My modest tool...

Hi, i've made a little tool for ET for my teamtes, now it's near final release, so i wanted to share it with CF community... :
Here it is

It's a minimiser, scrim launcher, cfg saver, toolbar for Mirc+mumble/TS/vent+statwhore+Xfire+splatterladder...

Here is my modest website

Now Flam:ON on me dudes ;)

--------- News :
New ETUL update (26_06_08) :

- New intergrated Patch-Selector. It will be downloaded automatically during the first launch of Scrim-Launcher. In this way, you will not have to download it each ETUL updates. It is a patch selector 2.6b/2.55 only, and will be installed in the game folder, in a directory "ETUL patchselector." This patch selector won't come into conflict with others patchselectors that you have already installed, so no worries.
- Consequently, the configuration of ETUL is simplified (no adjustment for the patch selector).
- nicer downloading interface for next updates and for the patch-selector auto-download.
- The scrim-Launcher closes automatically once a game launched.
- If a game is already running, Scrim-Launcher will not launch a second game (which caused a kick of the game). A message will tell you that a game is already in progress.

cant start et

sth with patch selector
Nice thanks!
Nice tool :)
Thx Anias !
By the way, Works only on Windows....
At first start, it installs "AUTOHOTKEY" (the language program for my script)
If game doesn't start, launch the configuration (one of little red icon in the toolbar) and configure it the way you want (parameters or wizzard)
If you don't use a patch selector, just put "et.exe" insted of "260b.bat" and "255.bat"
thx 4 try it ;)
anias tu l'a fais en VB? Ou c'est beaucoup plus compliquer que ca?
Quoteit installs "AUTOHOTKEY" (the language program for my script)
gj !

Joli :-)
my god man cant you make it in fucking english?
yeah i though the same, like i am not able to download it xDDD

nice tool i like it ;)
Good job!
good job!
but... i tried to make it in english... just click on first link.... "Here it is"
@Bruce non pas en VB mais en "Autohotkey" (
Anias ne fait pas attention, cette communauté flamme beaucoup pour quedalle, tous des assistés et des handicapés, faut pas chercher.

Beau boulot, mais c'est vrai que quand tu clique sur "Here it is", ca donne la page en francais... Bon après n'importe qui avec un QI de plus de 20 sauras comment le télécharger.

Encore une fois nice one et merci :)
ok, click on "Télécharger ce fichier" ;)

(merci rebel)
ur sucks! :<
wow nice effort! merci beaucoup!
"Modest" is your favourite word?
ignore some nubs here!!
funny how even with such an awesome tool, there still are retards in here flaming the shit, shows how credible crossfire actually is.

thanks m8, for the nice tool, and also for the effort :>
thank you guys, but still modest ;)

Now i can give you some instructions :
- First of all configure your ETUL to set you tools correctly.
- Then the Scrim launcher is the most specific tool of ETUL :
* First line is to launch a game, copy it's settings (ip+pw) to clipboard and then past it in TS/mumble/vent ; you can also put it in favorites. If a teamates send you a linck likne "connect xxx; password xxxxxx", you can copy it from TS/mumble/vent and use the "paste" button to launch directly the game on this server.
* then you have a favorite board you can rearrange as you want
* then there are historics where servers launched (or copied...) are automatically added.

ETUL can also :
- delete all "*.tmp" files at start
- count your pk3 files
- save your cfg files automatically as often you want (configure it)
- open game+etmain folder
- minimize the game with the hotkey you choosed.
lol virus imo

suspicious Trojan/Worm
Who has hacked ur brain ?
je kanker moeder
Yep, false positive.
Further evidence that AVG, Bitdefender and Kaspersky are the most reliable!
All compiled programs made with "Autohotkey" makes "false positives" or "suspicious" with anitvirus like avast!
see : Autohotkey forum about false positives
You tested the archive made with WinRAR that contains the installation program. The program itself is not compiled and can't be a virus/trojan.

Besides, I have given you the address of my website, many people use my tool and no one had problem, so you can trust me.

Sorry for my bad English.

By the way, this tool is coded in script code, so you can open it with your notepad to see what it contains and how it's done. Every one can open it, its like "open source"... enjoy !
It is sad to see as a work of several months may be suspected and devalued ...

For smart guys, enjoy ! Others /care ;)
New ETUL update (26_06_08) :

- New intergrated Patch-Selector. It will be downloaded automatically during the first launch of Scrim-Launcher. In this way, you will not have to download it each ETUL updates. It is a patch selector 2.6b/2.55 only, and will be installed in the game folder, in a directory "ETUL patchselector." This patch selector won't come into conflict with others patchselectors that you have already installed, so no worries.
- Consequently, the configuration of ETUL is simplified (no adjustment for the patch selector).
- nicer downloading interface for next updates and for the patch-selector auto-download.
- The scrim-Launcher closes automatically once a game launched.
- If a game is already running, Scrim-Launcher will not launch a second game (which caused a kick of the game). A message will tell you that a game is already in progress.

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