unKind recruiting

image: unKind

Well since we kinda would like to reform United Kingdom unKind here goes our recruitment post:

Looking for an engi smg or rifle.

Currently we are:
England eVo
England tyyrd
England crmbs
Wales sqzz (if his missus lets him have his pc at her house)
England TEKNO

We would like to attend CC6 so you must be able to go and pay your way.
You must be:
- A good laugh first and foremost
- England speaking
- Skilled
- Intelligent game player (running in to repair or plant on your full spawn is not a good thing :P )

You can contact in #unKind
Good luck!
zomg gl unkind <3
sqzz aka speedy gonzales!
gl sqzz

is medskilled ok for u guys?
gl unKind
nice lu :) gl!
omg omg omg unKind is back! GL
avi :)
tyyrd will fell a sleep during the matches
and maybe someone will pour water over his head... who knows :)
good luck guys
gl lads ask pansy !
nice lads, gl tekno/tyyrd
Take me I'm all of those!! Well apart from being an engie, or skilled, or even that good at speaking English, defo not an intelligent game player, and I'm probably not even a good laugh on comms. So... don't take me.

But while I'm here, all the best of luck :D:D:D
take me !
take me!
wish I could say gl
gl take Nugis
So, when will the cc6 be?
unofficially - 1st weekend of April.
It's April's fool:
to take all the money for cc6 from others and run away.
thought the same 8D in that case shoes coming to lan would be a "good" joke aswell.
gL crumbs tekno & tyyrd
"running in to repair or plant on your full spawn is not a good thing "

gl guys.
gl tekno , tyyrd & sqzz
cless :D

gl :>
GL Tekno & sqzz
gl turd :D
gl guys!
anna niille mahdollisuus!
gl lads i <3 u all :) although i have not met Tekno yet in rl :D
i <3 you to!

i hope you will be making an appearence at cc6
2 bad you missed him @ cc5:(
eager deffo the sexiest man there! <3
why thankyou dave!
yh just tell me when, ill be there!
oh noes tekno + tyyrd :/

gl darlings
gl but no owzo no win!
He'll be there soon
take me:D
hate to be a chainbreaker!

take me :D
gl sqzz and tekno :)
gl boys <3 tyyrd wish i cud have made it to cc but exams suck ;<< (FUCK YOU CALCULUS I HOP YOU DIE)
good luck with it :)
GL boys!
backup avi
gl jake !
(running in to repair or plant on your full spawn is not a good thing :P )

??? sure it is.
I can make it work. :U
good luck, nice team in past :)
we won them.so we were more than nice :|

gl guys
8) and I got moviematerial :D
put me in thanks at shoutout !
:) your name is marked.
Thanks ! :D
oh and by the way, if one day you need someone, merc or something, ask me. I could reinstall ET !
I could ask :> , maybe after new year since then we have hopefully created our lan lineup 8D
okay, z"np :D
gl guys
HaHa you sucked so bad at lan :XD
gl tyyrd, sqzz, tekno!
tekno? lol gl
nice team, good luck
gl owners !
Goodluck Tekno & Tyyrd..

Me wants to try.. :-X
no ross! no win!
Take England Cupper
R0SS not playing ?
Re-play gaming for him
dont take me
nice one guys, you might ask ross or west .. good luck ! :-)
go crumbs !
gl boys!
take Lauren
G o o d L u c k ! ! !
take Speaker
(running in to repair or plant on your full spawn is not a good thing :P )

what!? :(
nice lineup :D
like someone would take an oldsql-random...
wtf. u suck.

what about R0SS ? :<
zomg crmbs :o good luck
- Intelligent game player (running in to repair or plant on your full spawn is not a good thing :P )

gl tekno! and tyyrd also :>
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