sick needs a new team

I am looking for a clan on a high level, that wants to compete in the next Eurocup, UQ-Cup and the CPC#2 - LAN.
The last team I was playing for was Croatia elite, but I left them after nearly one year due inactivity-problems and therefor I am now looking for a serious team again.
I can play every class on a high level except rifle. Moreover I am a stable player, which you can trust in and which won`t leave after a few lost praccs or officials.
I have LAN-experience from Austrian LAN`s and I am able to get to CPC #2.
To stop the text I`ll come straight to the facts:

Current teams:

Austria Team Austria
Europe filmriss (fun)
Europe dickheadmix (fun)

Past Teams:

Germany hardware4u
Croatia elite
+2 teams not worth to mention about

Additional Infos:

Age: 17
Country: Austria
Availability: Sunday-Thursday 19-23 CET
Language: Ofcourse I can speak German and English on a decent level.

You can also visit my webspace for some screenshots, stats, demos and ofcourse pics from me(some of them are may old). Furthermore you can find my archievements and additional infos in my xfire-profile:


You can catch me under the nick sick- in irc at operator status in:


If you have any further questions feel free to contact me in irc.

Thanks for your mindfulness and love goes out to everyone!
med- but still <3 u
Wow, midas the rtcw-legend replyed to my comment!
and you are "granny" -skilled but <3 :D
gl <3

tsunamit war eh super x)
nice post
viel glueck alder ösi
gl sick! :)
gl, so phuckin skilled!
gl neitschy aka rambo with fullspawn every second spawn :p
StormG made himself look like a fool once more? =]
gl mate and next time ask me to make a thread for u, im seeking attention
image: drunk2

You look evil :o
yep, thats him xDD, think he was drunk as always
you know what, i think thats what the little kid in the omen grows up to look like :D
he isnt drunk, hes sick
<3 Strike Anywhere
yup, just another one of mine <3
gl fattie :d
gl ösi.
high skilled picture tbh
vü glück sick :) if u are interested ..
he wasnt searching for low xD
I hate fastfood xD
gl sick :)
gl sick :)
gl sick
image: family%20011
you look rly rly emo :o
Well, I think I am the opposite.
gl un soww xDD
gl sick
aye gl mate
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