CombatArms EU

anyone knows this game? ...
kom nog een keer mee war met timo en mij.
ja /q me maar een keer op irc (fdn-supah ofzo)
ok, ben ik nog steeds noob ?;o
ja maar wel mijn noob, moet zo werken dus niet nu trouwens
ok, ik kan toch niet ben net klaar maar speel vanavond denk wel
succes met werken!
vanavond speel ik met fdnl waarschijnlijk heh kzie wel komt wel goed maar ik ga nu v55
ja zie maar :~D
it's shit
ich habe 15 stunden meines lebens mit diesem spiel verschwendet :/
mein netbook is da!:D
jo erstma xp draufgehauen ;D
naja is nen asus eee pc 1005
hab davon ja keine ahnung ;) aber netbook ist ja eh nur zum arbeiten, oder?
jo is eig auch ein geschenk für meine mutter :D
ihr pc braucht 2 stunden zum hochfahren und sie whined deswegen immer rum :P
bist ja großzügig ;)
yeah, it's that game from the stone age

hahah :D
not really... it is old in US. but in EU. it is avaliable for like 1,5yares... so kinda "new"
yeah, can't wait to get back to home and first thing ima do is download that super new game what beats every other game i've played @ graphics & gameplay, gonna cancel my bfbc2 pre-order and gonna play this at the end of my life 24/7 click click click
i played this game like for 5 months was kinda good but blackmarket users and not enough numbers of teams in leagues fucked it up
Cheaters game
frogeaters fucked up this game by cheats so I finished it
lol, what about ET no hax there? cs:s? etc... :D every game i played i run across some aimbot line of aim or i was seen behind a wall... shit happens
it looks so

cybergames 3 on 16 players are cheating
combat arms random server 10 on 16 players are cheating
ask trevize
It's time is already over - overrun with cheaters, fucked up BM items (to quote Nexon - "oh, we will never ever add cash items which fucks up game balance!") and careless developers.

Try Alliance of Valiant Arms / Karma: Operation Barbarossa (both are pretty much the same, just different time/world settings)
played it a long time
was really nice
is just an example what I mean
Beta was great , no cheaters and assholes but when they added black market and stuff it started to suck HARD. you cant find good opponent now days, only black market assholes with granade launchers and hacks. shame :<

LHS nr. 1 ctf clan.
That's a bit exaggerated.
tried it when it came out, didn't like
i think it is:D downloading it again atm
My brother Play it hes High...
been hacked in all ways imaginable
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