crAsh unbanned : )

Hi again,

*UPDATE* 28.12 23:35
Ah thanks a very lot to the fair PB admins, especially MaydaX and CB admin Killerboy for your support, and of course everyone who helped me. :)

Log of the lifted ban:

This was a lesson enough. :)

This must be a joke that I need to make an other CF post to unban me, just because someone thinks he is funny posting bot commands in crossfire.

First I might need to explain what happend.
When I saw that topic I though why shouldn't I try out those configs? I didn't look through all the config as I wasn't aware of the fact that someone could have fun posting such commands in his cfg. It of course was a mistake of myself but should I get banned for that while real cheaters enjoy their cheats?
If this community is still worth something crittie should be banned or at least warned at crossfire and not me!

Here is the thread with the config:

As a matter of fact this crittie kiddie is so funny that he edited the comment half a day later so that noone can review the command after.
Here is a screenshot of the edit:
image: cfgedit

Can a crossfire admin check the edited post and reset it or is that not possible?

Here some information about the ban
PB Ban because of the command "kik_aim = 1" :

My Yawn:

Reactions on the ban:

I've been playing ET for like 4 years and never cheated. Getting busted while cheaters are laughing at us is just unacceptable isn't it?

I hope an admin from PB can help me and write an appeal to EvenBalance. They already denied my own one.

Thanks a lot,
crAsh is clean, he used the config which crittie posted on cf XD
why should he use a like 5 year old detected etpub bot with kik_aim as only value anyway XD
poor r3fl3x :<
lolz you remember my oldschool name :D
r3flex u played for IC clan ?
hope u will get unbanned
Never use a random cfg unless you've went through all the commands. It must suck for you but it's your own fault although I believe your story ;), you were more or less stupid though :x
If you are stupid or unaware once you get busted for that? Is that what you're trying to tell me?
It was just a foolish action by copying a cfg from CF.. And the one by crittie wasn't that long afaik. So you should have seen that cvar at least but apparently you didn't.
Life's a bitch my dear.
you are a retard really. posting cheat commands at crossfire and trying to be funny.
i hope you get banned.
not my problem if they are not able to notice it since it was clearly visible.
lol you really seem to be a big child. at least you act like one.
first you said:
Quoten1 trying to accuse others! noob lolz

and then repling with "sure" to rise.
posting cheat commands at cf isn't nice.
what a tard u are
You too, retarded piece of shit egokick noob lolololol
Quote by crittieYou too, retarded piece of shit egokick noob lolololol

one more lol and u would be more mature and cooler ;)
go get some brains
ok ill follow your advice.

Haha you're funny... You could bust real cheaters instead of making a lot of trouble and stress PB admins with such problems!
unban imo
he s 100% not cheating. unban him.
it s just stupid that nerds are allowed to post configs with cheat cvars in it.
but crash wasn't cheating at all. just testing a config doesn't make him a cheater.
crittie should get banned for it not crash.
I remember that RazZah had same situation and wasn't banned
yep, he had that at a movie cfg
Big city life..
please get one!
Yeah indeed I should since im from a little one.
oh yea you must know nub multihacker
thx wanna rent hax?

well but everybody knows it. what idiot would use a bot with kik_aim
cvar which is like years old ...
hes clean 100% who ever thinks he cheats you are retards :/
great job <3 :D
he isnt cheating...noone is so retarded and uses kik_aim "1" omg..pls

unban him....

ban critte for makeing other cheaters :!

jes, ban you, u wanted that someone get banned please, ur fail
Yeah, obviously that was my goal.
If it wasn't you wouldn't have edited your post and would try to get me unbanned!
Actually, where are you banned?

Yeah maybe on pbban but can't really help you. I just cannot go & remove the ban + i have no chance to prove that you copied that cfg. It's not even sure that you did so.
haha its not sure you're so funny? Still making jokes tard? You could for example leave the facts as they were without editing your comment and you could now admit that I should get unbanned!
Eh.. How can i know that you were kicked because of that config? And read again what i said.
because I got banned for your "kik_aim = 1" command which I can only find in your post these days??
other configs, maybe u cheated for real!?!??!, etc etc..
then I wouldn't have been banned for that shit command? get it???
There are other configs floating around on cf which contain that command... So and well, the command is banned to stop people from using that old bot, because it's not the case that detected bots aren't used by anyone, there always are some idiots who want to cheat and get banned for detected cheats.

Anyway, you can't prove that you used the config of someone who put that command in there, and I don't think the admins trust you enough to not ban you for this incident.

It's widely spread that such configs exist and that you should check every config for prohibited commands before using them.
Well I didn't actually know that and I also don't think everyone who wants to test a config needs to know that...
Doesn't matter...
he is already banned @ESL and a cbban is possible aswell. not to mention a bad reputation.
Yeah, too bad and sorry for him. But I just can't go to remove the bans and there is no way to prove he got kicked because of cfg that I posted.

Second, I dont even know how clean he is, never played against/ with him (?).
Just saying Sorry sometimes helps.
The stuff you pulled there was totally retarded and you got a probably clean player banned by your kiddie actons.
I have to admit that you're right this time ! +1
it's not critties fault that crash is stupid. you should wish crash HF with his ban.

he just copyed that config, if you download config from mAus or butchji, u will check every command?
yes definatly! because its common to put xiitcvars in the dllable config!
he isnt the first who got kicked for smth like this so its just his fault and noOne else!
Just because it's been done several times it's my fault?
I can't understand why you don't agree to unban me if you know I am not cheating! SO WHY BANNING???
first of all i dont know if you arent cheating!! and secondly if you arent smart enough to check the commands before you deservs a ban for stupidy!!

you can't expect everyone to know as much about cheats as me (or you XD) tbh. some people just play this game and don't care about cheats XD
and there are cvars which are not that obvious cheatcvars like kik_aim... there was even smth like sc_mouserate (cant remember the exact one) or smth which gives you a pbban!
i dont know every cheatcvar either but if i dont know a command in a cfg i just use google!! and sorry if you trust someone you dont know and just his cfg you are just a stupid fuck!
1 or 2 years ago when i was even worse than i am now i also downloaded random configs from highskillers from their crossfire profile. at least back then fucking up ppl with cheatcvars wasnt that popular yet. the only thing which happened to me was that someone used totally fucked up settings which fucked up my whole sound and even putting another config over it didnt put them back instantly! i guess i was lucky back then. nowadays i would never ever download a random config without checking them carefully any more if it's not from someone i trust.
someone learn his lesson!
well you can use cvar_restart to reset your cvars or simply delete your etconfig... Thats what I though as well when I tested the configs. I wasn't aware of guys posting bot commands on the biggest et community left... But I seem to repeat myself. Hope someone will understand and help me. Otherwise I can just say this game is fucking dead!
If we would ban for stupidity not many ppl would be responsing here anymore especially you!
what makes you think i am stupid? the fact that i laugh at you because you got banned for this?!?

funny kid!
halt die fresse und lern mal nachzudenken du scheiss opfer
another angry kid!!

yes? You are a tard laughing about others who got banned for no reason when there are hunderts of cheater who aren't banned yet!
there is a reason! anyway it doesnt entertain me anymore so bibuy! hF with your baN!
I always check the commands before using a config :O

omg but not with a 5 year old bot command... come on?!
arnt u busted ?

wtf are you doing here at cf then?
unbanned because failed screen no pbbans etc =)

so no bust
He's clean, let's hope the case will be solved :)
Appeal Status Closed - Denied (December 27, 2008)

whats funny here??
its funny that there are still people who are toooooo stupid to check configs before testing them after the 100th case of getting kicked because of highskilledplayercfgwithxiitcvar in!
Go back asslicking,thx
to what are you refering to?
If u dont want to write some comment which shows your opinion or which tries to help us to solve that issue,u can just stay out of this thread
lol yes so fkn true every comment here on cf helps to solve some problems and stuff!


still dont get the asslicking thingi!

btw if he doesnt check the config before its his fault and its just funny that he got kicked for it because as i already mentioned it happend 100 times before already!!
Don't tease polaks, they are already on their way to your car 8B
Parent ASSLICK0R, cauze every1 needs one o/ :DD
nono you are wrong i am the one who got blamed for everything because i am the german!!
stop your kiddie behavior already,it wasnt funny at all what u did..
you play with a cheater hahahhaha
actually bans are only valid within the banlength, atleast thats what I understand of it logically... cant speak for CB though
Well 6 months and a bad image is too much for that I have never cheated?
i talked about his friend's case not yours.

about you:

in the end you are responsible for what kinda config you are using. This is a known issue IF you really did not use cheats and noone can proof your not guilty.
fresse kanackenkind
well,its ur fault too.maybe u wont get banned here,but the story,even if its true,wont get u unbanned on pb
I am not hoping to not get banned here... My point is to find a PB admin who will write an other appeal to EvenBalance so I get unbanned on the MPI.
is it crittie's fault if he cheats?
This shit just cant be true.. the factr is that crAsh tried this config because of it was written in the GRAPHIC SETTINGS section.

Who should fucking know that this crittie guy will post such commands. Since those cfgs include lots of commands,it was obvious that crAsh wouldnt check all of them before he uses it. And who thought anyway that this crittie guy is so retarded. I mean he isnt unknown at all, so even I would have trusted his cfg which he posted.

The admins should take a look at this issue once more, because the only right thing which they can do is to unban crAsh.
There are some crossfire member who know 100% that crittie has edited his comment right after there was some flame. Guys dont hide and tell it to the admins, since there is no fun in it.
QuoteThere are some crossfire member who know 100% that crittie has edited his comment

Yeah I did. But I haven't even tried to hide it, have I?
I dont know if u wanted to hide it, i wasnt at home back then. But why did u have to edit it then?
I don't know.
Then shut the fuck up you piece of shit,
Your flaming skills are just poor.
I don't even want to flame you. You're just retarded.
You should get banned for being stupid. Pretty much everytime someone posts a config there's always someone who has the kik_aim command or any other cheat command inside the config.
Well thats a problem of this community then but it shouldn't be my problem!
So you're blaming the community for blatantly copy/pasting a random cfg posted in a thread.
I actually got a warning from chosen for using a german word when I answered to a german comment in the CFG thread. So yes I think the community should warn or ban ppl who post bot commands.
Anyway it was a missunderstanding and not a cheat essay so I should get unbanned for that.
hope u will get unbanned
Played him like 2 days ago, wasnt cheating.
3months ban for you!
he's clean
unlucky :~
why isn't he banned @ crossfire?
because he never cheated? and crittie even admits it XD
not to mention that ziff zeto lio nk3 and a thousand other real cheaters are still not banned either.
Well I said it's possible that he copied that config, not sure. read the other reply.
my opinion is

give a one month ban to crittie for a cheat cfg post
give a one month ban to crashh so cfg commands learns him to be aware when asking for help at cf
Then ban all the guys with cheat cvars in their cfgs and posts. Then I agree.
he asked you for help, you fucked him up, you deserve to be banned because of that
why do you protect your lowskilled friend. You make yourself look like a fool and shit and fag and everything
I don't protect anyone tbh, I just find this whole event retarded ^^
yes, but look again what you said in every comment. How does it look like?
looks just like his attitude towards crash :]
You know me very well I see...
I believe you, but if other people are getting banned from this @ CB you deserve it too cause this isn't an exception!
I don't think anyone got banned for a very old bot command some mins/hours after it got posted on crossfire. And the one posted it obviously trying to hide it? This is so obvious that I see no reason against unbanning me.
tbh it was really mean and retarded to do that, but that gives an idea to avoid it that xfire will do a cfg corner in which ppl can upload their cfg's and they will be checked for cvar like this so u don't have to worrie about shit like this, also that would lower topics like "need high/low quality cfg" etc
To be honest I never thought that someone could be so stupid not to see that.
ye, I recognized the kik command instantly :c
then what was the purpose of your post? to find out if you were wrong? stupid fintard
If he knew he would even have more against you!
Since he is a friend of us he knows about it.
I can smell the hate
Hes telling the truth, I've seen the original post aswell :)
Thanks for fucking up my yawn. You told ur swiss cheaterfriends to do so, right?

image: jawniokdm5

Sent by funnyboyz on Sunday 28th December 2008, 19:11
Lol so you did post a cheatercommand in your config and got another player banned, and now you got owned yourself by using a hax ahahaha this is just great! :D

(url) []

(url) []

Finally the real idiot got owned.

• Reply to this message
You cant be serious. Like u didnt fuck up your reputation on your own. There are enough cheaters here on cf who are able to do so.
naah, this proves crash is cheater. :) good job crittie
don't get me wrong, i'm a friend of crittie's aswell (feel free to ask him XD). but crash is clean and looking at the comments above almost every single person here flamed crittie, even those who don't even know crash. crittie didn't really make himself friends. i'm totally sure that it wasn't crash.
and you are? :d
Automatic Warning removal!
Sent by Crossfire on Sunday 28th December 2008, 16:30
Because you have not received a warning in the last 7 days, 10 warning points have been removed.

Lol which cheaterfriend? I haven't got any cheaterfriends... This must be a joke.
Switzerland Migrosbudget.... that flag rings a bell?
you should get banned by fucking crittie's yawn :dd
dont blame other cause your stupid enough not to check the commands yourself
you are worse than vila
crAsh is 100% not cheating and does not tolerate cheats/cheaters
If there is one who should be banned, it's crittie

and dont come with that stupid blind shit, we all are human and no running machines retarded community
100% clean

Just unban him and ban this fuckin child crittie.
it is only sad ,cuz i dont know this cmds from/for bots( and i think many other players too)...and i could be the next banned player..cuz 1 retard kiddi thinks he is funny.

well, he did a mistake and i think he´ll know better next time xD

so unban him!
well, when u use kik_aim in ur config, u get banned, not for cheating, but for stupidity, everybody should check what commands he is copying from others, because i have news 4 u, ppl are devils, u can never trust to anybody u dont know (and sometimes even if u know)...
can't you appeal with a ss or something?
I think he did already, dont know
I will try to appeal again but it's not possible the normal way because my first one got denied...
i hope that u are gonna to be unbanned. gl
He is kinda stupid since someone commented about the kik cvar. I assume you read the comments?
He commented half an hour later...
your ban is 9.18. You copied the cfg, waited, and then used it? If yes, i havent said anything. If no, ur still dumb.
yes, so delete it :)
next time, use b_placebo 1
and unban ofc >:D
Ah thanks a very lot to the fair PB admins, especially MaydaX and CB admin Killerboy for your support.

This was a lesson enough. :)
oh you'r unban that's good for you ;) don't be scared YOU ARE FREE ! :d>
I feel like being in heaven :D
haha :D enjoy then :>
great, the only possible solution imo
np, nice to see maydax removed the ban :)
glad they removed your ban
ps: talking into the admins isn't worth mentioning these days?:( *g*
I would like to thank SsAP for persuading the admins, thanks again m8 :D
"cheaters always win"
"not a cheater never a cheater" :o
Is it too much to ask that a respected / knowedgeable site such as that is frequented by lots of active ET players, actually check submitted player cfg's before allowing them to be downloaded from the site ?

There are still quite a few cheats knocking about that are run outside of the game directory and the features are toggled on and off via cvar.
Unfortunately there are also some dickheads about who think its great fun to post up cfg's that contain cheat cvars.

There are a couple of ways of dealing with this issue:

1. submitted cfg's are submitted by the player and checked by a crossfire staff member before being made available for download.

2. The player clicks a guarantee that the submitted cfg is theirs, and if cheat cvars are found its treated as a "self bust"

3. After submission there should be no edit feature available for this particular forum / website section.
What if you update your config?
would be kinda nice
just keep posting journals about your own stupidity.
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