Tips for Razer - Habu

You can suggest any mice if you don't use one of the razer series. However I got Razer Habu and need comments from you guys. Especially some tips. What is your button configuration, x / y sensitivity and DPI settings.

Furthermore, I have no idea what "Mouse Hz" means, what it does change.
Mouse HZ is the polling rate it uses with your USB port, and practically it means that you can move it faster and faster without skipping or something.

So like 1000hz means it queries the mouse info 1000 times a second, which is very, very fast.
be careful with your Habu, i used to have one and the connection at the top of the mouse became faulty and i had to get a new mouse (used to disconnect in game etc) and apparantly its common
It would be a good tip to throw it in the garbage and buy a proper mouse.
any suggestions? :)
been using razer dA about 2years now, no problems with it, actually, i have never have a dead mouse, maybe the reason is in user? sold my ex mouse to mate and he has used it now 2years, copperhead. and i bought it as 2nd hand! toodoloo motherfuckerssssssss

oh and
x/y 10,1000hz and 1600dpi
razer diamobdback <3
+1, cheap and fantastic
agreed.. had mine since it came out!! though its starting to die now :( connection is getting loose
same here.
My Diamondback's cable is partially broken because I've had it to often in my laptop's bag.
habu > deathader > mx518

just play in the more low sens of the mouse , 6 window ingame ( in 1.5 & 2)

hf ;D

Mine performed well at CC6! :D

Never installed any drivers or w/e, I just like the way it feels. Been using it for a year and 4 months now I think, only thing that is wrong with it is that the fire button is a bit overused, but it still works fine..

Oh yeh and play with it lowsense, it is kinda made for that :)

Trow that shit away, and buy a decent mouse.
Logitech G5 is still #1, or take #2 Logitech MX 518 wich noobs like mAus & co are using.
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