Mistfits is still cless

I'm lookin' for an european / a french medskilled clan.

More informations about me here :

Contact me @ #clanless-et (/q Mistfits or Mist`off) Thx.
From "- low+ / med" to "medskilled clan" in 2 weeks
overrating most likely
Skill is rly a random thing... Nobody wants low+ and i can beat med on IRC, so I search a medskilled clan yep. Just think that i'm an other random cheater and leave me in peace. (i know, nice english.)
"i'm an other random cheater"

Never said that, I'm talking about overrating but GL, hope to see you soon ingame
I think that players should be not rated by "low / med / high", because a player who might be rated as "med" by most people, can play succesfully in a highskilled clan. Teamplay & spam & movement counts so much in this game. So basically low / med / high is better for rating clans / teams, not players.
Um, yeah, you got a point there
disagree, there are things like gamesense and aim
Teamplay: Know what your teammates do or probably do
Movement: Know when to move where to
Spam: Know when to place/throw whatsoever (includes prediction)

You do not need aim in et ^^
just gl!
dont take him hes a cheaterlover and tbh hes skilled so rebelii stfu k?
gl mist n1 guy :D <3
GL mistfits :)
Take him , he's SM !


GL mist ( <3Rosegland 4ever)
gl Mistfits
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