linux cheaters part 2

As you can see from my last bust post it wasn't "bug" or some idiotic shit. Another Linux Cheaters are getting busted like nerds same way. Check the screenshot ;) No stupid comments this time .

image: 34t1jk8
here comes another :) n1 keep it going xD
Yeah , cause that's 100% bust , and last time i busted nerds like that all was whining cause they don't understand shit about it ;)
wat oO? :XDDD
you need some glasses?
Next time hide clean players PB Guids and IP!
who said they are clean
who said they are not?
hmm you did :<
again u
Yeah , again me , trying to get rid of idiots like these , and make this stupid game a bit CLEAN than it is , but seems no 1 appreciates that.
no it means he is clean
Yes , ofc they are , spoofed ETPro so it looks like they have windows , but as you see they don't :)
nice looking for low+
nice face you got
it was sarcasm
well, I don't care :-(
i played 20 mins ago with few mates against him and it was rly funny how he knew everything ;>

edith sagt: komm vent hurensohn, mirs boring!
war gestern stralle, soz :<
might be dualboot
this cant be used as ban evidence.

the fact that you are hiding your O/S doesn't mean you are cheating.
although it might seem very likely, it is not solid evidence of someone actually cheating.
tell me any other reason to hide your OS? :o
First of all this is not HIDING , it is SPOOFING , and SECOND , tell me how you can spoof your OS LIKE THIS , without any hack?

Gone be glad if you get your nice brain on this task and answer me.
actually, im no linux geek. but i know you can do this without installing software.

dont get me wrong, im glad with what you've done but as far as i know this wont be enough for a clanbase ban.
nice config!
u can spoof ur os with the et-sdl-sound script i guess,if u use this script u have [???] os
maybe with a little modificaion u can have all u want there [mac] [linux] [win32] [fuck U] and others^^

(et-sdl-sound is only a script that et runs with alsa sound)
said the cheater
said the linuxuser

but still theres the question y someone woulde like to change the script....

+ therese no reason to use that script, i can play ET with ubunte easily on my laptop without any script and salsa.... u just need some knowlegde :D

btw: sup? evrythin allright?
be happy, some soundcards dont even work with et-sdl-sound
yeah, becaue "some pros" wrote that script without any knowledge....

all in all there shouldnt be any prob at all to get the sound working under OSS or ALSA, theres always a way, at least a second soundcard....

got to go know, got to learn today in the morning, gn8 :>
on my PC in my office i cant get sound running, even with oss :{
i never say that any1 change the script.
i say, -i guess that is possible-
and if u can play it with ts+ et than u a lucky guy.

et use OSS that means u can only hear 1 sound, so is TS not possible
i have a soundcard with Hardware mixing so it works here without any scripts.

many guys use the et-sdl-sound script cuz et runs with alsa and ts+wine with alsa too then u can hear ts and et
oss4 is backwards-compatible and it includes software mixing. It's just that at first it was commercial and now still have some strict license (probably, haven't read in some time) and most distros don't include it. But it's just totally awesome, it worked for every card I tried, including usb soundcard, mobo one, sound blaster and some laptop integrated crap. You can even set volumes for every program separately - and all of that without almost any hassle : p Though it's a bit trickier to install without packages, but still really easy.
yea i know, im 2 lazy to install it^^
my card have hardware mixing so i dont need it atm
yea, I normally used sound blaster with normal oss, too, tried 4 only when installing at laptop :)

Thought you don't know that, sry then :))
That isn't true. The [???] in /cheaters is a bug , but the (L) and [win32] isn't. And you can't do it just like that with the et-sdl-sound. These linux cheaters are just newbies and they don't know that the OS check is really simple and it isn't just by /cheaters , which is etpro command , and etpro is an old mod that is easy spoofed because of it's static anti-cheat system............. And if you still think that you can spoof your OS with et-sdl-sound , go on show us ( once again I say it's not possible )
ever heard of dualboot?
thought so too =X
YES ROFL , and what has the dual boot with this? If you just play on Linux it will display Linux on both checksums , etpro and PB , or in WORST case it will do [???] @ / cheaters or [UNKNOWN] sometimes bug , but not possible like this, XDDDDDDDDD
virtual maschine ftw :))
Sure xDDD You cant play ET on virtual machine that was n1......... XD
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