
We recruited this guy last week. The server admin of this server, who we know, took these. As you can appreciate he was kicked out of the clan immediately

image: pb000232

image: pb000240

image: pb000257

So beware:

Clanbase Account

Crossfire Account

Flame on
Member For: 1 month and 28 days
\o/ very naise
gtfo idiot!
capo or janty?
fuck off janty u cunt stupid retard trying to be ma m8 n dt
///PALE :O
Pale's distribution of Nexus.
hmms was so obvious
i think it was yesterday night we played vs u a 3o3.
we lost (4:2)
and this janty was really strange with his uber damage/aiming skills
didnt u notice that he turned his aimbot up on 3rd map adler?
Tbh stKz said he did supect something, but then again he always does :p.
:DD at least i was right this time :o)
Law of averages say that if you accuse EVERYONE you have to be right once ;)
btw i didnt usd to ahcka tall today first time and it was fun and good job its shit game bb
If thats true, and I have no proof either way, then why start? You seemed like a decent player anyway <o_
quote worth an oscar
Oh come on, you can't be British, you sound Polish or something!
diddnt have bot yesertday so haha!!
you just got owned by skill sorry Check PBss yesertday was clean
Dno bored tbh
if thats right ur super pro and blub
but if not and thats what i believe ur an idoit!
what hack did u use?
dont have to answer nexus 3
and this nexus wasnt just avi since today so i dont believe u
too bad a friend of mine sent it to pb 2days ago
also cApo you where one who got acused of wh anyway ????
Wtf are you talking about? I am nowhere near good enough to be accused of any kind of cheating.

Sounds like you're being a bit sour for being stupid enough to use hax and to then be stupid enough to get caught.

BB haxor
xDDDDDDD at least hes honest!
"I am nowhere near good enough to be accused of any kind of cheating"

No arguements incoming from this area.....
Cant be that skilled if you have to resort to using shit like that can you!
I've come across you once before on a pub not so long ago and your pretty dogshit mate
is that ///PALE


the tjer?
yes, hes also likes to cheat.
tb cappo i have more skill than you wihtout the 1 day of hax all check my PBSS any server, tha dude yesrtday who said u thought i turned bot up on adler check ur PBSS. see there itll be clean i wasnt a bad player
I couldn't care less if you used it once of have been using it for months. We have a zero tollerance policy on cheaters and always will do.
capo ur hot
///PALE trickjump?
prolly a bot by pale yes
fuck off janty u cunt stupid retard trying to be ma m8 n dt
fucking scouser
fuck off janty u cunt stupid retard trying to be ma m8 n dt
fuck off mind you mind mind, hellow mind :3

CU @ CC5
It's a undetected version of nexus, edited by ///PALE for public playing usage only. He made his tag on the screen just to get fame like this in every bust. Seems to work quite well =D Thank god for the idiots who actually use that bot.

Just in case anyone's thinking what's the purpose of the tag.
nice knowing ;)
Ofcourse I know it since I gave him the idea of putting his tag on it.
undetected but not clean pbss so if he only used the bot he would be fine ?
There still would read the ///PALE in the middle of the screen, afaik it's not normal.
now I understand why he asked me to use it too :XD
For me it would be harder to play with all that shit on the screen :/
Jaffa tried to register,but in the registration that anti-bot box is too hard to figure out,the letters are illegible,and id say colourblind people wouldnt be even able to see the light green letters....

maybe im a bot ;-(
just high sens
barely med - with hacks :X


p.s. i really thought it was lewis clarke!

I give in bud .. the forum is something I avoid getting involved in .. pokeybit is your man for that .. you should be able to try again but I will have a word with pokey about it.

the guy from iC?
oh man i lold, you was saying that you'd only played for what, just over a year and was searching med+. you was an alright lad to play with but to try and boast and use hacks makes me feel bad inside for you dear sir, but the thing is you were not med with hacks :(

gl bb fellow scouser
lol hi :D

can i fanboi you?
If you want to be his fanboy you have to /q Adornit and say "god damn you're ugly nazi".
cmon, i know you have played with bots n' stuff before :)
cybergames hacker!!
Sakura ..

I'm not a bot but your forum doesn't like me .. no conf email & twice I have requested "resend conf email"

makes me want to register even more :P

jn0 ..

Sorted yet bud ??
DOE <--- lol waggy is hated on this server as soon as he gets on peeps vote "kick asshat panzer"
nice one janty. when i busted you couple months ago, you suddenly disappeared. After few months i meet you again through irc. I ask; you still cheat?
'NONONONO i'm starting a new line so don't tell anyone it's me' nice one fuckin fag. hope you come to cc6 so everyone can take a shit on ur head
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