gr0ss busted? :-)


He's already forced to upload every single demo in ESL to avoid lame actions like above.
I'm just curious what Clanbase thinks about it :D

cheatz or not?

image: banhammer
first thing bout wonder i like
maybe he preshot the wall ? idk
is this everything? if yes, forget about it.
anyways, i think he's clean!
why? is it because he's german and you've played with him too many times already? or has his kindness blinded you somehow? it's always the same with you, un-fucking-believable :s
1) i played with gr0ss exactly ONCE, one single game in my whole life. him being german has nothing do with it anyway, it rather makes it 'worse' cos he's really unknown ("random") for being german. i won't play with ANY of those random germans who became high within a few weeks ala heya, bong and co, sorry. i also played with crod once some years ago and still i think that he's wallhacking (at least he used to imo).
2) he could be cheating, i don't even trust him completely, he is weird, that's for sure
3) do these avis show much in your opinion?
4) if it's always the same with me: about who was i wrong? i think NOONE of those who i kept defending and playing with got busted in the end? just like with wiaderko, euruz, roxor (though you can't compare these guys to gr0ss cos i don't trust him the way i trusted those guys which i mentioned there, if gr0ss really got busted (this is not what i call busted) i wouldn't be like "WTF NOWAY" like i would be with the guys above). looking forward to hear, the only thing you could blame me is playing with alexL once in some random cup but i think that's it and i never kept defending him that way. you should just be able to make a difference between real cheaters like pds and paranoia, banning for shit reasons and maybe banning clean people does noone a favour.
hey ! I didn't want you to excuse yourself :s, I know you're a nice guy, I even saw you at cc6 ;p you just tend to defend (a lot) the guys you play with (AND IT'S MY OPINION)
ye mama told me that you were at cc6... afterwards :(
wtf, it's not like it's his first scene...
nothing obvious there.maybe they just spawned and he is preshooting there.. at least i do the same... well might be luck that there is one behind the box..
nice defending cheaters, mäxchen :-(
I dont rly know this guy and i wouldnt be surprised if he gets busted or whatever since he already played with cheaters like PRESCOTT ;DD but well i just watched this avi and its clearly not ban worthy
well nice preshooting AT THE BOX, maybe a bit on the corner or smth, but no1 shoots BOX ITSELF
dont wanna defend anyone, that were just my thouhts about this avi. ive watched it twice now and the movement of the mouse at this moment is a bit weird
he just shot randomly into the spawn right after he turned enough to have it in his sight, it's not about the box tbh. i would probably even have made some random preshot at west - expecting someone to be there - before this preshot towards spawn.
ofc there's a chance that he's cheating and this was some mistake - you never know - but this scene doesn't mean anything tbh.
just watched the match on demand today, at supply seems like he got big time skillboost >.<
you should see him playing braundorf then :D
idd lol , played sd and braun vs him , in sd he was just basic and in b4 he raged me ='(

without anything strange btw, he just rages at b4
too bad its a shitmap and it says more about his lean/preshoot skills than his overall skill IMO!
he raged you?
sometimes he rages me, sometimes I win (depends on teammates), but in b4 he always rages me
it's because gr0ss and I got only on maps like b4 and sd2 125fps

on radar grush and so on we ve just up to 60 fps max
get a decent computer - have fun at EC
why is it always you and gr0ss when its actually gr0ss you and every1 else is talking about?
i just wanted to say that he is not alone oO
yeah bviously hes not the only one with fps probs.
Hey, nerd can you quit ur fucking shit talks? The only say u do is defending some cancer cheaters.

And saying shitty anwsers just to defend them. Fuckoff will ya fucking cunt.
where to fuck am i defending? learn to reply to the correctt person.
Learn English and i reply'd to a retard, and u reply'd so i reply'd correct.
just ban him he is retarded and lowskilled anway nP4u!
same for u!
ban that shithole, he can shoot well and he got brains to hide it (wh), such a guys dont make mistakes, but here's one, so pls use it, admins
if you really think they should ban him based on this, then we can start banning 50% of all players
1 shot :/
he wanted to be sure he's behind wall, cmon
u dont know what preshoot is nor?

it was just unlucky that there was a guy because the wall

y its looking strange but w0nder is just raged because gr0ss ownd him everytime

w0nder is low , w0nder has a small penis, w0nder have to compensate that ;D
i sometimes press mouse1 as an impulse, not on purpose, not that i think there is some1 there, just shooting
you're a special boi
dankjewel hoer uit het bos
image: YouFail

everyone makes actions like these lol
yeah, just unluck that he shot an enemy who was behind wall
magic button !
thats just normal preshoot at west exit, I do it all the time, he's clean imo
Normal preshoot-spot :o

And vokki & swani are also forced to upload their demos @ ESL, does that make em cheaters? x))
yes, cheaters
swani ?!?
he's forced to do it. if not, his team will receive a default loss + penalty points for gr0ss
gr0ss clean <3
only 5th(?) scene, pure lotto, talent & experience + comms + lan skill.
quite obvious but we need moar proof :)
Who is he anyway?
I've always said that this guy was a big hacker, hiding it very well.
just ban the cunt
that's very wierd if he would been preshooting at the west exit he would have shot it near the wall, not in the middle of the door + i don't believe that the axis just spawned if 2 of them were near the truck + 1 east, he just got confused with his wallhack and thought the guy was on the stairs?
wallhack, no way
the scene is extremly short and slowed down and it only features 1 shot.

cheatbusting is something else.
kinda obvious
gr0ss cheater? No way.
Can't open it with any of my players - even KMPlayer fails.
Right click, save as ...

might work , then try to open it with vlc
Dude...I got in on my PC, that's why I tested several players...I'm not 14 and don't need such advice.
Just wanted to help you... chill out!
Then help if you got something to say, not just to have an alibi for being an attention whore.
You arnt 14? Well you look like ur 12 years old tbh.
lol man chill mal
Its a stream. If u want download press "Imuroi alkuperäinen video"
Immediately saved it on my PC, didn't even notice that it was such a stream. :D

But I can't see shit...

e: Read your comment below - OK.
just press the link, it's smth like own3d. rightclicking/download won't work (at least for me).
though i can hardly see any cheats in there, more like a "gr0ss is failing" vid.
and about danL's vid, he could easily hear that there's someone behind that wall. he 'should' have left his crossfire a bit more to the right but can you expect players to move his mouse perfectly? i mean he just heard this guy upper and turned to it.
i definetly wouldn't put my hands in fire for him but well, i couldn't see anything 'solid' yet.
Well, I did make it to be gr0ss failing-video.
ah okay :D
not saying that he didn't hear or see the eng, what I find interesting is the flick that happens like 1ms after the shot was fired and lands directly on the head, it's like he forgot to turn off whatever needs to be turned off to stop tracking the target while/after shooting
I've already shown you once an avi of him so wouldn't really be surprised

Better than the one from the topic.
loel that was kinda obvious :DDDD
put it with sound, please.
don't have the demo anymore, but as I said, I don't think the sound is important, it's all about the superflick what I find odd
well i over snap sometimes. and i can snap based on where i hear sounds sometimes, too. it's not that difficult. you should know this! :<
you move your mouse to try and aim on them but you accidentally move too far
this is kinda strange
no cheats. Unlucky.
he fired that one single bullet, that was his obvious action in 3 maps, and now u want to bust him? well gl :)
You won the game , stop whining.
nothing special but I don't say that he isn't suspicious
image: 1975ligerhq1

guess who's back!!
wtf wat kinda animal is that ?
den stinkbelg?
are you kiddin or what? im always pre shooting there, just shit kind of luck there was someone behind the wall
whats suposed to be obvious there?pls...
who ? o0 ... and btw: why does he and his mates claim to play for team plasa? ^^
you should ask roman.
Cause of Roman, I guess.
unfortunatelly scorch is inactive and just plays from time to time random 3on3 irc wars

and plasa is an old CS 1.6 Clan that has closed it's door for more like 3 years i think ^^
It also used to be a W:ET team but you already know that, I guess ;)
I noticed how inactive Scorch is when he was playing with s'agapo,ERIIIC etc. all the time :XD
Discuss it with Roman.
well everyone knows he hacks so he just tried if the guy was behind wall but that isnt still enough to ban him :(
wonder nice fail!
he use to be noob. :P
epic wh mistake lol.
fishy guy ofc but 1 bullet in 3 maps? :P
I smell jealousy! C'mon lol.. that isn't suspicious.. nice fail there wonder!!
Omg... You nerds are so fucking paranoid :DDDDDd
I've heard that before!
i never played vs him nor watched him but from what ive heard he seems to be a guy like grzesiek
He's already forced to upload every single demo in ESL to avoid lame actions like above.

danLs video + this video is a bit of evidence both of course suspicious(even for the who say its a preeshoot take a better look who preshoots one bullet at that spot if they just spawned?) but still not enough evidence
this is not enough to bust imo

not enough to ban
if he isnt cheat so why did he know that player is near the wall ?

100% cheat !

busted and shut the fuck up :/
maybe he didn't know ?!
and why he shot ze wall?!?! D:
u maybe know preshoot?

this avi is slow motion in real time he strafes there and then u arent able to aim that nice at the door corner
[ger] nein, er straft nicht da runter.. er schleicht an der mauer entlang.. und als er rein geht, schiesst er aus reflex los, rafft aber dann das da ne mauer dazwischen ist.. die .avi hab ich ausgeschnitten, es gab noch unzählige weiter szenen aus dem match.. [/ger]
[ger] junge ich hab das match auch geguckt und auch wenn du das replay schaust er springt darunter und schießt dann, ja aus reflex, auf die ecke aber eher als preshot ...
du musst es mir nicht glauben aber ich kann dir 100% sagen er hackt nicht....
selbst killerboy sagt das ! [/ger]
[ger] JUNGE!!.. ich hab das match nicht geguckt, ich hab gegen ihn gespielt - und jemand der auf der ersten map derbst scheiße ist und dann auf einmal einen auf pro gamer macht - ist in meinen augen sehr auffählig!! ..wenn dann noch solche szenen dazu kommen.. nnnaaaajjjaaa.. aber seins drum, verloren haben sie trotzdem, und einer seiner mitspieler ist busted!! [/ger]
[ger]ach und ich hab nie gegen ihn gespielt?! junge ich spiel sogar mit ihm!!!! du bist echt nicht der hellste weil wenn du richtig gelesen hättest dann hättest du oben gelesen , dass gr0ss und ich fast die gleiche cfg haben und dort leider irgendwo der wurm drin ist, sodass wir auf grush, radar und den maps nur maximal 60 fps haben!!!

so und auf sd2,b4 und delivery und und und haben wir volle 125 , das ist der grund warum sich sein aim übers match verbessert hat!

was meinst du warum er auf b4 so owned?! kleine enge gänge und 125 fps das beste für einen nicht ganz so mit brain gesegneten aimer wie gr0ss ;D

so und du meinst ja ehh wieder er cheated weil du einfach nur whinst das er dich irgendwann mal geowned hat... also sei jetzt leise und mach dich nicht weiter lächerlich.
[ger]das ist mit abstand noch viel geiler als "it was not me, it was my bro" xD
[ger] was willst du uns damit jetzt sagen ;D [/ger]
[ger]nicht viel nur falls es mal zu einem bust kommen sollte wäre ne bessere ausrede fällig ;D[/ger]
[ger] soll ja keine ausrede sein weil ich weiß es ja 100% das er nicht hackt, weil ich ihn aussem rl kenne und daher ihn auch schon an seinem pc zocken sehen habe aber ich weiß auch das meine eine aussage nicht viel bewirken kann ....

ich weiß auch das der liebe gross manchmal etwas anbrained ist in seinen aktionen aber naja er wird schon nicht

gebustet ;D

da bin ich mir eigentlich sicher [/ger]
Only one action but he surly aiming on this guy. Busted
when i first watched it i thought that the guy (who gross was trying to shoot) was walking upstairs, and Im pretty sure gross thought the same
they call that GAMESENS AND BRAIN
sure fist he move dot faster than this allays run than he aim this guy and then he move quickly out when he recognized he shoots in to wall
he is clean!
ownd by wh rly
gr0ss style ;p
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