Seek skilled 6o6 clan

- Age : 18

- From : France

- Can speak : France / United Kingdom

- Class : Soldier ( I can play medic but i have a nice soldier experience )

- Skill : real med+

- Availability : 5 days / week

- Bust : yes , @ June 2006

- What i need ? A serious and active clan , who doesn' t whine for nothing ( likes a rape from opponent ) .

You can find me on , /q ked . Thanks !
2nd, gl frenchie!
u like frogs?
- Bust : yes , @ June 2006
Yes ! i don' t lie !
real med+ for sure.
When I was 15 I thought that I'm med+ also!
new winghaven, o wait, u got busted !
gl ked n1 guy <3
What i need ? A serious and active clan i loled you wonna play soldier only!
med+ soldier :XD so you take 5 men on full every spawn with panzer?

gl though
You didn't stop ET :oo
LOL med+ soldier xD

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