Looking for clan.

Im looking for active 5o5 / 6o6 team.
Im 15. I have played ET for 2 years. I can speak English / Finnish.
Skill med / med + or just test me and you would see it.
For more info /q dundy / dundy` at irc.
And no im not gona put any random flags / pic's
I've been thinking, what's the difference between med+ and med-high... I mean, if you're above med, but not high you're med-high so if you're med+ you're med-high... So if it was me, I'd say; "LoL looking for a clan med-high" Sounds more impressive.
med+ = a bit more than high

med/high = more high than med but not high enough to dont get flamed coz of highskilled search :)
sounds special imho :)
lets say
low = 1
med = 2
high = 3

med-high = 2.5
med+ = 2.25
high- = 2.75

my opinnion!
Your opinion really doesn't count.
Even though I have no surprising skills in gaming, I still consider my opinion to be just as valueble as those of mine or other people, so please go away.
What does me not considering your opinion valid, have anything to do with gaming? R-tard.
Well, thats what you made it look, because tell me why my opinion should count less than yours?
Because the world revolves around me, and the only reason you are alive, is because you amuse me.
cant get a proper argument against that :)
how about?
everyone in this scene is med+ the ones who feel to be better shall ask for their NT
I used that analogy a few months ago, thanks for stealing it. :<
I used it back at the Netherlands Woudmees so if you would get something like a seven plus it would count as a 7.25, thats like 6 years ago!
hi nev, btw you are right :x
I know, because I own.
I just dont like medhigh i prefer med + :>
dundy soz, but u are low+
sanooo Scarce 8----DDDDDDDDDDDDD
Scarce as i sayed im looking for med / med + team oh and yeh im not low + ;>
gl bundy
moi pallo !:|
:) gl mate he is definatly skilled but sounds like he is 4 on comms :(

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