Do all the scripts,mouse sensitivity,fps,etc really make a difference?

I was just wondering since there seems to be so much information on all of this.Do the very top players have all these customised to the max?

The only thing that bothers me is the recoil when you are getting shot at,the gun rises massive jumps.Is there a legal script that fixes this?
your fov fixes it :D higher fov - less recoil [placebo ofc]
hes newbie not noob :X
noob = newbie dumbass

newbie is someone that's new to something

noob is someone who has been playing/doing it for a while but still acts like a newb
Noob comes from the word newbie. If you say newb (not pronouncing the "b" as "bee") then it sounds quite like noob. So noob = newb.
cock and cook also sounds quite alike
The norwegian word for "cook" is pronounced like "cock".. And once there was this guy (think it was Ole Einar Bjørndalen, pwnage biathlon dude) who at a press conference invited people to their hotel "because we have a very good cock!"
and whos dumbass now ?:DDD
You still are
you're funny guy... face it: you made a fool from yourself...
actually he's right.

noob comes from newb.

it has gotten the connotation of a lowskilled player over the years
two words two different meanings... so he's not right
Quote by WikipediaComing from an oral tradition, the initial usage written either "newbie" or "newbee" (eg Los Angeles Times of August 1985: "It had to do with newbees. I could be wrong on the spelling, but newbees are the rookies among the Blue Angels...").

In internet usage the spelling "newbie" has been the norm, with some use of the shortened form "newb" (or "noob")
i guess someone should correct it... newbie and noob have different meanings, just look on nickv post
I feel for you xD
LOL at these guys who don't know a shit. :D
lol i love this community
ET has no recoil :(
changing binds made a difference for me but I'm a marginal case (I bound +attack on shift)
thats the reason why u suck so fucking much!
you mean the damageknockback instead of recoil i think ;)

And yes, the scripts and the other stuff makes the difference
only the class and spawn script makes the difference :<
Scripts make a massive difference. Try some stuff and find out for yourself! :D
It makes difference.
What makes the biggest difference is knowing your own settings in and out and being able to do what you're thinking without having to concentrate on pressing the right buttons.
Keep changing the settings till you are 100% satisfied with them. Sticking to same settings is important but makes no sense to be stubborned and use some configuration you don't feel comfortable with.

I use only one script and that's for capturing guids.
it makes the ET life comfortable!
top players have good settings for sure but not everyone have every setting customed to the max. Sensitivity is a personal thing so cant judge what it should be, someones are using TFTs eventhough CRT would be better. . mousepads and mice.. some are testing new ones monthly, some are using same for years. some have perfoheisers some have not, theres still much to do before we can call et players "professional" when it comes to settings and that kind of stuff

for example, there is big gain for using 180 turn script but still only few are using it. (top players like squall or butchji for example). I personally havent given it a try yet because im just lazy of using new bind !
-there is big gain for using 180 turn script but still only few are using it.

only lowsensers use that, its better if u can use a senstivity that works in all situations
sensitivity has nothing to do with that
even if you would be a highsenser its still better to use that script, so your low sensitivity logic is flawed.
180 are illegal. anyone using it will get a 1-0 loss, so don't try it :D
but squall and butchji use it in offis
yes, and if you haven't noticed then you must be really fucking blind, everybody have noticed it.
and why is it illegal?
it gives an unfair advantage to all those who don't use it. and the cvar was locked but it doesn't work, so Meez and co are doing smth to stop it in the next 3on3 and 6on6 config
the reasoning unfair advantage to all who arent using it is shit... so we all should play on 40 fps cause 125 is unfair advantage, and not everyone pc is good enough to play on 125 fps
your reasoning is wrong, its not against the rules to use 40fps while using the 180 script is illegal and the cvars are forced. therefore = bug abuse
bug abuse is better reason than unfair adv you mentioned in your post...
Quotefunction et_ClientCommand(cmd)
if string.lower(cmd) == "cl_yawspeed" then
return 1
return 0

There you go
its still works i think, cos the config is too slow to stop it


i press the bind
cl_yawspeed 36000
i turn 180
then its blocks it and gives me a cvar error.

dunno though
My lua works, it intercepts the cl_yawnspeed command so the server doesnt have to worry about the changing value. Tested worked: 100% Guaranteed!
its not like it illegal... cvar responsible for turning left/right is blocked in CB config... So its bug abuse when you use 180 script
you are joking right?
he's not to be honest :)
illegal? why you want to take away things what would make ET more professional? 180 script is not cheat and should be allowed to use
imo its lowskilled to use that :>
and should be illegal
what is lowskilled in it? Instead you would've to use fast flip which causes spread (which makes it total lotto if you hit or not)so using 180 script is definetly more skilled. ( = better result )
people have so lowsense so they _cant_ turn fast, takes like 1 second for them, thats mostly why they use 180 script.
you are totally missing the point
nop i understand what u mean above, but for me i still think it should be illegal :)
tell me one good reason why

I have only positive things about that
people use it in offi, so why do u not bust them ?

dont say its illegal, when u dont do anything about it :)
its impossible for me to check 100 demos every day to see whose using it :/

if you see someone, match conflict it
chmpp already told some people who use it, he named squall. so just have a look at his offi matches then? if it is illegal :)
Where abouts are you from Irish?
There is difference with pistol if you have ~70fps or 125fps.
about knockback. example with 120fov.. you can see more so everything looks smaller, so it gives a feeling "not that much knockback". ofc it's as big than with 90fov, but the feeling is different. I still prefer 90fov and use crouch will shooting most of the time coz of less spread.

about 180 scritps. ppl always saying it's illegal. it should be, but never seen any conflics about it. some ppl says that "use sensitivity which can make the same in different situations." well i would still use 180script coz you will win more time and if you move your mouse that much, it your wrist/arm might be in a bad position. it might cause bad tracking coz you doesnt feel good.

about scripts. there aint that much useful scripts. an artillery scritp is useful, but it seems to be only one. ofc i have also some others, but bit more useless at normal situations.

most of the "TOP" players has aswell commands pretty close each other.
some differences: m_pitch , sensitivity, fov, drawgun. just some examples
most of the players still have graphic settings pretty close each other.
can remember zerender's & kot's cfg as random examples.
Quotemost of the players still have graphic settings pretty close each other

its because ET doesnt give you too much options in this matter
QuoteThere is difference with pistol if you have ~70fps or 125fps.

whts the difference mate?
if you use 71 fps you have less recoil with the pistol/sniper try it you will feel a great difference
what's the difference about the cg_drawgun 0 stuff? I'm playing with cg_drawgun 1, but one of my friends said if I play with cg_drawgun 0 like him, than I'll have less recoil when someone shoot at me, right or wrong? :D
well... no big difference... with 90-100fov it's kinda awfull if you have drawgun "1" coz the gun blocks like 30% of the screen.
In a situation where you're higher than enemies.. gun blocks your view if enemy is @ downmiddle of your screen.
I'm playing about 95% of time with fov 105, and it doesn't block my screen in any way...
try with 90.. like i said ;)
use a rifle thats smaller :)
Thanks for all the help,just one more question what sort of scripts?

Are they just for switching between things or is there other things to do with them?

The original thing I was talking about was damage knockback.
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