
with all the avi's from Malta killerboy and Belgium vila i decided to look for myself and i found smt weird too.

22 megabytes.avi: (someone upload to his host pls, its worth it)

to all the polish community:

I know you like wiesiek a lot and he is Poland god for us, but he cheat and its no fair anymore. i use proxy cos i want to be anymouse. ktnx

e: slow download speed 40kb/s

edit2: ROFL @

at the bridge radar
and bremen
and when he went afk arranging his settings and tracks that guy
too much "luck" moments imo.
imo butchji@radar vs. dignitas has more "luck" moments
1) how can you be sure butchji was clean during that match?
2) i never saw wallhack actions from butchji, but aim.
tell me if wiesiek will go on cc5 and he will pwn there, would u stop busting them?
i don't think that if hes only wallhacking online will it effect his offline performance.

but if he aims as good as offline, yes, just like mAus.
ok :). imo he's is clean,anyway if he has wallhack he will off it know like jo0f who was more obvious.
he's = he is...
lol. i did many other things while writing
You should learn to write such easy phrases without mistakes on English.

Nie mam nic przeciwko tobie, ale nie moge patrzec jak szpecicie Polske tym 'waszym' okropnym angielskim...
sorry nie jestem osoba ,ktora robi jakie&#347; multum bledow ale czasem sie zdarzy. teraz poprostu napisalem "he's", poszedlem gdzies i zaczalem od "is" i tyle
maus is a human too, you know
wtf will LAN do? proove that he can play 'ok' without his wallhack.
Why do you lot keep mentioning Butchji and other players go find a thread about them if your that fucking botherd about them they are not the player in question
how can one arrange setting away from keyboard
oh but he's polish
took a tutorial from "Aiming by Kenta" edition.
gtfo from polish people... find someone else... like mAus?
watch his demos and make flame again
u're talking only about ppl from poland, that they're cheating...bla bla it's patchetic atm. -_- u're retarded, try to tell ppl sth what isn't true. asshole
<reserved space for comment , dling >

Not gonna comment on this , if you can't spot it you'r as blind as a 2 dollar hooker
how blind are 2 dollar hookers? :D
i dont think this avi will prove anything!
have to agree on that
reserved space for comment, waiting for vila and killerboys comment:D
edit. Well obvious moments, but it needs some last push.

nice one vila
1,8 kb/s wat :\
lolol what gayd?
low, usually ive got ~1200
this actually made me laugh, iv so felt like that penguin!
lol, dude, it's really called lotto, everyone can by accident point his crosshair on the point where the enemy is behind the wall.. try watch your own demos with r_shownormals, and u can bust yourself ..

i'm not his fanboi or sth but that's not a proof
villa wnb great player , poor kid
what do i have to do with this? idiot
Quoteand vila

hmm, i prolly read it wrong or smt

e:nice deleting your comments ::DDD
do you think then you will ban wiesiek with this shit? you fail
even when someone from your own country is trying to open your eyes, you have to turn to me / vila.

srsly, why do you ppl care so much about flaming. download the avi and judge him on the avi not on his country or patriotism.
look Statti comment , true
TheDuck, i won.

edit: eeh? this rly going to be great fail again.......
its rly sad that u EVEN try bust wiesiek .avi's like this........
how much egoboy have to be that u cant admit it wiesiek is just better player than u?
Member For: 2 days


give meh ur REAL name.
Nothing strange about the avi.. He just has brain and he point the enemy's head because he keeps crosshair @ right height to hs rapidly after he spots an enemy.. Just look any >med player and u see these things.. Exept vila ofc cause he is too stupid to figure where enemy has gone after seeing him 2sec earlier..
QuoteThis is ridiculous.. Even if wiesiek was cheating (which I doubt) there is no way u could ever get him banned from avi since he is not as stupid as some god damn kenta

says enough
vila brain ===>fail ...
nothing strange on the avi imo. if you think this is cheating, you just suck at gaming
proxy user.ban
killerboy comment at 20:40:12
vila comment at 20:40:32

fucking obvious
no shit, someone using a fake nick on irc pmmed us with the link.
got informed before the post :-)
mmm im always pretty skeptical with vila and the boys. but this is really obvious indeed. busted! i would say
maybe im blind but i really don't see a player hacking in either video's that were made. I mean take kenta vids for example those were bloody obvious but this just doesnt stick hes not a cheater. period.
kenta never tracked or shot walls as wiesiek does, he was only accused for aimbot.

it was "obvious" because they had chaplja proving it and decem + keran(or shy?) helping them.
but istn it usually that they really track the person through the wall if they use such a hack and this vid just doesnt convince me hes wallhacking and doing that. But perhaps you have some more convincing material that would rly proof hes wallhacking
If you track a person through a wall while using a wallhack, you're really fucking stupid.
but in the first scene he shoots headshots and tracks someone tru a wall :<
I can remmember the gnajda case :D 50% said he is cheating and 50% hes not. This is like a same situation. imo hes cheating.
idd this does show a wallhack in my opinion..
its not 50% saying he's cheating, its like 4-5 people spamming the whole topic saying he is cheating and arguing with everyone else who says hes not.
Nothing special there. Try to get some real proofs before doing those nub avis
13kb/s wtf
hey dude I love your band! (8)
what is strange in radar action when he was in allies 2nd spawn after respawn?(27sec)
he went afk, and suddenly tracked his own teammate through a wall for 1-2 seconds.

If he minimized, how could he know he was there
If he was arranging settings, wh.
maybe he just picked his nose with one hand and scratched his head with the other one, and with accidently touching the mouse his crosshair moved 1 cm to the right...
how bout that?
it doesn't make sense anyway, 'he went afk and autoaim aimed on teammate through wall", as if autoaim tracks players through walls...
still ban worthy!

its called wallhack, you know, maybe he turned it on and went over him to see his name or smth
ye, that's what people do, aim on teammates, who walk in the other direction, just to see their names... and all that through several walls, although they know they're on ettv.
Hmm would say that the aim on head in Radar was pretty lol, but besides that, I haven't seen something which I would define as obvious aspects of a bot.
On the other hand though, my knowledge on bots is quite limited.
lowskillers saying "nothing special here" to look experienced and skilled :D
is wiesiek banned already on CB?
image: MOAR

I know that for Europe, polish ppl are cheaters, but it's not funny - you are retarded


I mean.... really....

you probably didnt even watch the avi, there are some pretty obvious scenes in my opinion. besides your polish :D
QuoteRecent Comments:

i have no idea why you were looking for some weird demos...
(img) I know that for Europe, polish ppl are cheate...
you are just retarded, face it
shit now, your a fucking gay without any proofs - only yo...
Noone, never before even tried to bust wiesiek - bcoz he...

don't mess with him, srs business.
thx for hits :DDD
aren't you the one who told me to bust parra?

now because im busting someone from Poland its impossible that he cheats?

same as gnajda case
gnajda was obviosly fucking cheater, he was never playing at EC, LAN or anything like that - and i was happy that CB banned him.
parra was newschooler, at least not so known as wiesiek

wiesiek was playing at the same level for 2 years now (year by year he is playing in EC/NC), why you are busting him now ?
check my pm @ irc
You're kiddy inet nerd, face it :D
he seems dangerous rly
I watched it, and i have seen a lot more obvious actions while i was specting snoop or any other high skilled player. But hey ! after 3 years of playing at higgest level wiesiek cant be high... he's obviously newschooler...
QuoteI watched it, and i have seen a lot more obvious actions while i was specting snoop or any other high skilled player.

random excuse, now im off:D
part at the bridge @ radar is rly weird for me
can't decide bout the rest :v
*shrug* he's polish what do you expect
normaly i would agree 100% but this just doesnt seem to stick.
I'm not an expert on bots/cheats and those vids are so poor that you can't tell much by them. But in general people who suddenly play like that are cheaters, the only one who proved people wrong is mAus.
radar parts show a shit tbh, all the bridge "holes" are masked with that fkin shownormals so they hide player beneath them

also what is so fucking hacky about shooting a medic 2hs?

about the bremen
just get his cfg, if hes a lowsenser then it was just another mouse swap i suppose, if not, no idea
1) he was not masked, proof it.
2) he gave him 2hs without when it was impossible to see him.
3) hes not using lowsense, hes using high sense, check his demos on ettv
give me the demo (radar)

press Play and connect, should be faster since the 1st round on the ettv is radar for some reason
i said demo, not the replay ffs
i can make a shit with my ingame cfg, and cba to record the demo from there (why the fuck would i?)

still dont get the radar frag near truck and the flagspawn (wtf did u mean? does anyone need a wallhack to look on the wall? why dont you aim sky only then ffs?)
he gaves that guy 2hs before even seeing him, exactly when his head pops out he gets 2hs.
yup its quite normal that if you defent you try to hide yourself, maybe you have different gamestyle, no fucking idea.

still there is nothing strange in those hs, i`ve seen some really more weird (how about a LOLHESWITCHED180ANDGAVEME3HSLOLOLOL- you need a bot for that really?
tbh its easier for me for example to shoot hs in some pressure situations, where you(i) react non-consiously i`d say, if i have time to think on a duel, i usually shoot bodies, or some unwanted lotto hs)
all expirienced med+ players r shooting in this place hs. i saw such actions 999999999 times. spect fragstealer at radar in replay vs. auth. 1000more lotto hs in this place.
he has higher sense than his "busters" thats for sure!
nice name of topic no offence =D
i have no idea why you were looking for some weird demos

fucking obvious
old, but fucking obvious
1st one is so hot!
Retarded fanboy , go suck his dick some more
like you and killerboy ? <3

i see that you didn't face that you are retarded, how sad...
Funny only the polish scum is defending him , can understand it since you're from an eastern country where the education is as high as the aidspercentage in africa
Ye, but you are still the guy who whines when someone kick his ass in the game
When they hack , yes. Btw how's playing on a low- level?
Hey it's fine, but wait... you are an idiot and none likes you ! :D

Probably bcoz you cannot distinguish reality from the game and from the lack of arguments as well as from the sheer stupidity you are reaching after the ones straightest.
Wtf do i care if some fucked up guy like you likes me over the inet or not , rofl retard
im not polish and i think u suck and wiesiek is clean
nice one!
thought ur a nicer guy tho, at least before
care, check how many idiotic poles are defending him without even watching or knowing what it's about, ridiculous
so why are you so agressive? why do you attack everyone now, after licking their asses until the pain rofl?
huh , don't get the last sentence
it just feels sad if you first see someone licking your ass and then being insulted to be a polish scum, its really not nice since except of being a retard i remember u as a quite nice guy

Everyone who beat ur team is hacker/cheat or smth! Only retarded Vila and his team is clean!
@ all Poland idiots

PolandWrobel on 26/05/08, 22:33:29 PM | Reply


Polandmst on 27/05/08, 00:03:15 PM | Reply

tbh I was specting gnajda all the time, I was waiting for some obvious wh actions and I didnt find any ... if he cheats then he uses only an aimbot

Polandchelmianin on 02/06/08, 16:36:20 PM | Reply

I don't think he is cheating, we'll see if the retardness will win. Btw let's spam the CBs head admins that their ET friends want to ban people without any evidence. Would be funny.

lPolandamka on 27/05/08, 02:19:28 PM | Reply

gnajda is clean xDDDDDDDDDDD imo FF won EC with his clean skill xDDDD

Polandmst on 26/05/08, 23:28:52 PM | Reply
he played well, imo hes clear

where is the point mr. ghostbusters?
Oh so if they were't right about gnajda, all polish players playing good are cheaters ?

It's sad that you are comparing wiesiek and gnajda, probably because of the lack of arguments.


Your skilled, killerboy stops after my third comment :/
whats the point with argiuing with polish ppl if they won't EVER change their mind?
You know maybe it looks like I am one of these retarded polish guys who never change their mind, but Im not.

I think polish ppl whine, bcoz he is one of people which always ( I mean it's not only one season star ) own, not only polish clans but also european. Nobody never questioned it, bcoz he appeared on lans, and the fact that he was playing sometimes badly, is different issue. On lan they aren't only arriving to play, but mainly to meet with friends, to drink and to have fun.

And to be honest, im not writing with you and vila bcoz im polak, or i <3 wiesiek and i think he is a god, but bcoz i think sometimes ur getting pathethic with ur busts and proofs. Sometimes ur right, but sometimes not.
get the point idiot
you are the idiot, really. gtfo now.
as you see I wrote "if he cheats then he uses only an aimbot"
anyway, you didn't prove that he was cheating using wh in those matches (even a single pbss, pbban wtf whatever lol), moreover gnajda said that he bought a cheat after that match
you're inet kiddy dwarf nerd who cries after lost match in ze internet xD face it
pbss is bullshit tard, if you believe in that go play mario
I prefer pokemons.
Far Cry 2 is nice ;)

pbss is useless, tell me when the last EC cheater was caught by pbss (don't say razz it was rivatuner)
dam, where the fuck did you live the last 2 years?
I could be wrong like everyone can be, is it something weird? Anyway, I still think the same - some changes made by the new CB staff are WRONG. That's why I don't play this game, but for you it's just like -1 poltard in ET, so be happy.

Btw I wasn't defending him because he is polish, I would defend people like squall, butchji or maus in the same way if only I thought there is something wrong.
considering the fact gnajda bought his bot @ this summer [ after EC ] they are prolly right u cockface xDDDDDDDDDD
you seem to know a lot about it, how's your nC account?
butchji on 03/11/08, 23:34:08 PM | Reply

dude he doesn't hack rly :l

Ati_ on 04/11/08, 00:18:56 PM | Reply

It's not wallhack.

POEPj on 04/11/08, 00:23:34 PM | Reply

vila failed once again :(

frozz. on 04/11/08, 00:30:24 PM | Reply

he is quite funny sometimes but this avi is just ridicolous, doesn't show anything...but zeto is 10x worser than wiesiek

BaggieZ on 04/11/08, 00:38:58 PM | Reply

While I think Wiesiek is a hacker, this certainly isn't proof of it. Nothing suspicious here.

decem on 04/11/08, 02:02:10 PM | Reply

he doesnt even shoot at the guys, just preshooting the corner. not even remotely suspicious.

toxic on 04/11/08, 02:55:55 PM | Reply

im not even downloading .... clean player

Gumiflex on 05/11/08, 21:00:44 PM | Reply

wiesiek doesnt hack, stop this nonsense already _._

archy on 04/11/08, 19:52:12 PM | Reply

nothing wrong :S

Loekino on 04/11/08, 19:53:01 PM | Reply

some people can actually aim instead of your superskill

Biitti on 05/11/08, 18:31:54 PM | Reply

his clean, u are just a bad loser thats all.

snoop on 05/11/08, 19:04:32 PM | Reply

nowadays you are a hacker when you kill someone, who stands still, looks in the other direction and is obviously viewable for you? great. the other bremen avi is just the same.

metsuri on 05/11/08, 20:54:40 PM | Reply


torspo on 07/11/08, 17:41:21 PM | Reply


Go cry now, Belgium dwarf.
There's nothing final on this player yet, so your posts are irrelivant, useless work mate
And you posted comments from polish players (including me), eeeee that case wan't over too ?
gnajda's case is over, hes busted by a pbban and nC account.

this case isn't yet so there's no point in posting quotes, is it that hard to understand?
Are you retarded or you're just joking ? I said that he posted our comments which we wrote BEFORE gnajda's case was OVER. I did the some with comments which are above us.
what if wiesiek gets banned. then i can post all those quotes, and make fun of everyone who said hes not cheating. Its called IQ.
And your score is about 20 which places you somwhere between wooden chair and bicycle pump.

You miss the point everytime.
Still lower than my score.
you must be the polish version of spree
No, I'm just a normal inteligent person.
intelligent people can type the word correctly.
Ye, like it has to do anything with intelligence. Please stop making a fool of yourself.
it does, you need to be educated before you are intelligent.
Like you can't be intelligent without being educated, please ... Intelligence /= knowledge.
oops u failed, go and read sth about education in pol, and then come back and humbly suck my pony
lol wtf omg nice selfbust
stop watching demos with r_shownormals 1 plz :/
do you think hes wallhacking?
i dont either that other guy gnadja or smth whatever the fuck his name was that was rly obvious this isnt
he moved his mouse when someone was behind the wall, yes that's pretty obvious
stop making stupid journals, get some real proof first

he's god for us? wtf ?
some actions for retarded kilerboi&vila
HF, make topics for all of them!
now FF is waiting for ban? watch ur demos, then i am sure that you will see there also strange situations, where u r pointing at gay behind wall, or preshoting.if not, buy some "sound", if you say that "fragmovie" is enough proof then you should ban 90% of all players. i hope you spent all night on watching and analysing his demos

yeah my english is high, i care
ill lough if after wiesiek, kot would be banned coz hes good ^^
will you lough, luv or laugh :o ?
but vs FF his nick contained irish colours so he can not be banned
spent ? spent money :F
ban polak = invaluable
<Comment Reserved>

It's so funny how the polaks defind him. :D

E: I saw more obvious demos, but he seems to cheat :<
it is so retarded to ban for demos, rly fucking great proof

edit: I understand if he played all match, shooting only hss, pointing through the wall
for what else ? :-D
may we ask him whether he cheats or not ?
So trueeee
polish telling polish to die of aids.
if not Polen,you will had koran in europe, retard
don't know whats more retarded, ppl running away from home cos their parents wont let him play cod4, or your english. it totally didn't make any sense.
o0 3.option , your brain ?
sorry, cannot understand.
because ure retarded ;F
not bad mate, in 30 minutes you got 2 from 3 words correct, you can do it come on man.
yep but 2 other sentece ;F
gnajsiek is my idea, copycat :(

1min ~60mb ? :XDDD
just shut up polish fag
we need avi with sound :DDDDDDDDD
-->Nothing<-- suspicious in this avi...and next time plz do some longer avi so we can see maybe 20/30 secs of game before the actual "cheat" occurs...

At SWgold it looks a bit weired and then again not...we dont know what goes on at coms or what he has seen before the actual shooting...not good enough imo...
comms are overrated, what do you expect them to say

"wiesiek move your mouse at 2 oclock there is someone behind the wall, make sure you hit his head precisely, check lagometer and dont get backraped, now move your mouse ect ect....."
Not the point...the point is that if i had been in that position i would have done the same (prolly would have hit shit but thats my lag of aim) if i had gotten some usefull coms from my teammates or if i had just respawned after having shot at them allready and knew how many players was following the truck...

Dont get me wrong i dislike cheaters to the max and wouldnt mind ppl hunting them down IRL as long as the proff is bulletproff same goes for the coders xD

But this is just not good enough!
the bridge part was only 4 seconds long after the spawn, they secured the obj 2 secs after he shot him through the bridge
What brige part?
I only see a truck part? Oo
ah ok, still at the truck part, he was infront of them all, so i doubt they knew who was there (unless they were cheating to)
Well there u go u said it urself: "so i doubt they knew who was there " that DOUBT is what makes it not good enough ;)
There has to be no trace of doubt at all!
there are another 3 weird scenes in that avi.

+ if we doubt we will never go anywhere, just like gnajda's demo "but what "if" he [...]"
I see nothing weired at the other scenes i really dont so...

There has to be no doubt cos otherwise ill kill u if i think u killed my cat...its just not good enough...and yes u will go somewhere with a better anticheat system, hacking cheat sites etc...not by banning on avi´s like this...

And for those who uses "my brother did it, my neighbours cat did it etc keep ur house clean or go down with it!

When there really is proff ban...and ban HARD!
1. pls don't add music
2. wiesiek waiting in respawn and doing *someting* - well since I saw him on ettv he was always doing it, dunno way, strange
3. the bremen look rly like a aimbot or smt when he moves his aim on the guy who got moved by a nade or someting
4. best 'bust' movie from all we already had but stil not enough since I saw someting like that in other players demos
i wonder which one of you made this journal killerboy or vila :D, the more of this avi's ur gonna show the more i can see your incompetence as a cheatbuster, on one hand ET really needs you killerboy, on the other hand sometimes i wish you would have some more brain :<..

there is no arguing with you i guess.. but let me tell you you making yourself pretty ridiculous by thinking these avi's especialy the one in this journal are proof of any cheat.. they r just a normal type of gameplay that is possible and it is how wiesiek plays and aims.. and how many other players play and aim.. also the afk one is just lol, wiesieks mouse moved and his teammate happens to be behind the wall there seriously how dumb :D... (even if it would look like a bot, since when are bots made to track teammates o.0)

yeah the way he switches between players so freely without killing them and without locking on to some specific area of the body really shows what kind of uber bot he has,

where is your cheatbusting skill serious? learn how a bot works first..
and by the way you did find some proof..

Quick question , what country are you from?
oby cie nun dojechal na cc5 cioto :<
You're a dead man @ CC5
Quote by brumu Dreamweaver on 03/06/08, 23:35:40 PM | Reply

omg so gnajda hax or not?:D
they banned him. did they do wrong?

brumu on 03/06/08, 23:37:08 PM | Reply

ofc they did.. a ban without solid proof, so now you have to think what WAS the motivation for the ban...

qpr on 04/06/08, 00:18:21 PM | Reply

same proof as with allu, you're saying it was wrong ?

brumu on 04/06/08, 00:25:27 PM | Reply

i saw his actions/avi's and many others has seen them too.. the problem is that there is nothing there that could be used as proof.. not like slajdans demos for example.. the problem is as soon as you get a bunch of kiddy noobs like killerboy to watch these avi;s they go in hyperactive mode creating irc channels etc..

qpr on 04/06/08, 00:26:48 PM | Reply

wtf is this killerboy-rage, like anyone would care what he says

brumu on 04/06/08, 00:30:40 PM | Reply

respectable people wouldnt

brumu on 03/06/08, 23:14:51 PM | Reply

where is the proof? most experienced players who saw his demo's didnt see nothing that could count as proof

FUZZ on 03/06/08, 23:19:24 PM | Reply

ye, ET is all about these experienced players with 45% acc's and 60HS on sd single rounds nowadays

brumu on 03/06/08, 23:20:51 PM | Reply

after this ban by cb it seems et is all about some frustrated kiddies

brumu on 04/06/08, 01:36:05 PM | Reply

Try to push himself in a little corner? he doesnt write that for no reason.. plz i have been around for a long time here and on servers.. not a day goes by without someone mentioning the word poltard., or stupid pollacks.. you must be blind just go ahead and look at all the comments made in the recent days on all the subject that had to do with polish people..

maybe the cb admin didnt directly take into consideration the fact these people r polish , but then again why wouldnt he? Just look at people like the ones from team belgium and the things they write.. they and these cb admins r not exaclty mature people. Anyway the fact that so much people gathered in an irc channel to ban a cheater should say enough and a lot of this people r the same kids that write hateful comments towards the polish people.
ok you have wisdom quotes, now you need the wisdom
You apparently haven't got any based on those quotes hahaha
I don't get people who look at walls :'/
don't care just u are retard gtfo
ok first avi with some real fishy moments, especially the bridge in radar.. but please post a demo from it so we can watch it from a neutral point of view. (dont tell to watch it in replay because its your job to provide a demo if you want community's opinion!)

anyways well done
plz tuu irkkii ja pelataa
lol chmpp :D! ok so tell me whats so fishy about the bridge in the radar? to make the story short: he saw the ally, he aimed at him... must be cheat !!
usually when a player hides behind a wall/wood i stop shooting or tracking him.
I ussually keep my crosshair so that if he appears again i can be first to shoot him :)
makes more sense if you put your xhair on the right or left side so you get a 50-50 chance of getting lucky of getting out from the side you are pointing at.
thats a way to do it, gj killerboy your on your way to being pro! ok so what if the player is hiding behind a hill? what would you do?
press my wallhack toggle on


if im defending, obviously wait for him to go out, he needs to attack not me.
trained by toxic himself
I didn't watch avi and I won't do this, wiesiek will be still best player for me and even stupid vila kid won't change my mind. I believe he doesn't cheat and for those who likes wiesiek: Stop listening these fags, who just can't stand that they are out of EC Winners Bracket. It's pointless and wiesiek knows I will be his human, no matter what's gonna happen. That's all I wanted to say, regards.
malczik history:

continued cheating
got busted 10 times
then gave it a rest
found a girlfriend


please don't post if you haven't watch the avi, /care from cheaters opinion
shouldn't it be 'cheaters/polaks opinion'?
*brainwashed polish ppl who defended gnajda
oh, yeah, something like that
you are someone I don't care about, the same as about your wnb high friend m1ke, so bb
defending gnajda so hard. and now you can see.

defend wiesiek so hard. and you will see.
ooh ur human? i thought ur dog :X
Lol, trying to hard.
What did Wiesiek that u want to bust him? Honestly, which player on a decent aim level havent strange sceans? Even med "randoms" have it... I still think that Wiesiek don't need to cheat, because he is a very well player. (sry for my engrish :< )
end of maltase dream in killerboys nationcup. read ingame chat and polish jokes about maltase lowskills ^^
and yet we help Poland much longer than Finland even when our best player Malta toxic was always 999 cos of router problems. yeah i got highest damage from mt and lugered your best player xanah, but ofc im low-.

don't know if its still there but poland guys got ref and started muting everyone, shows how serious they are.

Quote by pnc Monday, 18th August 2008 22:38 btw polish behaviour @ server was much more retarded;/

and that guy is polish
Quoteyeah i got highest damage from mt and lugered your best player xanah, but ofc im low-.

pls. so pathetic.
thats oki i, like your english ^^
You are one of the only guys which like it. :D
None of those even look strange to me. Bremen was something that I'd expect every player with half a brain to do - work out that the enemy is going to keep moving and switch to aiming at the door he was heading for. Radar maybe, I can't tell from the avi whether (a) he can see the guy, or (b) if he had a call from another player that there was someone there or (c) if he saw the guy heading there before respawning at the hut. Radar in spawn is normal both times - nothing suspicious there at all, same with gold at the truck.
Offcourse you pwner
It is quite possible that the actions are suspicious if seen in context in a demo, but from that .avi nothing seems weird.
this is what you said after gnajda's cb ban.

can you explain it to me in simpler words, cos it seems like you are playing with words and not telling what you would have done or what you think about his ban.

seems to me like you think gnajda didn't cheat?

Quote by Adacore on 04/06/08, 04:33:54 PM | ReplyAs I said in the poll, the idea that demos can never be considered solid proof is incorrect. Demos have been used for bans in the past - I've banned a number of players with them - they just need to be convincing enough. My standards were very high - it needed to be pretty damn obvious from demos, but I did issue bans when it was (I'm not talking 70%-acc snapping, but repeated and fairly obvious stuff).
Why the hell do you think I don't think Gnajda cheats? I was in China at the time, never even saw the demos. That quote was DEFENDING the ban, not saying it was wrong.
why did you defend gnajda's ban when you didn't even watch his demos?
I wasn't specifically defending his ban, I was defending the concept of banning based on suspicious demos.
i still don't remember anything conclusive from gnajda's demo, actually i think wiesiek has much more strange stuff than gnajda.

gnajda was banned because he didn't go to any lan and cos of his cheater past.
Oh - ok, I was mistaken back in June then. The comment was written because I thought you'd banned based on demos and people were saying that wasn't possible. I was correcting those people.

I was half way around the world at the time, so wasn't really into the ET scene (I was on crossfire, but I didn't have ET, so couldn't really follow anything).
Too obvious, blatant cheater, he's got superhumanized aimbot on, it's not bimbot but a top secret cheat that cannot be revealed

could people please seperate the fact that wiesiek is polish from the fact that people think he's cheating.

i dont think he's cheating btw
vila ego+100

more plz :XD i wanna be happy XDDD

do the same thing what im gonna do in 5 mins: go outside! (instead of makin ur avis)
oh and one more thing to all morons [vila kilerboi anr some other asslickers]

wiesiek played @ PGA, against top european teams, so he is lanproofed... now gtfo or start accusing mAus again...
image: your20opinionxw2
PD: btw .... busted xD
i guess you're not the smartest guy on malta... just look on name of this avi - wiesiekggt... i was refering to PGA, 5on5 lan, where he played against zp, cdap pi netr and some random polish highskilled mixes...

ggt was a failure[like these avis] because of shitty integrated gfx cards...
Fucking imageshac xDDDDDd
to be honest, if you watched any player with shownormals in ettv you would saw same kind of action. Yes a little too much of that kind of action but nothing huge tracking through walls or very clear points in this.
Some people sound like wiesiek is a religion :P
In Poland he actually is, he's a very nice and always friendly person. That's why we like Wiesiek! :)

From a neutral point of view, after watching the demo myself on my own configuration, which is quite good, I don't see anything suspicious at all, but you low sensers aren't that elite to argue about that ^_^
hahahhaha really nice :, why no sound ?:))
do people really need to make a new account to post a bust
why no sound ? :D simple 0 arguments 0 video skills just ego + 100... and maltase lowskills
You're trying to prove something but you don't have solid evidences. It's funny that you don't add sounds in almost every avi (also there's something like "vt info"). You're trying to create something what doesn't exist.
sound is rly needed for ppl that cannot be heard, what do you need next, move your mouse?

lazy kids. check the demo if you really care, btw that sounded like a cheater comment, more interested in sound than defending yourself.
fuck you :)
No thanks, I'll pass :)
gtfo hacker
fuck you loser
what a day, what a night for belgtard fail
vila killergey I hope u both die in hell. HF D:
You need info from your mates then.
It sounded like a comment from a person who believes in truth.
sorry, i don't talk to people who are inteligent and have an IQ of over 140.
Then you can answer a "nub with a lesser IQ then 140 :o" .. Do u realy belive that Wiesiek cheats and why didnt u try to bust mAus or mAx, lol!... Sorry but this avi's are more then just crap.. When u can't bring up some real proof's i can just smile about it...
mAus played better at LAN than he played online. and he played at CDC not some random polski lan.
I bet, if u pay the trip they will come to CDC5 and perform well. But why didnt you go to one of this "random lan's" and watch them playing if u hate polish guys. That must be for u like christmas, busts without ending arent it so? Dont 'miss' understand me but i didnt get the point why u want to bust this great player...
from what i heard polish lans:

shit pcs
low fps
bad monitors
bad players

so you cannot say someone is lanproved for playing well vs low opponents or cos they had lowfps ect
Not all Polish players get this conditions.. And only because he's polish, he's a cheater really strange opinion Oo.. And I am still sure, if someone lan supports them they will perform well.
we don't fcking care what you 'heard', ask the players from PGA 2006 how 'good' was wiesiek
yeah, i heard it too! and most of it was byocpu...
Ehehee what a failerboy, now you will stick with that single l because I pwned you with my arguments. Pathetic.
you actually failed hard, but your education is as low as an insects brain so you will never notice.
Hahahaah, I'm 100% that polish education is at the way higher level that maltese one.
malta's university . . . . . . pfff . . . . . . BUAHUHAHHAHAHA : D
Don't say anything, just nevermind... This is all bullshit we know but vila and killerboy don't. Maybe next time killerboy could proof that there is some aliens in the galaxy. And vila will sucks his cock to help for him or the boot is on the other leg...
=DD really man..

theres nothing special

i just think u got a too big inet penis to accept that ur low and that someone is better than u rly make ur job in this part rly bad

english is overrated
looks a bit aimbot at that swgr but i wouldnt say he has wh :xd
Snap on goldrush, but the rest of this avi doesn't show anything frankly.

To be honest it seems like a competition between KiLl3rBoY and Vila to see who can be the most retarded.
And that's like the world championship of mental retardation :0
jealous noobs

wiesiek isn't cheting

wiesiek isnt the problem here... mighty will have lost badly :<
hihi i see u smiling at my comment darling :D
yaya !!!4 :XD
vila - you are fuckin loser. gtfo now.

killerboy - we don't believe that you have 110 IQ.
has he some ?
actually he can type and act like attention whore, he must has a minimal amount.. :c should be vegetable.
wiesiek isn't cheting
killerboy what u want to show us?..

pls man dont be so stupid i know u get pwn vs poland in Nations Cup and your ego its now -100000 but come on... XDu are funny xD
imo we should ban killerboy XD
no more failboy!!!
no more failboy!!!
no more failboy!!!
no more failboy!!!
no more failboy!!!
no more failboy!!!
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
villa FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
killerdick FAIL! FAIL! FAIL! again...
fail !
but song is nice :D Is anybody have title ? :D
Way to many stupid comments here to quote but ... If this is conclusive evidence as certain say, then stop pussy footing around and make the ban.

If it isnt conclusive then pls ffs, admin delete this thread.
followed wiesiek all the time and dident see one suspicious action, iven in this all demos in all topics about gnajda case i dident defend him (you can look old topic) .
OMG ITS The (myth)buster!!!


that part at truck is so pro that ill tatoo his nick on my back
You should make an avi of BUTCHJI against team fra on radar HE'S SO AWESOME too much maybe ?
butchji was on quakecon '06 noob.
oh shit ! he were on quakecon so he can't cheat ! GTFO dumbass
hes just more lanproven than wiesiek ffs. never said he doesnt hack, i dont even care if he does. but get the fuck out of wiesiek's butt.
oh sorry i made a mistake in thinking that i was free to post what i want.
he is cheater anyway so w/e.
totally agreed with you old mate
killerboy you fucking balls sucker
GET REAL PROOF ALREADY. IP matches, pbss, but please stop with the avi's because if you think those are enough proof to actually get him banned your an idiot. STOP.
nothing special on avi.
Learn how to lose omg. ;<

wiesiek is clean.
hah killergirl! another fail
proofs ?
I dont see anything "special" on this movie:S
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