alKo needs a team


You have an incredible occasion to get a very skilled player into your team.
Polish player PolandalKo is in need of a European clan. He has everything it is needed to play at even med+ level.

Some basic info:
- 18 years old, quite mature and a very friendly guy.
- medic class.
- very good aimingwise.
- nimble at the battlefield
- can speak English
- clean player.
- widely available.
- stable Internet connection

If you have objections only because he is Polish, just trial him and you will see that he is charming.

What he wants, is a skilled stable team with a future. New projects are welcome as long as the team is completed with arrival of alKo and the players are skilled.

Contact: here (msg me) or at (he's got nick alko or alko`.

GL mate:>
gl [nC]n00b32
a European (ejuropin)
ale AN powinno przed european men, nie A
Przed European ma byc 'a', nie 'an', bo 'an' uzywa sie gdy mianownik zaczyna sie od samogloski, a 'european' zaczyna sie od spolgloski 'j' (mowimy o wymowie, nie pisowni!).
an dajemy jezeli wymowa wyrazu zaczyna sie na samogloske :P czyli juropi-an zaczyna sie na j, tak wiec powinno byc a
edit: wyprzedzili mnie :C
no wiem wiem juz nie zjezdzajcie mnie :(
International Front For Correct Usage of A/AN Organisation or what the fuck? :D
I'm not some english mastah myself :P and I like when somebody show me my mistakes aswell :D
alright, then 'shows' :-)
you see, nobody is perfect :D
gl biach
nice and skilled player, except frostbite!
gl pralkoa
samotne serca bija w nas <333333 gl
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