looking for head sponsor

We are in need of a sponsor who can offer us ventrilo and Enemy Territory server.
Something about us:
We are stable and serious team(not a 2 weeks team, ex wArning and Azure players).
We are playing togheter since 2006.

Our line up is...

Gengis (ex-Azure team-spain)
Fanter (ex-wArning team spain)
RadifZ (ex-wArning ex-Azure team-spain)
ZeRoS^^(ex-aurea team-spain)
WezoR (ex-Desire team-spain)
polass (ex-Azure)
B0NK! (ex-wArning team spain)
cr0m (ex-CIB)
judAs (ex-Azure)
Dieg0l (ex-ole)

We are just waiting ur offers ( ¬¬ )


pmme for more info :)
gL coz Gengis play with U :D
gl gengis and wezor <3 nice not mentioning cs3r :(
GL mariposa boys!
<3 GENIS \o/
And the retard Wezor :)
omg! omfg!!!11!1

GL Gengis & WeZoR <33 :]
gl xikass
WezoR ( ex-Desire team-spain *Lg| )

gl m8
Suerte putillas ! :D
nice guys, gl
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