whats the point? (unless you play cs @ lan where you can shoot trough the walls)
im pretty sure they are using some cheap selfcoded shitbot could be the reason why
havent checked the demos, but I really highly doubt that their bots track trough walls.
I dont care about that. every time I bring something up you kinda switch the subject. its getting kinda annoying.
He should go into politics then!
there's no way he would get a way by switching subjects like that in politics though :)
me????? zomg :o
heh btw if that h3ll is also some italian guy, he had this nick before some sw33t admin changed it for me :D
no dont worry it's a long story :)
ehm.. can someone tell me the obvious hacking-part? Cuse I can't see it :S
Sure there is some aiming at people through truck and stuff but at the same time, there is always a "gamesense-related" explanation like sound, time and visible playermodles. Not to forget the standard-aimcorners and something called "luck" or coinsidence. Even if he is an old hackerdude so he probably is hacking, this is kind of scary.

Time to send some demos of butchji, squall, acozz, torspo? got some demos to spare
jep i play against him and rly rly obvious
clanbase has always used demos as evidence
I don´t like these bans in some level. Haven´t watched them though, guess they are _really_ obvious.

Waiting for the first banned guy who does a awesome performance at LAN and then gets banned again when returning to clanbase and playing on same level :)
they aren't obvious
so if I spoof mAus and go cheat on a public, then he will be banned from CB? brb
The real h3ll should be inactive since a long time, and the ip doesn't correspond to him; but it corresponds to the other known italian cheater, and Italysh33p's friend, Italyynos, who could not play under his real identity due to being busted

and of course sh33p knows that it wasn't the real h3ll

I'm not saying that this h3ll account should be unbanned btw. If real h3ll ever returns to playing he could just create a new cb account, and if someone asks him "are you the same h3ll that got busted here" he could correctly answer "no" :D
So if I'm in a clan and my teammates want to bust me I'm screwed? :D
you wanna join my clan?
omg, it's sCoot and I dunno where he is ;p
you know better than me that his account got deleted ;)
almost as sure as you were about fab being clean, rite? heheheheh
i bet u havent watched the demos then :<
sheep is a cheater and only someone BLIND couldn't notice it.
"h3ll"'s demos are obvious but sh33p's demos aren't
Oh I'm even more sure of that than you are, that wasn't the point :D
you're so missing the point of this thread.
he has been in my clan once

1) All the time he was talkin about cheats.ALWAYS. And i always used to tell him that i hate cheaters and i dont want to listen to talk about cheats.

2) He used to say that he could "kill them all" if he only wanted...

3) He has been friend of DVD dj. One of biggest cheaters ever.

4) who spected his demos isn't a noob.

1 coincidence is a coincidence, 2 coincidences are coincidences, 3 coincidences are a proof.

I think there are enuf proofs to ban him

one more thing. to be a cheater u don't need aimbot and wh. a selfmade .dll that removes knockback make u highskilled.
The real H3ll plays in my clan, he's clean but he has been banned from CB due to "suspect action" in a 2on2 demo match.


Here you can see "super suspicious" demos and how lame can be an admin in CB. But of course, CB will not recognise his error and maybe also they hold cb ban. Btw, please watch demos and tell me if he cheats or not.

Killerboy on irc: "KiL|3rBoY: aimbot and wallhack"

CB should change their 'demo cheating' supervisors.
what are you talking about, that's the fake h3ll mentioned in the op and his demos show an obvious aimbot
I talk about real H3ll(also italian), not about sheep and his fakes..
well the demo you linked is the same demo I linked in the original post retard (no offense)
k sorry, but you really think there is cheating on hell's demo? Really??
yes, obvious aimbot
Wow ok, at least you are the second person who thinks there is an OBVIOUS aimbot in demo. Thx 4 the opinion.
obvious hack tough
i watched the attack demo on SD2 and personally i wouldn't have banned him! unfortunately i have retired from CB!
OMG! one cb ex-admin that tells truth! Thx bulldog! Btw why are you out of cb?
no time anymore, busy at work :( i'm still on there as admin however.
Which one did you watch? H3ll or the other guy?
watched demos... nothing of special. all normally imo.
BTW all clanbase staff thinks opposite :D Welcome to clownbase.
Known cheaters xDDDDDDDDDDD Proofs? Always talking shit kid.
So if i show you that h3ll wasn't spoofing nothing, you remove ban? When people tell you there is no hax, you talk about yawn/forumtopics/spoof, and when people tell you there are no spoof/no yawn/no topic proofs you continue with "obvious aimbot". Unbelievable.
God takes us confessed! Killerboy uberbuster has made a prediction!
Glad to hear things about Ynos? Ynos is not h3ll. Like 20 times saying the same and you doesn't learn.
So if i proof you that h3ll haven't been spoofed you will remove ban? Because i can proof it.
So what can i do to make u remove ban?
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