how to get better teamwork

Hello mates,

I see in Pub/also in Wars someone always Flaming me like revive omfg and that on..

Now im sick of it and now i want to know what i can do to get better teamwork?

It would be great if someone can help me with his..

its really sucking

publics : dont care

wars: common sense
publics : /ignore

wars: revive only!
u have the gamesense of a blind cat , so turn ur hack off and get back to him on that , np
good comms needed, if your mate dies he needs to say HES LOW

(which if your not dumb means kill him first before revive)

if he doesnt say that, he could get u killed or down full, so ban him.
homework, done in 20 min
publics: are gay
wars: are lesbian
lesbians pwn
thing is serious
Spree: pidar
well dont always revive, even if they ask sometimes it will just get you killed. revive when you see you can cover yourself behind his blueshield. you can revive run over him etc, just see what you can do reviving is a great thing.. jump and revive.. dont hit the legs with needle learn to quickly switch from gun to needle and back to gun etc etc.. just look how the pro's do it
i lold also :D
why did you lol
demos = skill
Spec me on ETTV.
when he has panzer!
Samenwerking met de Panzerfaust is nog niet optimaal
doe je niks aan
Don't spec perfo on ETTV
play for years in same team
teamplay is overrated, FRAAAAAAAAGSSSS are the most important! at least guard your spawn like a true hero if you can't kill anyone - for better stats + heal only yourself
Only a well-tuned command map is needed, and you can revive even before they ask you on ventrilo...if you have teammates, you don't even need to see or hear them, because the command map and the red "revive" icons of your killed teammates on it tell you all about where the enemies are/will come, and where reviving is needed.

But it takes a lot of time till you use it perfectly, to cast a sidelong glance, and to react very fast while checking other parts of the game.
don't worry, damage isn't underrated yet! that's what I've seen & heard!

oh yea, spec perfo on ettv.
comms is the main part
Jij kan helemaal niet gamen jij bent invalide!
ik own je nog steeds :p
If you play medic just watch your radar more often,you will have for sure less whine and more revives.
Public: Just don't care, if you just play 4 fun or train your tracking skills.

Wars: Revive first and go on, you can hide behind the revived guy, so it will give you a nice spot to hide in fight.
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