About kerveros...

I make this journal because many ppl seems to forget lately.Especially Kerveros who said to loekino "I never cheated".Hilarious at least.

Kerveros got banned from clanbase at 05 - 06 -2007 because he used obvious wallhack in a 1v1 clanbase ladder game.Bulldog himself banned him.

http://www.crossfire.nu/?x=journal&mode=item&id=25078 (journal)


http://rapidshare.com/files/160888156/kerveros.rar.html (demo )

An admin from clanbase(no idea who) removed his ban from clanbase database propably because he is a cheatbuster now.I don't care if he is cheating now but he did in the past.

end of story.
buehehehehehehehehehehe... oh wait... or not - buehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehehhehehehe xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

N1 CB, you tards won once again xDDDDDDDDD.
are u fucking handicaped?
he is polak!
he busted him in the first place
huge care from me
That short stream demo is soooo cool I want one of those :D
just good guessing
QuoteIts not fair play against other ex-banned players

so u mean by this u should be only allowed ex-xiiter?
u dont get my point :[
yes u r:[
okei, nyt on owned olo sori:(
Refreshing pb-bans 24/7 and posting results here doesn´t make him a cheatbuster...
more pussy attitude pl0x
What Thomm said. I leak bots to pb, and where's my cheatbuster title?
You could become a busted cheater, isn´t that close enough to cheatbuster? Fame is fame, no matter if it is good or bad you know.
Wise words, I'll try that.
U've got a point there. Getting busted in crossfire is almost like being in tabloids for arguing with celebrity.
your topic will get compromised and you'll get banned, watch out!"
I wonder if anyone really saw that demo and especially the decide factor at Bulld0g's avi
cause the pillar that i m shooting its the place i died 1 spawn before also respawn is 1 sec so i really dont get it :|
are you saying you didnt cheat in that demo?
then you must be really retarded. everyone looking at that demo will see within the first seconds that you are clearly wallhacking. why the hell would you even try to deny that?
He's a racist bitter old man who finds salvation @ pbbans.com
At least i m not writing articles about my ass hairs
You got me there.
his enemy killed him before from this position, whats so wrong to look there all the time?
yea come on I do this plenty times in valhalla ... with 1 sec respawn its pretty easy to predict where your enemy will camp next time
watch the fucking demo.
nice attention whore
He goes to CC5.. Don't ban him :'(
He is not banned and won't be he served his time and is a free man.
sand (and everyone else who dont like him and see him as an ex cheater) ,kerveros for me is the biggest anticheater i know and some people would never cheat to win, and kerveros is one of them. it simply doesnt make sense.

Even after that vid i still dont think he cheated, and hes not my "buddy" or anything like that so that people think i support him or anything like that because we are from the same country and other stupid stuff like that
check the demo.
it's a clown.. Ban Him
...he was ban and now unban and he is not the only one (clanbase policy=>nobady can realy understand it)

BUT ...he contribute maybe more than many others clean-clowns(like notic) in the cheaters area.

That delights me!

ps....btw we know from the real life that there are no anti-drug police-officers, who have never tested drugs.
someone at CB has had it removed that sux :(
I know....

ps. we love u m8 as we love all those guys who supported in removing ET's cancer: Cheaters.
he's clean! he was banned for some reason but he doesnt cheat. or has cheated
look at the demo and say that again.
will do that when i get home of school after my final presentation mr admin
his C&A thingy got removed? :x
the avi is obvious,and iam sure that he cheated there,but he served his ban,and i dont really think he is cheating these days hf kerveros
so because he was a cheater he is not authorized to surf for bans and cross-reference them?
why u posted my yawn?
i don't have the mood to flame with anybody so don't expect me to answer u again.
as far as i remember undy used to have in addition a second anticheat program in FA server or something like that.speak with undy if u want to know more details.
At 2005 that we had an allmost virgin game you had a second anticheat that modified your PB guid :o
eleos low skilled macho man greek lets have hot brutal sex
unban Cru3l, also cheatbuster
So he bans people for 11month 29 days 23 hours 59minutes 59 seconds and 999 hundreds of a second old pbbans and he cheated himself ?

still for denieing it, makes him deserve a ban
Greece K3rv3r0s fucking cheater noob....
once a cheater always a cheater! thats what i believe..

many people dont embrace this and obviously not those in clanbase. CB has rules and assigns each cheater a certain ban period. Since that period of time has elapsed and CB allows him to play then there should be no problem whatsoever. blame CB

anyway kerveros is a special case since he offers a lot to this community with all the cheaterbusting etc
Cainer wrote :
as well as being a cheater hes also a whining Rtard cunt who screams HAX! at anyone who has the slightest bit of map awareness/game play.
imo ban this twat hes a 40+ yo nolife prick
hes also so low that he thinks a clean PBss = no hax, ROFL @ this greek tragedy !!!!

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