The lowbob rk'pb

After hOsTiLl ex member from Royal Knights Bustet Proudly Persent u

rk'pb Mr. i Dont Cheat .. sure


Clanbase: Daily Server Maintenance In Progress

ot_logo "0" eh no hax ? bb mr Private Haxzor
not against cheaters oh i see Killerboy is ur friend then maybe u got not busted lolz
www.what do you

Fucking learn english.
Where are all the Guess the Violation links instead of pbban links?
rk'pb low+ from cybergames?
thought reikkeri was finally busted :(
Leave my nick out of this!
old bad cvar in downloaded cfg prob.
that´s why ppl should read downloaded cfgs first...^^
hello :>
fuck all cheaters in ET, you fucking ruin the whole game, please uninstall ET and /kill yourself IRL!!

GL tho
Im Pb you see in server's, first point is who are you to acuse me of cheating, then if im cheater prove it! Just don't go hack my guid ;)

-... . -.-. .- .-. . ..-. ..- .-.. - .... . .-.. . --. . -. -.. .. ... -... .- -.-. -.- .-. - -.-. .--

That thing written above can be like programming, its just code, guess it if you are really smart ;)

and ot_logo wasn't in a config that it came, was in a script of Zoom fov 105/90, it came there.

have fun, brumu 1on1? :>
Tbh i suspected him ages ago

And pb, a generic cvar scan bust mean you have been busted with etbot. Enough proof tbh :D
lol die dude, you really don't know nothing 5 years of et, always trying be better, come 1on1 you will probably pwn me, not my computer :)
lolololol Pb doesnt cheat -.- at least he looks always low+ when i play against him =)

asking 1o1 all the time makes it worst. if u lose everyone will say that u cheated

if u win everyone will say that u still cheat, just forget it ;)
Tks nomearod, btw na war so espigaste no pub falaste bem, tasse benne ;).
u just a fucking moron ur luck u are not banned u are frined of killerboy moron
lol not really :)
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