kicked for disallowed programmm

suddenly i keep getting kicked for "disallowed program/driver [80251]
i updated pb already and closed all programs like skype and stuff... but no effect...
anyone got the solution?

"omg selfbust blabla"
"turn off hax!"
etc etc...waiting for a serious comment...
omg selfbust
maybe programs p2p u got bearshare or smth ?
well i installed an update of java today... could that be it?
Close Virus-scan and Windows Update.
hax lololol!
Turn off all useless programs
"omg selfbust blabla"
omg nice selfbust :/
turn off hax!
doesnt pb write down logs with more detailed information?:/ like what program is getting you kicked
ask sheep as he had the same problem some time ago
"waiting for a serious comment... "

But youve asked a retarded question, punkbuster tells what the problem is. Its quite clearly written, in the English language, that the problem, sir, is a disallowed program OR driver ( / = or) with error code 80251.

There must be some sort of list of dis/allowed programs, do some comparing.

"omg selfbust blabla"
"turn off hax!"
change ur graphic settings n check.
this is NOT a cheat or hack. What it is is a possible rootkit hiding in your system. It is something that can not be detected by anti-virus software. What you will need to do is download an anti-rootkit program. You can get it here:

TAKE NOTICE: If this does not help, then you will have to REFORMAT your hard drive and reinstall your system. If your hard drive is partitioned, then you will have to delete ALL partitions as if your hard drive were new and allow your restoration software (Most major computer makers have it) To create the new partition and install your system.
nice copy paste...
tried that effect
i was kicked for this about 30 times , busted huh ? xD
QuoteCould you please look if you have any of the following files on your computer using the Windows Search functionality (from the Start menu, search for files or folders):

Specific files





Specific programs Instant messaging program
System Control Manager
cfishlman.exe (part of CFi ShellToys)

tried this?

i had the same end of november, dunno how it got fixed though :(
got the same, formatted pc and its fine
how you can be so retarded ?

EDIT reinstall drivers (graphix) to older
normally, i reinstalled them what caused even more problems, needed a format anyway

and why are you pretending to be a smartass while
a) its not your problem
b) noone asked you for a reply
c) ur just a 14year old kiddie with baseball bat and no brain who tried to beat everyone on the lan?

get muzg i cióchy
Put your penis into cooler, that should help
if you got vista, run it as administrator...
search forums on i had this problem when i formatted and reinstalled or just google the error code
just reinstall
had the same
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