CC5 Sunday 3v3 Cup

I'm considering running a 3v3 ET cup on the Sunday of CC5 (14th December). This cup would have a small entry fee (say, 15 euros, 5 per player), with half the money going to the Don Baker Gateway Cancer Research appeal and the rest distributed as prizes, or possibly with hardware prizes. Signups would be open at the event, and both spectators and players no longer in the main competition could take part.

I've not sorted the logistics of this yet, or confirmed it with the other admins, but I thought I'd gauge the interest. So - if you're coming to CC5, either to play or spectate, would you be interested in an event like this? A quick 3v3 single elimination cup played on sunday from about 10am, with the final starting at around 4pm.

Your opinions, comments and suggestions please, but only if you're likely to come to the LAN!
o/ nice idea!
that would be really awesome gl
wud b nice
could be nice
no thnx

wouldn't fit int he shedule I guess. Most people will have a train to catch or need to get to the airport.

But could be nice for the specs but then it should be held when cc5 is finished, more like a small thing for the people who didn't had the chance to play 6v6 at cc5.
That's the problem I see. Most people leave before 5pm Sunday (meaning the place is pretty empty for the CoD final), and those that don't are generally playing on Sunday. Other potential problems are that it would mean players couldn't watch the finals (except CoD grand final), and that a 10am start might be a bit early for some people planning to party away the night on saturday.

It wouldn't be a huge tournament either way - probably 12-16 teams of 3 at most, maybe a few more, there's no real reason to run it later tho, as there are enough spare machines on sunday and we need sunday night to tidy and pack everything up.
well you could make it like a one day cup with a direct knock-out system.

And maybe make it for the specs only, it could fit in 1-1,5 hour and could also be ncie to watch for the cc5 players.

This way you can attract the specs, but don't realy think thats ur intention. But it would be a nice plus for the specs. (or people who will only show up for the 3v3)
That was pretty much what I was planning anyway. I think 4pm is a very pessimistic time for the final start - it's more likely to be around 2-3pm. 1-1.5 hours is pushing it, given we don't have an unlimited number of PCs and I want more than 4 entrants...

I was very conservative with the initial schedule I drew up for it, in retrospect.
remove yourself from that lineup and I might consider it as a good one ;>
I agree, mAnki is pwnhacker!
dont be a wussy
could be nice :)
ps: 3o3 high /Q me
thurdsay id say!
Too busy with setup and bootcamps are using the PCs.
who cares about those bootcamps! :D ( like they will use 25+- computers +.+
4 teams and its+20 easily
just make whole lan 3v3
I will play this 3v shit :)
fims on lan ololo :D D
i would play :) nice idea!
Yes please, would be nice.
you will play with ur almighty team and you never loose supply.

Thanks for this constructive comment.
Now Adacore knows alot more about making a 3v3 tourtnament or not.
sounds nice. i would play :)
with this event I even consider coming!
ben je sexy irl?
loa sinds jij weg bent, heb jij echt trauma's opgedaan
english please
dat heb ik ooit op deto vent gehoord o:, heej heb je toevallig nog een 6v6 clan met vent 3 en een plaats open? :<
wat heb je precies gehoord dan? :P nah ik zoek zelf ook nog een clan :( doe meer 3on3's met Domi, en heb vandaag met dnan meegedaan
ik heb zin om weer met jullie te spelen etc =D maar dan met vent >.<. 3.0 doet het gloof ik
zal niet gaan gebeuren knul :( geen 3.0 + geen 6on6
zwaar kloten! /dutch
just skip the 6on6 part and play 3on3 only :D

awesome idea though
That would be awesome!
Do it we ll play :D
But all the players must have the possibility to play even they play 6on6 on Sunday
That's not possible, I'm afraid. By sunday we've only got the top ~5 teams left in each game (depending on the total number of teams in the tourney). Those teams have to play pretty much back to back games for the whole day, so would have no time for 3v3s.
another thing, would it be possible to play with your 6v6 team (if you're already out) with 6 .. meaning 2 teams of 3 ? or is there a limit of 1 team / clan ?
I was actually hoping for 2 teams per clan being the norm where possible, so yes, by all means!
count us already in then! both teams :P
make it to thursday then! or maybe saturday after the 6o6 games?
thursday, lol gtfo really ;DD
most of the guys come there on thursday so why not? and as adacore said ~~ top-5 teams in 6on6 tournament cant play it @ sunday
well ye you got a point there (for the top 5 teams then) that they can't play it

european clans might come on thursday yes, but for a lot of belgians, dutchies, it's early, as most come on friday morning afaik

can't be perfect for everyone anyway so :)
I would like to see players from these top-5 teams in the tournament, makes it more skilled
Ideally it’d be great if the top players had the opportunity to compete – but it’d very much be a secondary goodwill tourney on ada’s behalf. I don’t think them not being able to compete should be a barrier to hosting a ‘fun’ 3v3 comp.
Thursday is out for the reasons I explained to chmpp above (bootcamps and we'll be doing setup), Saturday late-night is an outside possibility, depending what total signup numbers look like. I could certainly see having late-night games on saturday as a possible way to get teams which are still in the main 6v6 tournament into the 3v3 competition, but probably not for the whole tourney.
That would be a nice one, having the 3on3 tourney on saturday night ( as you already said, most people will be gone @ sunday)
maybe I will come on sunday!
nice one :D
Would be awesome :)
i wil lbe there!
NICE! I am up for it!
I will be there if you do a 3o3 CC5 day!
:xDDDD met hit :xDDDD
nice one
no not really, only green is going for the moment, in addition of another team (not sure yet though!)
we are the only fif team going wim !
we are the only fif team going wim !
we are the only fif team going mads!

oh wait ... we still need to find a 6th 30 seconds before our game ...
Worm spiROZE Fex !!! JAWHOOL :)
im avi ;d
would be pretty fun, i'd play fo sho
fucking nice
Would be cool (as you might have noticed), I'm up for it :-]]
nice idea!
Would win it.
To win it, you need to be there. and since you already didnt "show" up the last 2 LAN's.
Gonna show and gonna pwn.
:D phunny answer :p
but I think that he will come :)
sounds nice but I guess I wont be there..
nice idea. probably would give it ago. gl sorting that one out :P
would be nice to spectate too :)
Would be nice, though considering schedules being totally delayed on 6on6 tournament already it could be a problem actually getting it done :s
Sunday is never really delayed (in ET at least), it's a pretty easy day schedule-wise, since teams play consecutive matches without having to change PCs all the time.

This time I'm much more confident than usual that we'll actually stay on schedule for the whole event btw. Everything will go much better if we can, and it will allow us to do stuff like actually preschedule the coverage, meaning far more viewers as people can see in advance what games are being played when.
that would be nice ( having the matches on time) still remember CDC4, we should have played Muse 7/8 o clock... at the end we played them at 02:00 in the night
sounds like a rlly nice idea, i would do it for sure :O)
rtcw maps and im coming 8)
should just play rtcw 3on3 cup xD
nice nice nice nice idea
why not something like 1on1 tournament in quakelive or something
single elim and one map wouldnt take much time at all!
that would be more fun than 3on3 ET imo
ow yeah valhalla only and the winner is the one who camped the most behind that box ; good idea!
no valhalla in quake as far as i know :F
ow thought you were talking about 1on1 tournament ET nvm my bad
I'm considering running a speedrun competition on a spare PC. Set it up with default settings, keyboard and mouse, anyone can come along and try. Have maybe 8-10 maps, so there is a bit of longevity in it.
But please don't drop the 3v3 compo.. it WILL work, pretty sure of it ! :P
The response I've had is phenomenal (so much so that I'm wondering if we should make it an official tournament in the future, although Toss would probably flay me as he hates 3v3 more than supply and NationsCup teams multiplied together).
atleast in 3on3's you see the aim of the 'highskillers' also in 6v6 but more in 3v3
Not really, in 3v3 you see the aim skill of the stupid players who can aim, because 3v3 doesn't require any real gamesense. The actual skill of the best players, which is in game reading, team play &c. as much as aim is mostly irrelevant.
yes I know, you see the skill of the players more in 6v6 yes. But in 3v3's you can see if the 6v6 players also aim good in 3v3's. When I play against some high opponent ( not so many ) in 3v3 and they are playing ET on a high level (EC) in 6v6 only they mostly aren't so good in 3v3's.
what do you mean by a speedrun? like that speed cup that we had the other week?
I love you ada!
Adacore just saw this :p Sorry I always forget the forums are here lol.

Spoke briefly with nellie about this the other night. I think it's great. I'll get with you after the weekend so we can discuss further.
avi qry (:P)
that would be great indeed! :D if you get this up working and i dont have too much schoolwork to do ill come =)
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