sATO search clan

Hi, Hoi, Hallo, Bonjour, Buongiorno!
United Kingdom, Australia, Germany, France, Italy

What i can offer:
- med skilled
- never cheated
- mature (18y)
- good teamplay and good on coms
- 3 years of ET experience (0 NC, 0EC, 1 OC)
- Can play fo, medic & engi smg
- Can play all time ~ 20:00 - 01:00 CET

What i want from you:
- no cheaters / ex cheaters
- 6v6 team
- on coms
- no clan 2 week!

- #Nerdvibes @ qnet
- inbox

Ps: I'm not takuma !
Gl satomerde , mais clope fdp!
I hate SlArTO
GL. He is a really good panza XD
Thanks My Love <3
and very good english speaker (xd)
gl Takuma
:o, GL, nice guy
gl Takuma
gl gl gl gl gl
u sux :D (Gl <3)
Teknota? :P

Smolarek <3
Gl Sato <3 Tu peux préciser que tu sais très bien parler anglais :D
gl sato :)
gl satoshi, et un peu d espagnole non ? :p
Un pokito? :P
gl satoshi
gl low+ max
Gl Cheater :)
Gl whiner not med
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