leito #2
Hi, I'm still looking for a 6on6 team active.
I'm so in need of a clan, sometimes I'm skilled (or not) and I can play medic, engi(smg) and rifle.
I can play all the time (sometimes I'm going out but just sometimes!)
So so so my old teams are in my cf profil.
I'm so in need of a clan, sometimes I'm skilled (or not) and I can play medic, engi(smg) and rifle.
I can play all the time (sometimes I'm going out but just sometimes!)
So so so my old teams are in my cf profil.
Si pas, j'aime pas trop jouer rifle je joue plus engi(smg) et medic :)
problème on est deja 8/9 d'actifs :/
sinon bonne chance a toi pour trouver un clan et si un jour on a besoin d'un gars en plus, jte pmerai :)