
The Celestial Kings of Chinese myth, also known as the world protectors. These demonic-looking creatures dwell on the world mountain Meru. They are the guardians of the four quarters of the world and of Buddhist teaching. They fight against evil and protect places where goodness is taught. Their bodies are protected by armor and they wear helmets or crowns on their heads. Images of them can be found in every Chinese and Japanese monastery.

In preparation for the next 1 day cup, we are looking for 4 skilled players to practice this week and play the cup, and then we'll see what happens from there.

General Requirements

:-2x Medics
:-2x Field ops

although players who can multi-class are much better. We need you active for about 3-4 days basically until the end of the cup. From 20CET+

Lineup at present

United Kingdom evan
Sweden Pepper
Finland You?
Finland You?
Finland You?
Finland You?

You can contact us at #tian-wang or pm either of us on here ofc. Thanks for your time.
name sucks, go to bed. gl though
pracing with a mixed 4 a cup :D
so u want finnish players? :p
he needs Swedentba to win tbh
tbh they need Iceland granny
true, online only ftw!
so we learned today Swedentba > Finlandtba :)=
doesnt matter about nationality but you will do ;P
i can be a rifle, np
GL pepper-klumpen..

du är snygg
snuble, vill du spela? ^^
jeg spiller med dfiance atm..

og blir nok opptatt med de ut uka desverre, men pm meg om dere trenger backup=)
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