socks - wallhacking?

Hey Guys,

a friend (socks aka spirAcy) got a ban on clanbase with reason "Wallhack".

Clanbase Account:
Crossfire Account:
Original Demos:

I think this ban isnt justified. He recieved a ban for preshooting on braundorf at most used camping places.

I did some little avi´s where u can see him preshooting:

My opinion to that:

Avi 4
you can hear him clearly. Maybe in the Avi the sound is fucked up a little bit. But if you want, you can download the demos of the match on the top of the post ;)

Avi 5
When he passed the corner to the Bunker Controls, you can hear the medic walking the last stair up to the controls.

Now we come to the other avis, if he realy have a wallhack why...

Avi 1
is he throwing the nade up if he even see him jumping down?

Avi 2
is he throwing the nade up too, if he see all 3 guys are down?

Avi 3
is he preshooting so bad if he clearly see the guy trough the tree?

We already wrote an email to the CB C&A Crew but no responding til yet. But we asked some guys of the "CB ET Demo Crew" (dont know if they are still existing) and here are some statements (not exactly to those avis i made, but to the whole demo):

i dont think spiracy is a cheater, because he doesnt have a weird playing style like for example gnajda (he's not trying to conceal anything by playing stupid on purpose, such as knowing someone is there but just passing by (this is what wallhackers would do sometimes, to hide their cheats 'even better')). the parts where he coincidentially hits a wall with a player behind are countable on one hand, such cases can occur even in the cleanest demos.

i have to say most people wouldnt preshoot like he does (you try to catch hitboxes on leanspots like he does in 4, but aim for the hitbox not for the wall) but he's not a second coming of trivium boys

About the demo, you see that you are preshooting in some corners but it are random places were the axis always hide and I saw defintley that it was not wallhack or anykind of other hack. Ofcourse you made look yourself obvious by preshooting in the corners but I saw that you weren't cheating there 100%

From what I saw is that the avi was useless since everyone can make those 'obvious' actions. ( It was the avi of supply upstairs right? ) With some comms + knowledge you could know he went there + everyone preshoots sometimes. So I would say clearly no cheat. And I remember you also could hear him? Not sure about that. (That statement is to an older avi of spiracy but i dont find it anymore =/)

So I had a look at the demos and I must say, I had a good laugh :D
This guy is so obviously wallhacking, I can't believe that he thinks that I won't notice it.
Anyways, keep him banned

I watched it and there were many odd occasions on the 1st attack. I even turned my headset up. It looks bad and not possible to overturn imo.

2.38left on attack BD4 is worst you run out from spawn there is no noise, and you stop?, crouch and aim?. Then people appear. Looking at it on r_shownormals 1. It clearly looks like a wh, even though it may not be it look like you stopped to wait for them.

Also on attack you get a nade out and seem to look up as you run and put it away and see no one then carry on to bunker and this time perfect nade right onto enemy. You over pre-shoot like your trying to hide something so you can say i always preshoot and shoot randomly.

It may all be random but if you looking for hax you can certainly find stuff that looks like one. I doubt the case will be overturned.

At 3 4 and 5, personally I preshoot there all the time, sometimes i hit sometimes i dont. The problem with demos and avis is that you cant really prove someone is cheating. I cant really form an opinion about someone being a cheater unless i really hate the guy, and thats what this is about, and even i accuse someone of cheating just because i dont like him because hes getting on my nerves on chat or killing me all the time.

I watched the demo already some months ago

1) i have never seen anyone preshooting that much but...
2) he was preshooting 90% of the times, but also when there was noone behind the wall, he sometimes wasted half his ammo for nothing. sometimes he was lucky ofc but sometimes not

I wouldn't have banned for it.

I know that u wouldn´t take my commends to your statements but i have to say it.

Avi1: Who cant hear him walking there upstairs? I mean i got a crappy shit headset for 5€ and i can hear him too. So what is obivous on it?? I mean even if he cant hear him, there are m8´s on vent/ts witch can also call him that he is up, then he throwed a good luck nade upstairs. And at the end u can clearly hear that he is jumping down to the controls.

Avi2: I rly cant see a obivous action there. He tracked lucky on the enemys and then he throwed a normal nade upstairs. Normaly u can get everytime 1 man with the nade.

Avi3: Oke hes preeshoting to the guy up. But its the same crapy shit as in avi1. If u play in a war u got m8´s on ts/vent and they can say him that there is someone upper. And at the second action, where he is preeshooting down to the left. That isn obivous or wh. I know mutch guys that does it too.

And at 4 and 5 i just can agree to HellHammer. It rly dont care if u lose all of the ammo there. The mission is that u get down the enemys and the engi can go for the plant. This preeshots on this parts doesnt say anything.

cb CANT ban someone for obivous preeshooting.
i think he is clear.
sry for my english.

Statement: To be honest, i cant find some "real" proofes there. I mean, its anyway hard to catch someone with a Demo, but on the most situations i dont see anything really wired. Its just strange that he preshot that much and that let me think that he try to hide something. So overall i would say, the most situations can be happen to 90% of the Gamers out there and the avis dont show anything real. So i wont bust someone with these Demos

now let see...
1. nothing weird
2. nothing weird (wat?)
3. looks fishy but nothing special realy, packing sound
4. nothing weird, poor strafing and aiming
5. weird, seemed to just notice that there came another guy from side

nothing of that should be even used as co-evidence for a ban tbh.

just the last avi is a bit wired but to be honest thats defiantly not ban wothy.
The demos proof nothing because you simply can't judge by demos only. you also need to know what his mates are telling during a match and there is also the possibility that he made some experience (like in every match is someone standing behind this wall...) thats also possible (it s the same as i do).
So i would defiantly unban him!

From what I've seen from the avis, his actions weren't that special. He's overdoing the preshooting though, which makes it look fishy, since hes not going for the corners as perfo said. Maybe he should provide us with some more demos from that time to see if he's a real preshooter or just a dumb wallhacker. Considering with who he played I wouldn't be suprised. Nevermind the only strage avi is Nr. 4, since he couldn't know that the guy was about to throw a nade. All in all not banworthy or atleast a 1 year ban wasn't justified at all.

So im pleased if some of you would take it "serious" and post some statements (and maybe watch the whole demo).

greez coLdicE

ps. my english isnt that good :>
hes clean
as clean as blade
oww there is some one envious
tell me more :_D
as clean as an asshole
The fith is obvious :<
ban pls xD
who cares anyway, he played for AoW, ban deserved

who banned him anyway?
killergirl ?!
ban clanbase
socksi is cleaan !!!
hax :D

no guess hes clean
So I had a look at the demos and I must say, I had a good laugh :D
This guy is so obviously wallhacking, I can't believe that he thinks that I won't notice it.
Anyways, keep him banned


I watched it and there were many odd occasions on the 1st attack. I even turned my headset up. It looks bad and not possible to overturn imo.

2.38left on attack BD4 is worst you run out from spawn there is no noise, and you stop?, crouch and aim?. Then people appear. Looking at it on r_shownormals 1. It clearly looks like a wh, even though it may not be it look like you stopped to wait for them.

Also on attack you get a nade out and seem to look up as you run and put it away and see no one then carry on to bunker and this time perfect nade right onto enemy. You over pre-shoot like your trying to hide something so you can say i always preshoot and shoot randomly.

It may all be random but if you looking for hax you can certainly find stuff that looks like one. I doubt the case will be overturned.

lol @ the first 2 avis, he threw 2 bad nades must be clean, never heard of wallhack toggle?
avi 3-5 thanks for reminding us how obvious he was, you still have another 10 avis missing
feel free to make avis ;) i dont want to upload avis for 123123 hours
Quote by bulldogif you looking for hax you can certainly find stuff that looks like one

like in every other demo of every other player, this is really not proof tbh.
Never heard of him but few actions are bit obvious.
Wasnt he already banned once?"
i have to say most people wouldnt preshoot like he does (you try to catch hitboxes on leanspots like he does in 4, but aim for the hitbox not for the wall) but he's not a second coming of trivium boys
socks is never a cheater .. all now it .. but killerboy 'the highskiller' must now it^^

Fanboy detected.
says the cheater
nice taking opinions from 2 cheaters
nice that u dont understand why idiot :D
you're an idiot, because you think i'm an idiot
he take them because they know how a aimbot or wh work
lololol ofc not clean, retard

The posted avis are just shit!
gtfo cheater
clean as shit
no real proofs no win ?!
he is hacking :')
Actually lold @ 4 +5
i loled @fraps& r_shownormals 1 and you?
obvious , really don't understand why you try to defend him when there is proof like this
demo 3 & 5 it looks like wh realy like wh

rest is not special D:
he is fucking clean, leave him alone
I have no idea who the guy is but he had a fake bind of me calling him a hacker(?) so he's probably retarded enough to cheat
i removed it!!! :<
rofl sky alter du schießt mal wieder übers ziel hinaus xD [/ger]
At 3 4 and 5, personally I preshoot there all the time (even by shooting alot of bullets, it doesnt really matter), sometimes i hit sometimes i dont. The problem with demos and avis is that you cant really prove someone is cheating. I cant really form an opinion about someone being a cheater unless i really hate the guy, and thats what this is about, and even i accuse someone of cheating just because i dont like him because hes getting on my nerves on chat or killing me all the time.
but he got a 12 months ban for this
when he was "preshooting" through the tree.. he just shot a few bullets.. but after hitting him he just shot more
dident watch anything, but i dont think he cheats.
he plays with senti gnajda etc, im truly shocked

edit: i watched the avi and the only thing im seeing here is either hes a fucking low+ mongol or hes seeking attention which he succeeded now
He didn't post this thread .
oh man, i didn't know. i fucking didn't know... how could i have missed this, I DIDN'T KNOW. mongol
Calm down , don't be so serious . ;o
n1 preshoot....I preshoot a lot in the corners where always axis but this is like....I know there is one and I shoot my half abvious sry
Rofl hes clean. If you see him at 3:05 allies 1st round, hes preshooting when no-one is even there?
I only saw the 5th as bit of obvious.
Imo you could hear the guy at left at 4th vid, rest are np (for me)

(XXXX) can you unban me in xfire
(TosspoT) we double cb ban lengths
(XXXX) can i get unban?
(TosspoT) no
(XXXX) why ?
(XXXX) i'm after cbban
(XXXX) my cbban ended
(TosspoT) we double cb ban lengths

Crossfire rules
I watched the demo already some months ago

1) i have never seen anyone preshooting that much but...
2) he was preshooting 90% of the times, but also when there was noone behind the wall, he sometimes wasted half his ammo for nothing. sometimes he was lucky ofc but sometimes not

I wouldn't have banned for it.
agree with this!
be less retarded!
Shall I repeat myself?
Quote by sAntje

Ofcourse you made look yourself obvious by preshooting in the corners but I saw that you weren't cheating there 100%
Well done clownbase nerds ! :D Since when preshooting is disallowed ? AHAHA
Definitely cheating..

...I also know for sure that he had a PBBans entry some years ago I think fpr nexus. That was the time he and me played a lot on eLemenT's public servers and I remember that I kept kicking and finally banned him for it.

He tried to accuse his brother then, but I didnt believe it....After that he disappeared for a while and came back like this. But I didnt manage to find that fucking entry anymore so my story is quiet useless.
comon tell us more about ur biography
So you dont want to know different opinions from urs?

...quiet expected from retards defending retards.
who is defending u ?
oh plz...Just think a second before flaming. You definitely need some time to get all the idiotic stuff sorted in your head.
i think the only thing what is idiotic here are you
Think! Do it!
urs u it !!
lol - I expect another fabulous edit. :D

...too bad you never get all failures edited. :<
i think edits are not disallowed here. !
Seems like alot players defend his opinion. Even cb admins, and thats what actually counts!
made me laugh again
OMG DanielsGermany ... PLS stfu! ColdiceGermany asked for an opinion and cokeserGermany gave one. That was what this topic was about!
lol you talking bullshit I havent got any pbbans entry and i didnt say ever that it was my brother!( btw i have no brother)

pls stay by the truth!
It is the truth and some ppl remember it as well. It's just like I can't follow your Yawn to this time because it was end of 2006, or something.

Ofc you deny it, but some ppl still know, so Im pretty convinced that you hack.
proof or it never happend.

btw hf @searching u wont find anything :)

I didnt cheat and period. :)
+1, still remember it
Wouldn't suprise me if he's cheating
com.socks by that time... or schnuffeltuch', I guess that was before his "career".
You can't ban everyone who's making a bit of a suspicious move.
Even if he traced some one trough the wall it could be pure luck or him having a good headset.

Imho: Innocent
i still cant hear when someone is ~40m. behind wall and just crouch..
give me tips.
my headset - sennheiser..
sennheizer + xfi + crystalizer + EQ vocal + ET high volume + vent medium ;)
thats really easier way to get wh ;)
I know that u wouldn´t take my commends to your statements but i have to say it.

Avi1: Who cant hear him walking there upstairs? I mean i got a crappy shit headset for 5€ and i can hear him too. So what is obivous on it?? I mean even if he cant hear him, there are m8´s on vent/ts witch can also call him that he is up, then he throwed a good luck nade upstairs. And at the end u can clearly hear that he is jumping down to the controls.

Avi2: I rly cant see a obivous action there. He tracked lucky on the enemys and then he throwed a normal nade upstairs. Normaly u can get everytime 1 man with the nade.

Avi3: Oke hes preeshoting to the guy up. But its the same crapy shit as in avi1. If u play in a war u got m8´s on ts/vent and they can say him that there is someone upper. And at the second action, where he is preeshooting down to the left. That isn obivous or wh. I know mutch guys that does it too.

And at 4 and 5 i just can agree to HellHammer. It rly dont care if u lose all of the ammo there. The mission is that u get down the enemys and the engi can go for the plant. This preeshots on this parts doesnt say anything.

cb CANT ban someone for obivous preeshooting.
i think he is clear.
sry for my english.
btw.. i only did avi 1-3 to show that he is also preshooting/nading at placed where nobody is... i think if he got a wallhack he throw the nade at other places ;)

i just care about comments like "definitly cheating" or whatever so i added ur comment ;)
i write that with that " u wouldn´t at that"

cause u cant like me ;)
thx for ur statement! <3
np socke ;) but its just the truth
i know but the others dont want to understand the truth :<
socks Online
plz do so with everyone doubting:P
espiacally when he threw a untimed nade onto my head while i was standing on the east side at supply! no joke ure clean man...
Looks like artifical preshooting to hide something, with the explanation "I preshoot every damn corner I pass".

e: Watched demos, looks quite normal (rather low) except the hell of preshooting, but maybe he likes to waste his ammo?! It´s not worth a ban for sure...tbh it´s just absurd that CB bans for that.
now let see...
1. nothing weird
2. nothing weird (wat?)
3. looks fishy but nothing special realy, packing sound
4. nothing weird, poor strafing and aiming
5. weird, seemed to just notice that there came another guy from side

nothing of that should be even used as co-evidence for a ban tbh.

but then again it is AoW we are talking about!

image: ------shot0013
"but then again it is AoW we are talking about!"

np mr.landodger... fanboys are appreciated
btw again.. i just did avi 1-2 to ask if he realy have a wallhack.. why he is nading so stupid then ;)
Why would it be stupid to throw a nade there? x-[
cos if he has a wallhack (avi 2) why he throw the nade up if all 3 guys are down?
If he would throw nades all the time only where the enemies is it would be kinda suspicious and that is a good place to throw a nade because that's an ordinary offensive nade spot.

But I don't think socks cheat, he is the least susceptible guy to do so in AoW(unless it is "edwain" in disguise).
i just hope that the cb C&A crew will review the case -.-
lol? who had this stats?
bl4d3, see the background of the nick ^^
lol constantly backraping low- guys? not even against bots these stats (dmg received) are possible!
stop whining.
but hes nice on vent:<

avi 1 in low timescale pls
avi 3 strange shooting 5 bullets at the pillar
avi 4 did he see him b4 runnin after him?
avi 5 same as 3 with more bullets at useless place with so. behind wall
haha gtfo he dnt cheat
and how many times u've been busted?
just the last avi is a bit wired but to be honest thats defiantly not ban wothy.
The demos proof nothing because you simply can't judge by demos only. you also need to know what his mates are telling during a match and there is also the possibility that he made some experience (like in every match is someone standing behind this wall...) thats also possible (it s the same as i do).
So i would defiantly unban him!
he is banned since september 2008 why now that post? after 4month u roll back this ban and wanna unban him now? i don't know if he is clean or anything i don't wanna know it but i think this is coming too late when u appeal to this ban then do it quickly after he got it and not 4month later so he is baned for 12month let the month going and look forward.
i think u will find from everyone scene whiche looks like a hack or anything. i think the most guys which are good and get banned for hacks or anything got the bans because noone know them, if the guys are known then noone will ban them because all say they are clean....
we just tried to talk with killerboy after that ban.. but he is too retarded to review the case and just take it serious.. but hes just saying that aowler are just hackers..

and where the et demo crew come we talked with them 2-3 weeks too..
esl was faster with unban guys xD i think cb will not unban guys which they baned...
slajdan had a 12 months ban,
but he annulled the ban also and got after this a 6 months.
I'm not sure about that :)
From what I've seen from the avis, his actions weren't that special. He's overdoing the preshooting though, which makes it look fishy, since hes not going for the corners as perfo said. Maybe he should provide us with some more demos from that time to see if he's a real preshooter or just a dumb wallhacker. Considering with who he played I wouldn't be suprised. Nevermind the only strage avi is Nr. 4, since he couldn't know that the guy was about to throw a nade. All in all not banworthy or atleast a 1 year ban wasn't justified at all.
i think he only got the 1 year because cheating in an official, it's either none or 12 months afaik....
Keep the ban for too much preshoot. :D
(No offense socks :p)
It's okay, I don't think you cheat. :)
Hey, it´s Killerboy!
protecting your customers on crossfire now are we? x-O
1. no idea, he can clearly hear him, tho the way he hides is somehow strange
2. just a random nade, it's not even anyone up there oO
3. same as with the first, no idea either, prolly random bullets spreading
4. the fact that the guy runs away somehow indicates that he's throwing a nade, tho the preshoot is strange
5. well, this one was the only one i'd say which was kinda obvious, maybe someone told him from the lower stage that the guy was waiting there, but still he's aiming right on his head

in dubio pro reo.
at 5 ) if u see the whole demo u can hear him, how he went up and then, only random preeshoot ;)
ye well as i said, could be comms or smth that happend before

most 'bust' demos are useless without a vent record or the whole demo
imo he is busted. In avi 4 he starts preshooting, than he puls back to not get hit by the nade. How does he even know that axis player is holding a nade if he cant see him?
if 2 players are coming main up and you are an axis player, have you the best chances to get them both with a nade or?
and he ran away, so you can guess he has a nade. makes somehow sense or?
I dont know the whole scene anymore because this part is a little bit shot...
4. the fact that the guy runs away somehow indicates that he's throwing a nade, tho the preshoot is strange
If modus says he is cheating, he has to be cheating.
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