I was on the same server with him today :(
i know, against the swedes ;)
yeh u won the cup :-)
Double forfeit =D:D:D
new cheater buster have been born !
call me H4RR15B0Y
I hope that Cash his story is going to be true.
hes been saying that for 4months, he was even banned from Crossfire for cheating.
losing money cause of cheaters wouldn't be nice
omg me too, fuck this, my stomach is full of laugh, omg :DDDDDDDDDDDSDSADDSDaxsads!D:Sda;1:DsaD:!:d
I'm not saying this because he's a manager of stheno but more to show how immature you are Harris.

You're a friend of him for a longer time, and he was always helping you, besides that he's a friendly person. He barely plays Enemy Territory. You just showed everyone how you can fuck "friends"

I really hope noone else is going to thrust you as you are simply a immature kid who's trying to get some random attention by flaming his "friend" over the internet because of a cheat in a game which he barely plays.

have fun harris
im being the good man and abiding by the law before being a friend
Well the law also says that you can't have sex with girl who are younger aged then 18.
"your post has been moved to the off-topic"
No - its the same bullcrap as you're saying. Just grow up. I really hope noone else is going to thrust you, as you are simply a kid.
im not gay i dont want people to thrust me...
Ye and the law says you can't kill other people. But if someone always listens and is a good citizen should we just look the other way when such a person makes one mistake?
That entirely depends on what has happened, if you're best friend is in a fucked up situation and decides to do something he'll come to regret for the rest of his life. Would you grasp him down?
I don't know whether I could live with the knowledge that a friend of mine killed someone. I would try to make him understand that himself.
if my best friend were hackin...i wouldnt bust him
ugh hes not my friend...
If (that's a big IF) I discover that one of my mate is cheating I wouldn't hide it...
I'm not saying that you need to hide it. But its just not "fair" to be like that. I mean he barely plays the game and the main reason why he got Enemy Territory is to spec Dispo to check how they are playing.

Harris & z3d where friends, and its simply retarded to do something like it.

my opinion
Thats rich coming from you!
Quotea cheat in a game which he barely plays.

Cheats is cheats and so ban. I thought you were so eager to help out KB once with busting cheaters and such (or so you say according to those logs everyone posts about you) so you shouldn't stand up for such a person.
You don't get the point. He needs to get what everyone gets and thats a ban simple as. But posting this shit in public just to make a fool out of him is just retarded. The fact that they where friends made it even worse.
How come you think he does it to make a fool out of someone? I dont see him saying that anywhere. All he does is reporting a cheater, which so many people do.
imho its the right attitude harris shows with making this public especialy because its his friend!
I would never do it. I would report it, But without all those bullcrap. rather past it personally towards a admin then giving him this attention on crossfire. But he thats just me
Harsh, bitter, overload slap down.
It was i who busted him, he decided to post it.
I wouldn't mind him getting banned, but he doesn't even know ET :p he hasn't even played oasis :D

Z3d is a lovely person, if someone cheats and deserves a second chance, then it is him.

Much <3's mate :)
I'm not even going to check those links. I don't care about how much he plays. Just the fact that "friends" shouldn't do something like this. harris could be mature enough to go personal towards a CB crew member to report him.

And as I said. I hope that Cash his story will become reality.
get your facts right then before you post
I don't need facts. I can base my opinions on things I see. No facts needed for that.

on a side note: added on ignore list
Can't believe you, age 19(?) should ever believe a guy who is 15 years old and has 3 pbbans about giving cash (50$) for every game. Its impossible and hes not even old enough to do this stuff legally even if he had the money.
According to him he didn't paid for those cheats, and he isn't 15 years old either.
I didn't say he bought cheats, but he cheated 3 times, and lets get real, there are 200 teams in every ET ladder, if there are 50 games a week, and this guy said hell give 50$ a match. Thats 2500$ a week. Better use that money to buy cheats from netCoder's and give them to PB or just sue them lol.

back to on-topic: cheater -> busted by an official anti-cheat, ban. next.
We're going off to a other point again. I said: Cheater = ban, no doubt about it. But I just said that its simply retarded to do it like this. Nothingmore.
What did you expect him to do? He could have given me the pbban link and i would bust him, doesn't matter, it would be him being a 2 faced person.
You could also ban him without giving him this crap attention right?
and them recieve 10 pms from you asking me that you didn't know he cheated/was busted. Better alerting the community this way.
Even with posting it here some people don't know that he's busted later on. I'm just saying that he didn't deserve it like this way.

But he its only me!
they say "prevention is better than cure" so better prevent it before its too late :D
No offence about having no friend at the reply below :X :P
So should the killer list be kept secret? I think your missing the point the community should know who the cheaters are!
No No....You don't get the point. I'm talking bout harris and z3d being friends and harris just fuckin him up. But Killerboy doesn't got any friends so he didn't fuck anyone up @ killerlist
tbh i wasnt even friends with him, i just built myself up to a boiling point and couldnt stand him bossing me around anymore
Still hard to understand that I can't read what you say?

hARRIS on 21/12/08, 23:56:04 Edited PM | Reply

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"hint" click the "+"
I would say z3d fucked himself up by getting/buying hacks.
i like it how the cheaters in this community stick up for eachother...
its money from the opponent. so loser pays 50. got it?

just like in the match between netr and zp (tho i cant remember if the money was sponsored for that game or did zP really pay it)
lol, and who will be the guy who will risk 50$ for an online game? Hell yeah will that increase the number of cheaters. Better donate them for a LAN.
just said it because you misunderstood it, ofc no1 wud play a ladder like that :D
omg I have the same, my guid was spoofed by "radZiu", should I get banned?
lawl z3d : D


naa, he's our manager :D
.___. my old friend, started cheating for the reason he couldn't get better. He even told me about a month ago how well he was doing w/o cheats and how happy he is. But oh well : P
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