busted or not?

i got a problem.... i got normally 20/30 fps and i tried fraps already... (doesnt work) so now i want to try Rivatuner but i heard that if u use it you get busted?
does someone know more about this? please pm
It's allowed since you don't use it for increasing lodbias afaik..
Busted. It's an external program, and u aren't allowed to have them. Thx
Using rivatuner to a normal extend will not get you busted. Using it too much so that it starts to remove bushes and trees and such or that it's almost like r_lightmap 1 WILL get you busted.

But then again, if you have 20/30 fps in ET you might want to think about upgrading your pc.
Razz did got busted for external crosshair right, not for his tweakings? Atleast what I did hear
Razz got busted... Period.

Doesn't matter wether the official ban says it was because of external crosshair or for tweaking rivatuner too much. It was simply the combination of.

I bet that if he never tweaked rivatuner that bad and remained to use the external crosshair, he'd never get be busted. (unless he would take a weird shape for the crosshair)
Thats not my point, my point is:

He got busted for using External crosshair or for using the rivatuner tweakings. Because in the clanbase rules there was the rule " No external crosshairs allowed in any type of game"

thats why i'm wondering for what he did got banned
Read my comment again.
Rivatuner isnt forbidden, but if you are playing with rivatuner on really lowdetails you cant barely see your crosshair. So if you like no bushes and therefor no crosshair, go for it, you wont get busted. The use of external crosshairs is indeed forbidden.
if you tweak too much you cant see your crosshair anymore so you have to use external crosshair
you cant spot external xhair, he got busted for pbss which clearly showed rivatuner
Quoteyou cant spot external xhair

but you can spot a non existing crosshair that shows: external needed xd
but mostly xd
and rivatuner wont give a fps boost anyway!
some, but not much.
not worthy the effort!
so that means i can only use rivatuner for a several of times?
No. You can only use rivatuner and tweak to a certain point. Once you will start to gain a visual advantage, you've tweaked it too much.

using it too much is not the same as using it too often :P
It's allowed since you don't use it for increasing lodbias afaik..
Ofc it's allowed. If you just use it to increase clock speed etc then it's basically the same principle as overclocking.
fraps? for what? higher fps? :D
What is the violation you get kicked for using rivatuner?
no fun at all, need cash :<
naiz friendlist sir
english plx
definitely busted
Overclocking your GPU with RivaTuner will NOT get you busted.
This should help slightly with FPS, although ET is CPU intensive a GPU core and mem boost will help a bit. Seeing as Riva is free and it takes all of 10 seconds to OC its worth it.

Fucking around with OpenGL settings in RivaTurner WILL get you busted.
busted xD
ffs, busted !!11
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