hello gus,

we're team and we're searching for one skilled ET player to complete our lineup since rAffou is going to move for his job or so. We're NOT the French lineup but we're from the mutligaming dESIRE though thats why I attend EU...

what we're looking for is a skilled (skilled imo is med+)EuropeFops/medic, be avi from : Monday - Thursday + Sunday 20:00 CET - .. we're also participating in the CB Wintercup and ESL/CB ladder(s).

Our lineup :
- spidah (c) Netherlands
- AziMiz United Kingdom
- kartez France
- upload

backups :
- meNtal Germany
- ecklav Belgium
- rAffou

manager :
- v1ncNt Belgium

other infos :
we haven't made any big achievments yet but that doesnt mean we can't have a nice future :) we are NOT going to CIC7 though. our goal is to improve as a team and we'll see how it will end

contact me on mIRC at the channel or send me a private message on crossfire,

thank you!
why upload, why?
Shit team, spidah has the biggest ego and they always leave after 1st round.
The only thing u can post on CF is that you "owned somebody and they left"

seriously, get something interesting to do
Only when there is spidah in the team =)
yeah my team is shit, so is yours :-)
Still your looking for med+
you might have to consider that there is a reason why people leave after playing agains you.
I'd say gl to the faggots! :D

Spidaah, kartez, Azii, mental, ecklavavell <3
thanks man :D
looks like kartez is suddenly fine with cheating if it comes to his teammates
so were you guys with swiruz
im pretty sure that he played clean with us cause as soon as i got the information about his match with lewy or whoever he was i kicked him from our team, i wouldnt play with a cheater if u think so ;) anyway we've fold, was a nice time playing together for 1,5 year
you guys were a nice team. With jadol etc, no swiruz or stexx :P
2 cheaters gonna own
just coz u lost yesterday?
we can play offi cb np for us ... + ettv ofc
ofcourse ur not going to lan with upload :)
what you said
sun tiimikaverit onki niitä reiluimpia pelaajia ;-)
mjoo mut soossi ei haxaa sain prooffit sille!!!

sil oli yhe matsi alus aimi hukas!! ;DDD
ei salee ollu setit pääl siin vaihees viel :p

no emmä tiiä koodaakse ees, tuskinpa
if u remove upload u might get some intrest, gl though
We're NOT the French lineup

INDEED, french LU going to cic7 and their players are fucking awesome !
cool story bro.
je had op my geryplied en dan verwijderd? :P succes ouwe
hahaha had het naar Webe willen sture niet naar jou :P sorry hehe
buehahah lul and upload :DDD clan of teh month
ale czego sapiesz?XD
bo to jest juz zabawne
coto kurwa XD jakas zbieranina z upc XD
take hunti and kaaz, perfect team. Bozar as backup.
was more thinking about junky, nackskott & jAQULA and maaaaybe kenta, but w/e :D
2low bro, gonna do something on my own :))
is this the real desire or some wannabees?
wait a sec... both teams are wnbs ?
gl azimiz + raffou.
jij hater ;P
Waarom zou ik jou gl wensen, je doet niks anders als whinen en te grote ego hebben? :x
hahahaha logisch whine je als het slecht gaat :D net alsof dat bij jou "skilled" teams niet zo gaat.. en qua ego.. bedoel kijk eerst jezelf eens aan en dan check je ff hoe jij erbij loopt man ;)
whine is nutteloos
positieve whine niet :D
Nou bij "mijn" skilled teams gaan we niet 10 min over 1 iemand zitten zeuren over hoe ERG hij sucked en hoe slecht ie wel niet is blablablabla. Mijn ego? Dat valt best wel mee hoor.
och domi laat hem gewoon zeggen :D

hoe gaat ie nog lekker ding? :D
Ja natuurlijk gaat ie nog lekker =DD en daar?
jap jap, kan niet beter he, eindelijk weekend :D
QuoteMijn ego? Dat valt best wel mee hoor.

arr0x arrAx arrhAx arROX
good luck Netherlands sem
hahaha tekkeN mr bucket mr lowbob, eventhough I namefaked someone it doesnt matter, u cant stop talking about it coz you're shit pooface, find a life you damn retard u poor slovenian dimwit
you namefaked sem?
yeh years ago for fun, they actualy believed me a few times when I did a 3 man strike against BMG :D
Retard, don't fake idkfa^sem .
fucking agree tu le pro HAHAHAHA
i never said i don't suck!? I am kinda bad player and somehow i don't care about it. But atleast i don't need to fake someone to get into the scene, right? So tell me who is more retarded in that case.. Oh ok u did it for fun. Ok partly i believe you, but saying that you tricked us and MaDe 3Man ArTy kIlL aGiNSt BMG, hElL YeAh!! is just pathetic. Ask raypiel how fast and how did we respond about you being a faker and then talk.

Why would i stop? You did something completly stupid, plus you said once that u'll beat me up on lan with your e-thug friends cuz of that. I guess am still waiting for that :o
its joke, isnt it?
low team is low
u never improved anyway :)
gl azi kartez

spidah is NC rifle material
niveau fake j'ai toujours pas vu mieux !
English motherfucker, do u speak it?
learn french egoquitter
shitteam, why are u in this team upload?:EE anyway gl upload ;)))
gl azimiz
Quoteskilled imo is med+

Quoteimage: de meNtal

lol wut
lol how u could namefacke sem ???? poor guy u
lol what? :P
I thought I said I didn't want to play with upload :<
And why don't u wanna pla with him?
probably the same reason as I will never play with you.

E: I'm not referring to cheating, since I'm not sure about that :o)
What's the reason than? And if it is about cheating u have absolutely no reason to talk since u are multible busted, aint you? little scumbag
No need for namecalling my young friend. It's not about cheating.
It's about brains & listening to comms.
Well, u never even played with me, so how could you know that? You are failing here tbh.
Well, I did played with you and against you more than enough to analyze how you play.
And again you are pretty agressive while I am still being friendly.
This is no attack at you personally, or at your gamestyle.
I just don't like to play with people who play like that.
You attacked me first by saying 'the same by not wanna play with u', and i never played with u, cause i never play with belgian players, i never play with them, they are all idiots in this game. i only play with english people or from other countrys, same goes for people of holland..
Saying that Belgium people are 'all' idiots is a generalisation that I don't like to hear.
Considering you are from Belgium too if I remember well, it isn't that smart to say that ;o).
True, there are a lot of people from Belgium who are acting like idiots in this game, but please.. don't say 'all' of them.

& I didn't ment it as an attack.
But ey, let's close the discussion, no need for it since I have no hard feelings. :) (not to you, neither to upload who is a fine guy)

E: you did played with me, back when your name was huNti & when you had etbot ;)
never had etbot so you fail
Are you in denial or you had something else? I could be wrong about 'etbot'. :)
So i'm in denial cause i said i didnt have something? man do u even have brains? ps: ur for sure of of those idiot belgians.
Are your emotions interfering with your typing skills? :p
& if you are really denying that you cheated before, oh please.... :D
hahha kerel toch :d pest die jonge toch ni zo
Tis echt te gemakkelijk om een discussie te voeren met iemand die u constant probeert uit te schelden hé :<
true :d mn fav discussies
Ik wil ET spelen, heb mijn examen voor morgen geleerd :D
Maja nakijken, joooo
ge hebt zaterdag exame? :D kheb gistere nog eens gespeeld, kwerd uitgescholde voor noob =(
Ja, morgen op 9u. Gij een noob? Komop Ali, ik zal u mijn cheat doorsturen :D
kunde gij wel spele me da ongewaste haar van u?
Nice try, als ge mij daarmee probeert te raken, kunt ge nog lang proberen.
Ge kunt beter proberen om iets te zoeken buiten mijn uiterlijk, want ik heb nogal veel zelfvertrouwen op da gebied. Ik durf zelfs een foto zetten op mijn cf-account, wat over andere mensen, met of zonder reden weet'k niet, niet kan gezegd worden ;o).

PS: het is 'ongewassen' :) Op Engels geef ik geen commentaar, maar verzorg u eigen taal op zen minst.
hahahhahahah :dddddDD:D:D/D /d/D:D: omfg :d dit is gwn grappig om te zien :PPPp

en gij cheat ni :d
Hebt ge mij al zien schieten jonge? das ziek hoor :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD
ziek slecht jah! XD
Jij moet zwijgen ! Diggy Dex spreekt hier. :)
Probeerde ik u dan uit te schelde? Ik zei gewoon het eerste dat me opkwam wat ik zag aan je ;-) En waarom zouden mensen hun fotos op een game site zette? Wat is het nut daarvan? Zien hoe nerdig ze eruit zien? En dan nog, care van mijn taal? dit is internet, ik ga wel niet mijn best doen om goed te prate he ;(
Mensen zetten hun foto op een site om te laten zien wie ze zijn, in mijn mening is dat het hele concept van een 'profiel'. Sommige mensen zijn verlegen om wie ze zijn en proberen op het internet anders te zijn dan in het echte leven (stoer, scheldend, .. je kent het wel). Daarbij is mee verbonden dat ze niet kunnen laten zien we ze zijn natuurlijk. Als ik nu ne meter 20 was, 12jaar oud en in een rolstoel, zou'k wss niet het zelfvertrouwen hebben om mijn foto er op te zetten, wat op zich nog wel logisch is in mijn mening.

Je probeerde me niet uit te schelden? Dus beschouw je ongewassen (noteer de spelling) haar als een neutrale opmerking? Nou, waar woon je? :/
(stoer, scheldend, .. je kent het wel)

I see what you did ther!
gl azi & upload
gl karrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrde
your idiot comments are saying enough to me.. Though your cb accounts are a bit older then last time with FDNL :/
GL azi and ecklav!
Thx m8, although I'm not really part of this team :<
FrancedESRIE fake ?
from what I have heard, (i'm not sure), they are the real multigaming dESIRE & the other ones took their name in some way I don't understand why they would do it :]

No offence @ dESIRE.france , I have zero interest in this case :D
med+ nonames. n1
GL n00bs <333
spidah!!!, upload!!!
Quote by spidah!ofc man, look, Im playing this game for approximately 6 years.. you're only playing 7 months, you're claiming you're team is uber skilled, but didnt see any achievments with your skilled team :DDDDD ooh wait! NOONE ALLOWS IDIOT CHEATERS IN COMPETITION! THATS IT! ooh and btw, Tyypi and peehoo sucked donkeyballs before, now they have skillboost, VERY expected in 2 weeks! nP I already gave demo's to PBbans admin and they gonna watch the demo's carefully :) CU @ fusenlist 2010

joke of the year :D
gl upload
Martijn <3
GL Francekartez !
ta vu lol!
je suis chez les

mer il et fou
CbZ war Server
IP du serveur

spidaaa pls:S:@
fucked up team but spidaa is awesome
gl azi!
spidaa always +1
upload doesn't fit into your lineup.
can you tell me why?
"skilled" + mental = ????

e; wtf upload :D
blabla gettin old
yes yes ... everyone is getting older ...
best of luck for desire :)

nice management
no rahzel no win
dESIRE|kartez !
je savais que jserais dESIRE un jour ou l'autre!
Nominated for troll of the year already, I mean such a line-up and team+skillfaking? :XD
I don't fucking know u, But imma start liking you!!1
gl lowbobs
nice skill fake
u the fake dESIRE or smth? fags
kartez ;x
Why do you play with a blatant haxer and lamer

just ban upload from ET pls
just get off my game pls
just get on your life
you kinda destroyed it so I can't
oh please ... > :"'(
low team is low
fuck off, stop sying that! Don't you know that he was just fooling around? :P
Afaik I've never seen a post being such flamed xD
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