Since Belgianlions folded due to lack of members, Me and hArris wanted to make something new!!!!!
We can provide:
*Servers with ettv slots
*Private vent With hArr1s sexy voice
*Mature people
You need to be:
* 18+ preffered EURO players
* Able to pracc from 21.45 till 23.00 during weekly days
* We do not care that much of skill, Stable players are more preferred
* hArr1s
* Overhault
* Glekke
* Louche (trial)
* jewbacca (trial)
* Woetre (backup)
#<?> and /q GlekkeLION or mouK´hArr1s
Flame on !!
We can provide:
*Servers with ettv slots
*Private vent With hArr1s sexy voice
*Mature people
You need to be:
* 18+ preffered EURO players
* Able to pracc from 21.45 till 23.00 during weekly days
* We do not care that much of skill, Stable players are more preferred
Our line-up
* hArr1s
* Overhault
* Glekke
Our trials and backups
* Louche (trial)
* jewbacca (trial)
* Woetre (backup)
#<?> and /q GlekkeLION or mouK´hArr1s
Flame on !!
ja ben beetje trug eh
Vraagt de joonas?
wish u all the best. i would try out, but the prac times are too late for me kiddi :(
love to glekke