Secret Weapon TE

I come to you, the community, to ask what you would want to see in a tournament edition of sos_secretweapon.

The most prominent criticism of the map had to be the FPS issues in the courtyard, which will be the first issue to be addressed.

Gameplay, aesthetics, bugs... anything you feel would need to be changed for sos_secretweapon_te to become a competitive map.

A makeshift list;

- Fix fps issues in courtyard

edit: Received a response from the map creator, \o/

for the newschoolers who don't know the map, Modus Operandi: Vindication; Australian accents included:
get me the full source and ill take a look at it with eiM :>
indeed <333
you passed your exams?
dno, will hear it next tuesday ;-)
then the best of luck from me.
we have to play 3on3 with daniele again.
but atm i m so fucking busy :'<<<
waiting for a response from the map creator, good to know i have your support in this \o/

perhaps we can get this map in nationscup
is delivery also in there?
was a pretty ok map, besides i havent touched radiant for a pretty long time, should come in again (since i am designing in other games lately).
hes a sl nerd
i should kick you in the nuts!
eiM: when i am good in sl design, lets start a company ;D

You are 18 now? :P
Ok, I had a response from the map creator, #secretweapon for now and we can talk about ideas
the game just sucked too hard to be played by me :D
you got a point on that. I only design / sell in it, not that i play it 24/24 on those disco's and so...
sl, earning rl money with it. Not that its hard, just asks some knowledge of modelling tools (maya and so) ^^
Are you creating maps in q3 lately?
Yeah I've made few defrag maps.
thats cool. Should download q3 again first
secondlife, a more or less market for company's to advertise
Your opinion =)
if you don't share my opinion your opinion is bad
has nothing to do with my opinion, if you think the game sux, good for you.
i'm bored and i'm gonna keep replying with bs
what is sl ? ^^ How are you doing btw
Any word on map author yet? I be willing to help if it's not too big of a job.
yes I have had a reply, can I contact you on msn or irc?
IRC on Saturday afternoon or Sunday.
Give me screens of the map first :D
you don't know the map? :s it was alwasy on fdnl 3 years ago!
he's too newschool :P
Santje toch, you know that I'm kinda newshool :P
Hows you JOSHUA :D D:D:D
I'm fat, you love me?
yes! <3 fat people
I love you to :D
isnt that the map from the Modus Operandi Movie?
watch modus operandi: vindication
thats the only thing i like about that map :o
would you like more walls maybe?
no i don't wallhack polish tard
give map link and some server with it :<
I always liked this map, just as I liked Karsiah. Wonder where they went. (not that secretweapon was ever used in European competition though, afaik)
i think it was used one season, i even remember the ilogik/vindicated tactics for it \o/
CB used it in OC can't remember year
karsiah sucks, secretweapon is nice though
yes please.

fix the fps issues and that map will rock.

and i agree with perfo, karsiah was coolness too!
To bad that nobody likes karsiah as much as you and perfo do, because its a really nice map and stuff, I enjoyed playing it
Hmmmm never had any fps issues myself with Secret Weapon.

A Tournament Edition would be awesome imo.
Crevasse_b3 plz edit to perfection!!!!
agree also nice map
it my fav map ever!
idd, was a rly nice map... dont rly get what ppl didnt like about it :D
Nice, would be great to have this map back.
I'd like to see this map return. Its awesome.

and good old sof tactics on how to deliver the documents.......
Haven't played it even though im kinda oldsqewl.
lets just say bring oldskool bak, mabee new fueldump but make it less big!
There's already a sw_fueldump - which be terrible :O)
Yes, but wasn't it only the allied spawns that were changed (spawn @ cp)?
Don't like the map
we dont care what you like or not! you are inactive! :D:D:D
nice to see ppl trying to get more diffrent maps around
I'm making a new map atm but I'm having problems with my mapmaker :(
great map, better tax are rly important there, but imo some new competitive version of stalingrad or crevasse or cathedral comeback would be better
nowadays ET rly needs smth new
stalingrad! i liked climbing to the church tower :D it was foking nice map on pubs
I didn't know there was a churchtower on Stalingrad :o)
Afaik it's all streets with a couple of open buildings.
cathedral_b7 (the one that was played at shg) was fucking ownage. this map is great, i cant get it why people dont like it
idd, I like it
Make a blend between supply & adler & beach!
hmm, i remember the map... blurry. Is it that alltheway grey map with corridors, some pipes on walls n stuff, random plane somewhere? Cant say i liked it back then... yet much better than random brandorfs n stuff
good idea

axis just get spawnkilled for 10 minutes, how is that fun?
imo that would be a great idea to make a small summer cup, where there will be only old maps and some unpopular maps
stalingrad, cathedral, secret weapon, karsiah, caen, crevasse, dubrovnik, warbell
+ maybe venice, village, wolken, fueldump
as for me, I enjoyed playing on most of them and a cup would give us an opportunity to remember those good old times + it would show if some of those maps have potential nowadays so we could fix possible bugs and make those maps popular again

post your opinions and possible map pools guys :>
and how many teams do you think will signup if the teams have to make tacs for like 10 new maps? xD
i agree with new maps, but this won't work out =)
how the fuck can you forget railgun
cathedral, village, dubrovnik, karsiah are nice maps =]
wolken is great in 3on3, played oc with it. but didnt like it in 6on6
Yeah Wolken_1 turned out shit for 6v6 so rather than remake it I tried making it great 3v3 map, saddly it never took off as much as I hoped for.

Also they was another wolken map I made for comp that was aimed for 6v6, this was wolken_6, again this never took off though and was my last map for ET.

Also to clear up confusion they were 6 wolken maps made, only 4 were released though, they were meant to be like a story line that connected them all. wolken 1 and 6 were the comp map attempts, rest were pub only.
it is a brilliant map by mixing objectives in between spawn points.

First stage is really great with the variety of attack plans and the capability for axis to regain control.

Only downside is the upperfloor in the garage once the allies have the flag, there is hardly a way for axis to get there unless there is more cover for them when running across the area where the tanks are situated.

A solution could be that there is a walking bridge over the tanks all the way across the garage with some areas with cover so the axis are no running ducks when crossing it. Also it will make it a little harder for allies to storm the axis spawn.
Yes indeed, it sometimes was way easy to keep axis pinned into their spawn.
did u find out who stole those keyboards etc cash?
Hi twidi:DDDDDD
played it alot, didn't like it :/ even bremen seems better
bring back caen, np
imo take fuledump and railgun, make them smaller and edit it so it can fit into clan wars :)
gtfo, shitmap
always liked sos
Requires way too much teamplay to be accepted.
Have faith in the community!

I've been waiting for someone to mention SOS... do it.
I never really liked the map - it's just a touch too open and fluid for me, but that's probably just because it's different rather than because it's bad, per se.

Cash's suggestion of a secure route from the axis spawn to the garage (where the secret weapon is) is a good one, imo. iirc the area around the plane could be better - the big hangar building there and some of the random cover was a bit dodgy from what I recall. Plus I'm not sure the random insta-death from the propeller actually adds anything to the map in competetive play :p
That propeller is AWESOME.

We were praccing vs SoF a few years ago, all 6 of us dead, and the propeller got a five man kill, they were chain reviving try to secure against that beast of a propeller!
Dear goodness, on euro pubs all I see is braun 24/7... It's stupid to over play a map like that.
that map is crap
why not take oasis..
man i love u!!!!!!!!!
very nice map :) ... why dont u take oasis/railgun/fueldump ;>
because splash damage did not make these maps for competition, they made them for 30 player public servers... whats the point of trying to fix maps that are inherently flawed?

radar was pure luck by splashdamage
one of the best map ever. I remember the nice times they still played it on Telenet.
cool map
Yes, Goed geluk
Sos is a really good map
gtfo this map sux
cathedral/warbell/crevasse are better imo
had to smile
dubrovinik is a lot of better.
Revive old maps ffs. GTFO with those shit maps sos_alike.
awesome map

bring it back plz
v2_base needs to be edited
it's a really bad map, especially for 6v6, no use investing the time to develop it.
"3rd Clanbase OC 7th division Spring 2007"

I doubt you have even played it, troll.
nice judgement, cheater :P
I played it in American competition, so I probably played it more than you.
great map bring it back :)
it was cool map.. played it in offi few times.
thought stop the escape planes engines.. >_>
will there be any interest in new pub server running those maps?
(stalingrad, cathedral, secret weapon, karsiah, crevasse, dubrovnik)

since i still have a 20 slot server that im not using.
if there are enough people wishing to bring back memmories, i could make it possible.

also should it be obj based or just frag?
if obj; stopwatch or mapcycle?
I like how you (the community) have only recently realised you need to work with the mappers to get good results, it's shame you didn't figure this out few years ago when they were plenty of talented mappers willing to make maps but after constant flame and whine and little feedback they gave up, me included.
nice saying that you are a talented mapper
he is a talented mapper!
not saying he isn't, but i want proofs
do you know the "wolken" maps?

or check his lately released etqw map!
point taken
if your not the only guy that would want to play there once in a while, i will.
im not using my server anymore so it's worth a shot.

also are there any maps i can add to the list?
You could add transmitter as well. =)
so as maplist : karsiah_te, sp_delivery_te, radar and stalingrad, cathedral, secret weapon,Crevasse, dubrovnik, village and maybe transmitter (never heard of it myself)

from these maps i would like to know the correct mapname/versions:
Stalingrad, cathedral, secret weapon,Crevasse, Dubrovnik, village, tansmitter?

mix of old-school and newer maps (like delivery_te) which i think would do good at some point.

stopwatch, so 2 rounds for each map.
would like to have ET_admin at some point, so we can limit heavy weapons if there is less then a certain amount of players (less then 10 probably)

also any maps i forgot?
it's nice for pub, but for competition? too damn big imo
hurry hurry hurry =D
me wants to PALY PALY
best of luck
Wasn't the case when I was still mapping for ET saddly, when tried to make a comp map I didn't get much help in regards to testing and so on, only could get a handfull of people willing to help, needless to say the end result was big flop and no one played the map and yeah they were column and journals made, it was around same time mitti tried that revive ET thingy and the ET ace mod started.

Anyway yeah if this mapping project discussed in this topic needs any help I could probably make brief return!
there was this newmaptest project?
Dont loose motivation man! Believe me that there are plenty of players who wanna help and are kind and spend lots of free time on things about our beloved game! Hope you can find enthusiasm back to W:ET, maps are important! If we can finish and upgrade maps that are not finished or not competitive play ready it will be awesome!

battery with allies spawn at CP, fixing dubrovnik, braundorf, oasis etc etc
Listen to this man! :D
<3 (btw waiting to result of my last exam aaaa!)
If u do return, leave a message, u know ur my favourite twat :)
Hahaha, oh jesus didn't know that, kind of left ET after that all started.
good map
when is the map already out???
username: wsk
username: ruoska
the map is already good as it is without the fps problems, but gl with it :D cant wait to see what you come up with :)
did you start yet?
Stop wasting your time on this shitty map please! :(
Bad map for competition.
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