Guid spoof aMenti?

Last night I was searching for a 3on3 on IRC I was qryed by someone by the name "cms" he gave us the IP + psw and we connected to the server. It was the aMenti war server #1. There where already two player on the other team. One of them was called "mystic" I dont like nicklamers so I did /guid and I found this

I then asked the player called "mystic" about his GUID, he then did not respond, and disconnected. So we disconnected not wanting to play vs cheaters. I then went to the #aMenti IRC channel. I wanted to get the PB logs + IPS and server logs. So that I could find out who this guid spoofer was. I 1st pmed Winghaven who was help full and did have FTP access to the server but was busy talking to his gf, so I did not want to bother him.

I then pmed aMenti`trix who looked at the logs and told me there was no IP nor any other information on this matter. I asked him to send me the logs so I could take a look, he said that he was playing and would send them to me in the morning (today) I now find my self banned from the #aMenti IRC channel

I hope this is no reflection onto aMenti because they are nice players. But I do wonder why I was banned just because I wanted to look at the PB logs.
ban amenti
kom ventrilo!
What are we supposed to type here?
busted close ec every one haxx!
die hippie, die
so care?
[13:49:34] Ø Info: This (*!*[email protected].*) ban affects: (wA`John)

[13:49:49] Ø Modet: (aMenti`Atarax) sets mode: (-b *[email protected])

Superlong ban.
you don't wanna play against cheaters... but on the other side you have phunk aka vlm in your clan who was like busted 3 times for wallhack...

well not rly, I get caught twice with the same hack.
o rly -.-
its still busted who cares how many different hacks you have
i bet its winghaven that spaintard again! thats prolly why hes not sending any demos!
Should have done /pb_plist to find out who the mystic faking hacker was.

+ same remark as unblind and dmr.
I dont see anything strange . .
lol nice perfo and friends
perfo HAX for sure ;) gr arise
you need nnscript for irc, makes it look so much better
It's part of nexus hack , anyway im just posting those lines which could have something to do with this thread
Well, "unfortunatly" ive seen alot of people use our server lately... Always thought it's warning blue who borrows it :/ So, it's no suprise some kids got on it with guid spoofers.
blame trix for that tbh!
Parent dose NOT use the aMenti server we have our own. Trix Cms, cali, cartek old may, but we have nothing to do with them.
it's dAv1d hacknicklamer
cms > #team-lugers
gg trix :x
Daddiest post @ xfire ever!

"John my small lara croft! it's not a trix, trix dont play on this match, i played with nemji and fuxor :U but u say "YEA ITS TRIX CHEATER ! HE USE A NEXUS ! YEA!!!!!!!!!!111111oneoneoneoneonesixsixsix " plz john #getDmgandBrain btw. phunk have a warnings @ and what u want to do now ? / cms ; *!
gg busting urself :>
A 14 year old Polish kid trying to talk English, gotta love it.
ROFL:D that made me laugh for 1.36 min
phunk is clear 2 sure
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