laast chance

I'm gonna give it a last shot to see if I can get anything decent, else I will go inactive instead.

About me

* 17 years old with 3-4 years experience
* Medic/fops/engi smg
* med/med+
* got brain and teamplay
* avi 3 at week
* never been busted and shit
* avi to speak english and german

About you

* Decent skilled team
* Stable
* Got server and comms
* Active

Prolly forgot smt but who cares

image: sexy_nerd_bitch
go inactive
med/med+, NOT
agree a bit with that :D
and you are?
i used to be a clanleader of a clan u wanted to join
Well must have been long time since or totally unimportant because I got no idea who you are.
trust me, u do :)
Well enlight me.
and you are?
omg m8, dont go inactive ! :((((

gl, uberskilled player, take him !
make selfkill - !

u will respawn in 30 days
Thought you already found a team?
It was a "backup" for OC not anything seriously.
are you the guy that kept calling me a cheater the other day?
no that was my sister.
you were rude :<
np he called ronner a cheater too :(
thats just sad!
ronner's a cheat
And your mind might be brainfucked.
Because I never said that, I asked him during the game how the fuck he did know I was camping around some random corner, and after the game he explained. But nice trying to pretend like I accuse every skilled player for cheating.
Okay, calm down batman, no need to overreact now is there?
Well seems like you made a witch hunt after me since I leaved the team and pretty much got angry at you. Fair enough but please, you banned me - Then at least stop post comments on everything posted by me. Especially when you're talking about things you don't even know anything about.
You've posted one thing and I've replied in it, calm down.
You succed in replying 2 times on the same post then. Nicely done mr. mature. Well at least stop calling other people for kiddos, because you seem to be one of them.
I'm the "kiddo" for trying to calm you down? Check your replies in this entire post and then you'll probably notice something about yourself.
Well I didn't have the time to read all my replys through sorry. But I guess your making the point that I'm kinda aggresive or well, yeah that might be the best word for it.
And I don't see WHY I don't should be, since you acted like a moron to me, banned me from the IRC channel and writing in this post that I call every skilled player for cheater.

So tell me mr. mature - Why should I be friendly? You treated me like a scumbag, and tbh I don't really care since you're a child behind and screen, I don't own you anything at all and I don't see why you need to comment on my post since you already cutted me from being on your IRC channel.

Or are you just trying to get some selfconfidence on the inet mr. cool_guy_12years?
You are clearly delusional.

I didn't mean just your replies to me, I meant all of them, you get raged to easily, you should see someone about that.
Every skilled player? So in your mind, Ronner is the one and only skilled player in ET? Right.
I treated you like that because of how you treated us and how you reacted when you didn't even show up for a prac but still expected to play the officials.
Mr. Mature, yeah that's probably correct, compared you at least.
Acting like a child "behind the screen (this is wrong btw)"? Hardly. I find it amazing how you can call other people immature and so much more when you act like you do, and you whine like you do, I think if we asked every other increased member they'd probably agree you're an idiot.

As more "inet mr. cool_guy_12years" you couldn't be more stupid, you're the younger one, and you can clearly see why.
Well talking about that I have to see someone for my rageness I don't think you should talk about since I know you got troubles enough yourself, and tbh it's not me but you that have that kind of problems.

And tbh. I don't care much about a team called "Increased" thinks about me, this is the inet and I don't see any reason why you can judge me because we played a game together :)

And I'll have to admit that Increased was in the "result business" a good team - But when it comes to being active, and have fun together I gotta say I didn't really enjoy. So if you are whining about I was gone 1 practice because my granddad was in seriously danger. Then you're more stupid then I actually thought. I don't know if the Inet is YOUR life. But at least it's not mine, it has never been and it will never be. And I'm glad I'm out of Increased because I had no fun there, and that was I actually was looking for.

It can be that you're older then me, and you might write and speak better english then me - Sorry we don't use it as the primary language in our country, I'll change that later. But at least I'm not acting like a kid and trying to convince everyone that I'm somekind of a jerk just because I left your team because I was kinda mad because you start whining that I wasn't there for 1 practice because of something more important. But fine, I guess you would just stay at home instead of maybe visiting your granddad for the last time, won't surprice me according to the things you're telling.

And btw. I never required to play officials - Try to look on your messages again we had earlier. I asked you several times if you wanted me to play or not, and al youl had to say to me was "No"

But I guess that was to hard? Really if there's a kiddo here it gotta be you.
Holy shit you're really taking this to heart huh? And I never said you should prac over going to see your granddad you fucking moron, you should really stop reading into things so much cause in the end you don't know what it might actually mean.

I'm not trying to prove you're anything, you're doing that yourself, quite well too I might add, there's no need for me to act like a kid to try prove anything, especially when you have no self control.

If you did not have fun in the increased team, nobody stopped you from leaving, so if you're going to complain about that, you only have yourself to blame.

Have fun and good luck to whatever poor bastards get stuck with a moody fucking idiot like you in future.
Well you're saying the I'm out of self control and so, still you didn't want to talk about yourself.

Well at least I won't act like a noob and end it with that.

Good luck pal, take care and so.

And btw. sorry for saying that about your disease and so, I still feel sorry for you as I already have told you, and I hope you'll get through it.

I have self control, fantastic self control to be honest, otherwise I'd of thrown myself off a building or something by now.

Self control is how I handle it. But I wouldn't call it a disease :P

Thanks anyway.
Well I found some of your nades to random sorry - Edit: I guess I was pretty angry because the team I did play with was just instantly screaming like kiddos on vent :D Might have done it ;)
Sorry Sir. are you a retard?
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