linux cheaters part 2
As you can see from my last bust post it wasn't "bug" or some idiotic shit. Another Linux Cheaters are getting busted like nerds same way. Check the screenshot ;) No stupid comments this time .
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edith sagt: komm vent hurensohn, mirs boring!
the fact that you are hiding your O/S doesn't mean you are cheating.
although it might seem very likely, it is not solid evidence of someone actually cheating.
Gone be glad if you get your nice brain on this task and answer me.
dont get me wrong, im glad with what you've done but as far as i know this wont be enough for a clanbase ban.
maybe with a little modificaion u can have all u want there [mac] [linux] [win32] [fuck U] and others^^
(et-sdl-sound is only a script that et runs with alsa sound)
but still theres the question y someone woulde like to change the script....
+ therese no reason to use that script, i can play ET with ubunte easily on my laptop without any script and salsa.... u just need some knowlegde :D
btw: sup? evrythin allright?
all in all there shouldnt be any prob at all to get the sound working under OSS or ALSA, theres always a way, at least a second soundcard....
got to go know, got to learn today in the morning, gn8 :>
i say, -i guess that is possible-
and if u can play it with ts+ et than u a lucky guy.
et use OSS that means u can only hear 1 sound, so is TS not possible
i have a soundcard with Hardware mixing so it works here without any scripts.
many guys use the et-sdl-sound script cuz et runs with alsa and ts+wine with alsa too then u can hear ts and et
my card have hardware mixing so i dont need it atm
Thought you don't know that, sry then :))