need 1/2 for wolf cup


well we didnt start pretty good with activity so some members were removed.

#euphory is searching for 1 or 2 players for the cup going to be held tomorrow of Wolfenstein

lineup so far is:

Malta hex4
Malta nevi
Israel v3rtigo
Norway Lakaii

Denmark retsev

the reason we might need 2 is that nevi might not be available. If things might go well we may also continue so if ur clanless that would be prefered...

join #euphory and talk to hex4 (pm me here if im not online)

thanks =)
gl j3wrtigo <3
will be hard to get a half player but gl!
lol alhrique :D
the older you get the more you turn into a comedian :D:D
im avi mate pm me at #d&b
gl guys :P
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