CiC7 + me

as title says i'd like to play the lan.

point is im not super skilled but can play any class half decent. i just want a nice team to have fun with. Can pay for myself fully.
been at cc6 aswell but didnt play et there. would like to do so this time.

i can be contacted by pm or on IRC quakenet @

GL lekker ding :D
Als k nog een plek over had had je 100% meegekend
thx teminste nog een btje support :P
repost je post dat al die nah lad crap weg is :P
nah lad nah! just nah
i think your post just got owned
nah lad nah!
"look what you've done, you total scrathed me!"
succes :) als je fops bent (geen zin om terug te lezen ^^) pm stib @ irc
gl =---D
the mega uber pro leet gamer of ET @ 17 acc :D
i lost skill a bit i got 12 acc now :<

Gl ouwe!
check out topic below
r u referring to mama's post ?
i doubt they would want me as they are prolly looking for pro highskilled players :P
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