gr0ss busted? :-)
He's already forced to upload every single demo in ESL to avoid lame actions like above.
I'm just curious what Clanbase thinks about it :D
cheatz or not?
He's already forced to upload every single demo in ESL to avoid lame actions like above.
I'm just curious what Clanbase thinks about it :D
cheatz or not?
anyways, i think he's clean!
2) he could be cheating, i don't even trust him completely, he is weird, that's for sure
3) do these avis show much in your opinion?
4) if it's always the same with me: about who was i wrong? i think NOONE of those who i kept defending and playing with got busted in the end? just like with wiaderko, euruz, roxor (though you can't compare these guys to gr0ss cos i don't trust him the way i trusted those guys which i mentioned there, if gr0ss really got busted (this is not what i call busted) i wouldn't be like "WTF NOWAY" like i would be with the guys above). looking forward to hear, the only thing you could blame me is playing with alexL once in some random cup but i think that's it and i never kept defending him that way. you should just be able to make a difference between real cheaters like pds and paranoia, banning for shit reasons and maybe banning clean people does noone a favour.
ofc there's a chance that he's cheating and this was some mistake - you never know - but this scene doesn't mean anything tbh.
without anything strange btw, he just rages at b4
on radar grush and so on we ve just up to 60 fps max
And saying shitty anwsers just to defend them. Fuckoff will ya fucking cunt.
it was just unlucky that there was a guy because the wall
y its looking strange but w0nder is just raged because gr0ss ownd him everytime
w0nder is low , w0nder has a small penis, w0nder have to compensate that ;D
everyone makes actions like these lol
And vokki & swani are also forced to upload their demos @ ESL, does that make em cheaters? x))
cheatbusting is something else.
might work , then try to open it with vlc
But I can't see shit...
e: Read your comment below - OK.
though i can hardly see any cheats in there, more like a "gr0ss is failing" vid.
and about danL's vid, he could easily hear that there's someone behind that wall. he 'should' have left his crossfire a bit more to the right but can you expect players to move his mouse perfectly? i mean he just heard this guy upper and turned to it.
i definetly wouldn't put my hands in fire for him but well, i couldn't see anything 'solid' yet.
guess who's back!!
and plasa is an old CS 1.6 Clan that has closed it's door for more like 3 years i think ^^
I noticed how inactive Scorch is when he was playing with s'agapo,ERIIIC etc. all the time :XD
100% cheat !
busted and shut the fuck up :/
this avi is slow motion in real time he strafes there and then u arent able to aim that nice at the door corner
du musst es mir nicht glauben aber ich kann dir 100% sagen er hackt nicht....
selbst killerboy sagt das ! [/ger]
so und auf sd2,b4 und delivery und und und haben wir volle 125 , das ist der grund warum sich sein aim übers match verbessert hat!
was meinst du warum er auf b4 so owned?! kleine enge gänge und 125 fps das beste für einen nicht ganz so mit brain gesegneten aimer wie gr0ss ;D
so und du meinst ja ehh wieder er cheated weil du einfach nur whinst das er dich irgendwann mal geowned hat... also sei jetzt leise und mach dich nicht weiter lächerlich.
ich weiß auch das der liebe gross manchmal etwas anbrained ist in seinen aktionen aber naja er wird schon nicht
gebustet ;D
da bin ich mir eigentlich sicher [/ger]
..gtfo my avi!! :LL