Sewer Works (A work in progress)

mapname: sewerworks alpha v0.95

If you hadn't noticed or bothered to care, i've been away now for almost 2 months due to lack of err.. internet connection. During this time i've had a bit of fun with GTKRadiant and created a new design for a map I wish to finalise. Now i'm back finally with my new connection and have just been dieing to share some of this design with the community.

I'll keep you informed of the progress but for now all I want is first impression opinions, too big, too small, just right, whatever give me a short comment on your first impressions...

Let me know ;)
looks promising
lo me old matey :)
i dont know
it looks like a noquartermap
What are the objectives? How big is the map actually (say.. compared to grush or supply)?
Looks really good tbh, but without seeing the bigger picture, perhaps looks like a public map(?).

nice work tbh ;o
looks like rtcw map. Very nice!
too many places to camp, better make it more simple
atm it's campermap.. maybe not so much boxes
but looks nice!
This is certainly what we need, new maps!
keep up the good work, looks promising rad
Errr.. No offense but there are monthly new maps released to ET. Most of them just aren't official war material.
well that's what I exactly meant, nice to see someone putting an effort on this community. we need more sw maps
Remove the rails (ex. those on the 5th picture). Always found it annoying to shoot someone who's behind them.
looks like no use for fops except for spamming ammo......
edit: though i like the effort for new maps : )
looks nice man Good Job ask us #accurate aka #team-illusion for show match when it's ready ^^
cool ET need new map's for be ALIVE

Need a forum topic or other News with lot of news map for he can be alive !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

un forum ou une new avec plein de nouvelle maps voila jte traduit en fr sms ;D
reminds me of wolken
At least it looks better than most of the custom maps, but is is completely indoors apart from those tiny glimpses of sky?
seems decent.
this man deserves a medal!
good job!
looks very good, but i hate railings... can they be deleted like in delivery?

edit: where be the dragons??
up there in the skiis? :O
Upload it pl0x so some people can test it ;)
dominator :<
looks great , keep it up!


inspired by etqw? ;P
needs dragons
took me 45 seconds to load the first pic, not expecting this number to be any lower for the others

space reserved for comments
took about 3s
ah, the other 4 were quick, but the first one... wow I was expecting something ultra ultra high res...
I mean all.
aight good for you
took about 3 seconds
upload it to some server
looks promicing... release a BETA ofc. so ppl can test it in wars... if it has good fps, you are a messiah of et.
wow looks nice :)
The rooms have nice dimensions, nothing too compact. I get the impression some boxes have been put in just for the sake of it, and I hope you aint trying to allow fops to utilize arty/airstrike on the third pic with no roof.
reminds me of tc_base allied spawn :o
maybe reduce the amount of crates near the pillar at the skylight room/remove those close to.
Are there 2 or only 1 entrance to the upper area of the skylight room?

As far as I can see the hall with the "silos" is a little too big(to me it seems that there's not enough cover for the attacking team, whilst the defending team has plenty capacities to hide.

But looks very promising that map:)
(mind hosting the map somewhere? just to explore?)

keep it going
I once made a map called Ammo Depot ;p

image: ammodepot

The objective was to upload the porn to the laptop inside the mansion :>>

Looks nice btw!
looks nice=)
for me seems like jaymod mapa

slorrly flor mray blad engtish
nice man, maybe less stuff at the top :p
Looks ok but weren't you making some other map like 5 months ago.
looks nice
new map name de_nuke
It looks nice. Not too detailed, but still has something. However, it's no fun if it's as flat as that. Put some slopes and bit more wide areas so people can't just lean after every object. Also use staircases more than ladders between the floors, gives some room to dodge when someone's shooting you.

The wall textures look quite ugly in the top. Also it would look lot better if the water would be more filthy, can't really imagine such a clean water in the sewers. Also some outside part with terrain would be nice.
wow lot of responses, i'll be posting alot of the objective details and sort of command-map style so you can really get an idea of the objectives, as a note to _gamboo yeah there will be a roof added there as my plan is to have 99% of the map indoors.
remove the rails.

edit: somone should do maps like sewer and salvage from etqw to et !
2nd that! <3 salvage and sewer
thank you for daily portion of sarcasm
im jew, i know the feeling :P
Looks great
hmm why you hang up EVERYwhere lights?:(
for trickjumpers :D
ye lets watch what we are going to play on teh next oc season :x
looks good!
GJ, waiting for alpha or beta
Nice map, reminds me a bit on CS :D, but GJ!
use [img] tags kanker retard
EDIT: btw, you certainly had a lot of free time, looks pretty good..
umm.. i like the fact it is big but theres so many ladders and boxes + corners that it will be quite easy to defend :x make it a bit more simple and wider or add some secret tunnels =) but certainly looking nice :P
looks promising :)
looks really cool imo, but what is the objective?
looks naijs
hope you will finalize it and teams will test it, great
looks good
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