psychee cless

this is a cless topic yay

-Main language is United States of America
-sense of humor
-Prefer med, can also play eng smg
Stable lineups
Fun times (serious when needed)

contact me at xchat: psyche or pm me @ crossfire

If you could squeeze TAG into 1 person, it would be Ed (psychee). Yes, as a manager of Poet.ET, I have seen teams egoquit because of this here guy's spam.

Good luck, and why the hell are you out of Poet?
Not good enough
not out of poet

poet is dead =\
United States of America english is inferior to England english
only in written; in spoken, I'm not even sure England English IS english sometimes :X
i did read it ):
i did read it :{
ok ok, forgot immidiately, what are you writing about?
me² and now? do we die?
ah keke, bibuy
shall we meet us at the golden door with petrus?
gn8 gn8
good song eh? :D
gl :)
but i still hate you for kicking me out of your server :(
still <3 you!
k i love you too <3
! go get aids sir, a7x is incredible!
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