Dunno busted!

There was somebody aimbotting on Telenet, And i pmmed him and i asked who he was, he said : dunn0. So i thought dunno like i dont know, i dont want to tell.

So i made a screenshot of his guid and yawned him, and this was the result :


Click on the PB guid and result :


Why did he played on his own Etpro guid + PB guid?

Give him a break, he just wanted to stop ET XD
Ever considered the fact that he might not be hacking? -,-
180 headshots 40 kills 70 accuray flipping all round. okay
Nice prooveZ though.
who the fuck are you defending, fusen also said he joined :s
he's on some big cheat defense recently, all started with meez
Yeah, but I still don't see the proof it was actually dunno with the same PBGuid and ETPro guid he normally plays with. ETPro GUID only isn't enough. It's not you saying he hacks that makes me doubt.
he joined efterlyst aswell, and the fucking retards kept F2'ing the votekick
haha @ avi, nice aimbot dunno
go away tjeeter
ekhm, theres this guy with guid changer which kepps faking him with hacks at publics

he's a latvian also - Kurbads
and you are polish and me rofled irl
lol, guid spoofer is pub hax, so anyone can fake even you polish sherlock
Another Kurbads buddy?
you dont have a PB guid spoofer jew
i dont need it nazi
you cant fake PB guid.
yeah you can it's just not as popular
You can fake the pb guid it returns in a pb screenshot but not the one the actual player has/server reads
yeah you can, at least the last 8 chars anyway
hallo kurbads
btw he got yawned its not the same pb guid http://www.yawn.be/playerDetails.yawn?pbguidid=371071&playerid=794633
... he has a different pb guid from what i can see, so somebody probably guid spoofed. If you recheck your first link, i see he has a differen guid, or im jsut confused.
its not possible for a random public player.
no listen, i gave you the link with his guid, then you click on the PB guid and you see the whole list of dunno, so its him. with his PB guid
your 1st link, 1st pbguid
That's because yawn shows all the PBGuids matching the ETPro GUID you took from the hacker. Seeing as it's dunno's ETPro GUID, his normal PB GUID will also be there. -,-

i will explain it again :

You have one clean player and one hacker on the same ETProguid. As you said, the PB guid is then diffrent. So when i type the ETproguid i saw PBGUIDS. got it?

then i clicked on the PB guid of dickheads dunno who was already posted before for weird screenshots, and i saw the whole list of dunno's real yawn 3 pages. So it must be him.

got it ?
Are you as retarded as you make yourself look? The PB GUID you so happily clicked on wasn't the PB GUID the hacker used on Efterlyst. It was a new PB GUID, that had never been used.


THAT is the hacker, with dunno's ETPro GUID and a different PB GUID. It also states that he was the person playing on Efterlyst, not dunno.
Are you stupid, check your 1st link, do refresh in browser or whatever, and you will find 1 new PBGUID, that was made today. HELLO.
are u stupid?
fucker hacker! ban
you fucking hacker idiot.
I think you mixed some words up.

Try replacing "you" with "I am a", and you should be fine.
thx for calling me idiot, but at the same time knowing shit.
;) idiot
you are good at placing your arguments
haha happy 11th birthday Quarandes
ban quarander aswell.. you re too nice and can stay!

tbh even if somebody would ban you, you will also able to play every et cups np!
too sad that it is actually true.
u Post an ETPro guid and write a lil story and thats all? Rofl ur so poor, geh scheissen zerenderkind
falsches topic? das ist nich zerenders post
sollte so gemeint sein dass die beiden aus dem gleichen dunklen Loch kommen, Zerender der Vater zeugt den spacko hier die Misgeburt, deshalb auch "kind". Beide gleich verdorben beide gleich bekloppt, beide lil wannabe cheatbusters
tut mir leid, wollte deine kunden wirklich nicht vergraulen...
wenn du wüsstest :>
what people do for a +op in #cheatbusters.et
Yeah I cheated like hell, but didnt get it yet :<
cheaters only get voice ;)
allies 10.23
Quarandes are you an retard or what ?

There was somebody aimbotting on Telenet, And i pmmed him and i asked who he was, he said : dunn0. So i thought dunno like i dont know, i dont want to tell.

QuoteGive him a break, he just wanted to stop ET XD

and who are you mister?
but thanks for giving me more fame.
next time ask Kurbads to fake my PBGUID too and make forum thread again!
Quarandes just dont make any busted journals.
te grappig om waar te zijn dit
ban dunno, cheater for sure
different pb guid and Quarandes Member For: 23 days
nice try still
you cheat urself kid
kurbads, you are rly retarded
i thought the same
hi kiazax, kankerlijer

thnx ron
kankerlijer imo. tut tut aeq, terug naar school!
3 etpro guids in 6 weeks and one blank etpro guid....this smells like corrupt stuff.
You must either change your hardware every week or you screw around with them...spoofer.
tons of people like fucking around with their hardware. people DO have other hobby's than being a corrupt cop ;)
fucking around is something else than changing hardware you bold dildo lover :P Fucking around = looking for ways to cheat...
nah mr blacksnake :P Fucking around WITH THEIR HARDWARE. Just look at my etpro guids on yawn. I got quite a few. Ok ok, not in the last 6 weeks, but I can imagine people being just tweakers and like to change things with their computer. I know I've had a period where I was pretty much changing all of my hardware around and was reinstall every week at least once or twice, cuz it was just a hobby to freak around with hardware and build different pc's.
LoL, tell me where did u see 3 etpro GUIDs within 6weeks?
i'm combining my HDD's during 2 years already, cant you see that there are a lot of the same GUIDs in different periods. And now tell me the other reason why i had to change my GUID.

P.S. i have BLANK guid in yawnlist, because some users are sending only PB_GUIDS, you could change this setting in yawn software.
chill m8, i only checked yawn, thats it. I didnt see any proof like demo's or screenshots.....or anything else suspicious
dunno what to say
There was somebody aimbotting on BiO. And i pmmed him and i asked who he was, he said : Quarandes. So i thought quarandes like fuck off, i dont want to tell.

So i made a screenshot of his guid and yawned him, and this was the result :

(url) [www.yawn.be]

Click on the PB guid and result :

(url) [www.yawn.be]

Why did he played on his own Etpro guid + PB guid?

Give him a break, he just wanted to stop ET XD
kiazax kanker godverdomme nou eens op man jij bent hier de cheater wij niet
you're missing something... evidence?
ban all retard here. please?
then they should ban even you...
flagfaker fuckin wnb yerman!
sry but who are you?
nobody cares if you cheat ob public, even they dont care if you cheat in clanwars.

nobody cares :(
"Quarandes Real Name: Daniel Age: 15 ( 27 August 1991 )"

Have you got anything to say more?
yeah, your english sucks
Sorry Mr CPE for my lack of skills.
where is the evidence that he was haxing@server ?
demo ffs....
sad try motherfucker
omg idiot if u want to hack take guidspoofer and delet your etkey :x

btw he changed 5 times his etpro guid thats also nice

1. 14E2E91F26FF924EC6103CFDA547A4CEA2DAEFF7
2. 3A865FFD02E35BB349C0AE4BA6642A18ACF30C5B
3. 14E2E91F26FF924EC6103CFDA547A4CEA2DAEFF7
4. 3A865FFD02E35BB349C0AE4BA6642A18ACF30C5B
5. AAFE41E849207B2C9058562728839CD3340045DF
as you can see there is only 3 different GUIDS. Firstly i had 2HDD's old and one new, then i installed system on new one, and GUID changed. After a while my system crashed and i needed to put old HDD as MASTER, while fixing the new one. When i fixed it, i played pretty long time with the old one, but then i needed to remove it, and set system back to the new one. And finally i bought 2 new HDDs, and threw away old ones.

Austria idiot
hmm i also changed my hdd but my guid never changed Serbia idiot
everytime i swap my HDDs, guid changes. Any actions with HDD makes your guid different. I have no idea why your guid didnt change, i guess u r just mistaken.
but i didnt change :<
kiazax busting other non-cheaters LOL
still waiting on evidence btw quarandes/kiazax aka [email protected].
mayby it was you ?
nee niet echt, maar hij zit telkens te bazuinen dat ik cheat. :d
dat doe jij ook bij hem:P
ja maar bij hem is er toch bewijs :D
ohja is ook zo , maar was er ook niet iets bij jouw ofzo: Ik hoorde je crouchen?
iets in die richting
ok houden we het daar op:)
haha vieze kanker kneus je cheat zelf ook kanker nerd.

haha vieze kanker kneus je cheat zelf ook kanker nerd.
quite strange. outlaw is from NL not croatia

Who faked Frozzen?
nice try kiaz(h)ax.
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