Got a pb problem......

Does anyone know what this means? i keep getting kicked for this....

Server Disconnected - PunkBuster kicked player 'Darky' (for 0 minutes) . . . RESTRICTION: Service Communication Failure: PnkBstrB.exe initialization failed

i was playing fine because i thought i fixed it, but it started kicking me for that again =/

thanks in advance.
after you get kicked try

pb_sleep 500;pb_security 0;wait 10;vid_restart

Dont think it will fix the issue. pb_sleep only enlarges the time between PB scans and pb_security 0 is just a command to allow/disallow PB 'downgrade' updating in servers that run older version of PB.
Tbh fuck the pb_security 0.. i keep it at 1 all the time.

My suggestion would be to update PB.
yeah i did...millions of times.....
Have you tryed to remove PB entirely and then install the newest version?
PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe are at your firewalls allow list?

QuoteHave you tried completely uninstalling and then reinstalling PunkBuster? Be sure to follow these instructions EXACTLY. People in the past have skipped parts and have failed to fix their problem.

1. Make sure that you either disable your firewall (probably not a good idea) or allow PnkBstrA.exe and PnkBstrB.exe access to do things (McAfee has been known to automatically add these services to the block list).
2. Download pbsvc.exe( ), which is a utility to uninstall and reinstall PunkBuster.
3. Open pbsvc.exe and select Un-Install/Remove PunkBuster Service.
4. Open pbsvc.exe again and this time select Install/Re-Install PunkBuster Service.
5. After installing, it will test your services. Make sure you get a "Test completed successfully without error." message. If not, then copy and paste the results of the test here.
6. Now download PBSETUP( ), which is a utility to update PunkBuster to the latest version. For Windows: pbsetup.exe
7. Open pbsetup.exe( ). It will probably have to check for updates, allow it to do that.
8. Click the "Add a Game" button at the top.
9. Select your game (in this case Battlefield 2142) and make sure that the directory is correct.
10. Click the "Check for Updates" button at the top.

You're done! Try playing Battlefield 2142 now and see if it works. If you are still having problems, come back here and let us know. If this fix worked for you, still let me know!
Seen that? battlefield = ET :P
can you tell me how to do that?
Check the post. Updated it. :P This should help.
Checking user is Administrator OK
Checking Administrator privileges OK
Opening Service Control Manager OK
Searching for PnkBstrA None Found - OK
Extracting PnkBstrA service OK
Verifying service authenticity OK
Installing PunkBuster service OK
Installed at "C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe"
Checking PunkBuster service status STOPPED
Starting PunkBuster service ERROR

look an error =/ what should i dooo
Im not sure, but it looks like your firewall is blocking PB. Turn the firewall off maybe and try if that helps.
it is not sure but i think its my router because my cousin put a password on it.. but im pretty sure i turned it off because i was playing fine this morning without getting kicked
If you downloaded that pbsvc.exe from previous link then run it and press the Test button. Copy the info you get. :P
look, i reinstalled it after uninstalling it with that pbsvc and i got this

Checking user is Administrator OK
Checking Administrator privileges OK
Opening Service Control Manager OK
Searching for PnkBstrA None Found - OK
Extracting PnkBstrA service OK
Verifying service authenticity OK
Installing PunkBuster service OK
Installed at "C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe"
Checking PunkBuster service status STOPPED
Starting PunkBuster service ERROR
This is not a test result. Test result will try initialising everything and if something fails, it will tell exactly where it failed.
Result will give a LOONG wall of text.
you want me to click on Test Services? because that's all it shows
Weird. Mine shows:

QuoteStarting PunkBuster Service Tests (v0.986) (12/28/08 07:02:48)
Checking OS
Windows Server 2003 (build 3790, Service Pack 2) 64-bit
Checking PnkBstrA service status RUNNING
Checking PnkBstrA Version OK (1029)
Extracting "PnkBstrB.exe" to:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Application Data\PnkBstrB.exe"
Checking firewall settings OFF
Is PnkBstrA explicitly allowed?
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrA.exe NO
Is PnkBstrB explicitly allowed?
C:\WINDOWS\system32\PnkBstrB.exe NO
Checking if PnkBstrB is running STOPPED
Getting port for PnkBstrA OK (44301)
Opening socket for packet send OK
Sending version packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrA OK
Received 6 bytes from
Response = 7078 (ms) Version = v1029
Getting PnkBstrB install instance OK
Sending start packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Waiting for packet from PnkBstrA OK
Received 3 bytes from
Response = 11094 (ms) PnkBstrB started.
Watching for PnkBstrB instance change (32) CHANGED (33)
Getting port for PnkBstrB OK (45301)
Sending version packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrB OK
Received 5 bytes from
Response = 3031 (ms) Version = 2057
Checking PnkBstrK driver status NOT FOUND
Manually stopping PnkBstrB STOPPED
Removing test PnkBstrB file OK

Tests finished.

Was hoping for something like this..

Btw. @ pbsvc, did you add W:ET there and after that clicked "Check for updates"?
i hope we are using the same thing =/, i dont understand... im following the steps
1.Un-install I un-installed everything relating to pb on my comp.
2. Restart
3. install- When i ran the test it said it failed to locate b just like in the test i posted eirlier.
4. Restart
5. install again without un-installing. I gave up halfway thtrough the test and wasnt even watching when a window came up saying the test was completed sucessfully.

Pretty much what PDS said.
waiaiiaaiait i got it

Starting PunkBuster Service Tests (v0.986) (12/28/08 00:10:27)
Checking OS
Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) 32-bit
Checking PnkBstrA service status RUNNING
Checking PnkBstrA Version OK (1029)
Extracting "PnkBstrB.exe" to:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Hm's\Application Data\PnkBstrB.exe"
Checking firewall settings Checking if PnkBstrB is running NOT RUNNING
Getting port for PnkBstrA OK (44301)
Opening socket for packet send OK
Sending version packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrA OK
Received 6 bytes from
Response = 7156 (ms) Version = v1029
Getting PnkBstrB install instance NOT FOUND
Sending start packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Waiting for packet from PnkBstrA OK
Received 3 bytes from
Response = 23937 (ms) PnkBstrB started.
Watching for PnkBstrB instance change (0) CHANGED (1)
Getting port for PnkBstrB OK (45301)
Sending version packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrB OK
Received 5 bytes from
Response = 16 (ms) Version = 2057
Checking PnkBstrK driver status NOT FOUND
Extracting new PnkBstrK to:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Hm's\Application Data\PnkBstrK.sys"
Sending load packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Checking PnkBstrK driver status RUNNING
Stopping PnkBstrK STOPPED
Deleting PnkBstrK OK
Checking PnkBstrK driver status DELETED
Manually stopping PnkBstrB STOPPED
Removing test PnkBstrB file OK

Tests finished.

without error
Nice. The problem should be solved now..
alright im going to try it.. if it works.. you and demon are my idols
Keep me updated. :P
lol i was playing fine...then i quit et... got back into the server.. and got kicked for same reason lmao
Um. What does the test say?
there was an error... but i did it over and over again now it finished without a guessing its going to kick me after i join and rejoin -.-
when i press the console it says Punkbuster Client: Not connected to a server WTTTFTFTF
i still got kicked =/
Are you using Windows Vista?
lmfao i didnt notice hahahahaha
Dont hurt my feelings. :((
agh, alright ill do it =/
this is what came up when i uninstalled =/

Checking user is Administrator OK
Checking Administrator privileges OK
Opening Service Control Manager OK
Searching for PnkBstrA Found - OK
Removing Service/Driver files OK
Removing registry entries ERROR
Removing logs OK
Removing log directory OK
it wowowoowwoowkrs <3 ty
lol..i was playing fine...then i quit and reconnected..... GUESS WHAT HAPPEND just guess guess
I had that error once, then fixed it :(
maybe tell him how?
Forgot how I done it l0l
Unless I have the problem again (doubt it) I wouldn't remember :/
nice fail :D
Fail for him, since it's not working :'))))))))))))))))))
a mate got this error, he asked me for my punkbstrB.exe... I gave it and I think it works for him now
gimme your email or something and I will, but guess u have also some other friends with working pb that could give it :)
fuck them... [email protected] is my email, or from my xfire xD jarheadss
You don't have problems WITH PB, but PB IS a problem.
:D biiigproblem:D

man, where are u?:S
At home, I'm kinda sick of the blaming and stuff.
I'll come online in a hour or so.
Not a problem for me :)
You kill the problems before they seem to be problems.
Girls at my school call me: sexy panda btw, we must have something in common.
Starting PunkBuster Service Tests (v0.986) (12/28/08 13:03:00)
Checking OS
Windows XP (build 2600, Service Pack 3) 32-bit
Checking PnkBstrA service status RUNNING
Checking PnkBstrA Version OK (1029)
Extracting "PnkBstrB.exe" to:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Hm's\Application Data\PnkBstrB.exe"
Checking firewall settings OFF
Checking if PnkBstrB is running RUNNING
Manually stopping PnkBstrB STOPPED
Getting port for PnkBstrA OK (44301)
Opening socket for packet send OK
Sending version packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrA OK
Received 6 bytes from
Response = 8281 (ms) Version = v1029
Getting PnkBstrB install instance OK
Sending start packet to PnkBstrA SENT
Waiting for packet from PnkBstrA OK
Received 3 bytes from
Response = 42719 (ms) PnkBstrB started.
Watching for PnkBstrB instance change (1) TIMEOUT
Getting port for PnkBstrB OK (45301)
Sending version packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Receiving version from PnkBstrB TIMEOUT
Checking PnkBstrK driver status NOT FOUND
Extracting new PnkBstrK to:
"C:\Documents and Settings\Hm's\Application Data\PnkBstrK.sys"
Sending load packet to PnkBstrB SENT
Checking PnkBstrK driver status

it doesnt check the driver status.... it was taking so long =/
i dont have any punkbuster folder in there =/ , so i guess that was the problem.... im downloading it from filefront since its not in the temp folder
it started working.... then i quit ... and rejoined.... and i got kicked again... omfg
I got it, it was working earlier today and my Punkbuster B was on....i didn't need to update anything.. so i think ill be fine :] thanks a lot for the help man i appreciate it
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