e-WAVE in trouble - CIC7

So im very shamed to do this post. But I think i need to do it because its a very short time untill the CIC7. So I come to the point. After we pracced with this Lu since 6 Months together, today i got a very sad message from United States of AmericapAuZ.
He said to me that our beloved CanadarockstAr isnt able to come to the lan because of some Problems with his parents about the cic7. I also have to add that he never said that he will come to cic7 100%. I know that the whole community know will flame and laugh about that becuase there were many comments like "rockstAr will never go to lan". In the name of Germanye-WAVE i want to thank rockstar for this nice time and we rly trust in you mate. We know the problem why you can't come and we know how sad uself are about that. Especially i wanna thank United States of AmericapAuZ for his nice reaction. His best e-friend can't come to lan, but he said he will go his own way for this. So respect from me and the others.
So i will come back to the main-information of this post.

We "Germanyenergy-WAVE" are searching for a new skilled fop like CanadarockstAr was. You need to be a DMG-Whore. :) You also need to know how to spawnkill and not to get full all the time.
You also need to play a stable Medic with nice aim because in 5on5 we dont play in all situations with a FOP.
You have to come to CIC7.
We paid allready everything. You just need to come there on your own. You don't need to pay your entry fee & I think there isn't a problem for a sleeping place for you.
We pracc at Sunday,Monday,Tuesday and Thursday.

Our Lineup:

United States of AmericapAuZ


We have Gameserver,BNC,Voice(Vent,TS3) and a nice Management which provides us with Polos and so on.

So at the End i want to wish rockstAr much luck in his future.


#e-WAVE.et /q e-stray
Here on Crossfire
Or ICQ,MSN,Xfire,Skype just pm me here on CF than.

he notices he has payment problems one month before the lan?
no offence, rarely played him so no idea if hes suspicious ingame but that really is strange..
QuoterockstAr isnt able to come to the lan because of some Problems with his parent

Lol man, read ;D
lol, nice how they changed the excuse. seems they just couldnt find out the best one!
Yeah, I noticed that from reading the other comments! You're not a retard after all yey! :D
yeah i already thought i was, but luckily i was proofen wrong
Well, thats a suprise xXxxxxdD:S: SD:X::SD:AF:SD:D:D haha failers
happens to the best
how unex-fucking-pected, really.
im "shocked"
He didn't dare to say it himself? :P
Ofcourse not, thats just.. nah THATS impossible!
sorry i didn't skip school to tell you faggots :)
QuoteAfter we pracced with this Lu since 6 Months together, today i got a very sad message from pAuZ
i told pauz last night, he pmmed stray's BNC on IRC and that's how stray found out. i didn't tell stray to make this post.
gl dude, hope you find good enough replacement :)
omg omg omg i heard mirage wants to go to lan, is that true?!
thought they cant ban guys for being on some lists? :P
hm , dunno :D
true, i got banned for using french public proxy, pbbans shows someone cheated with it on "battlefield 2" so i got zeh ban from there :XD, there were never any bust videos or anything like that, just some ip matching to nc customer
rockstAr will never go to lan
has France frAncis been lanproofed?

LOOOoOOlLOLoloolaololololololllll so fucking unexpected :DDDDDDDDDDDDDD
gr0ss :)))))))))))))
to bad the new kARn4J will be not at lan :(
new kARn4J n'éxagérons pas !
j avoue t le seul, l'unique !!!!
jpréfere ça cabron de mierdas
oha...gl,too bad that iam not a pro fop :<
na uberpro fop xDxDxD
payment problem? =\
oh noes, all of a sudden he s running out of money ;D
breaking news

gl to the others though ..
":D:D".. why do u laugh to players who are better then u ? .. u call avyone who wins u a cheater.. awesome isnt it? .. u cant stand losing.. u are med/+ max.. sorry
He never said he was better than med/+, and even u,.. are med same goes for rockstar.
thats what u think about he never said he is better then med/+.. u dont know why we dont like eachother with s1lent..so please.. dont comment this :)
No, cause evry time he 'searches' a clan he says he is med/+, so whats the problem? And you are doing like med/+ is bad? It isnt since ur med (maybe not even) so u are ultrabad?
u sure are the one talking about skills xdddd
Yeah, got a problem with that, jaymodguy?
funny, u jelaus bcoz i play jaymod or just realized how u failing with ur "wnb" uber skillzor knowing?
First of all, let's be all faire here, ur a newb, a real newb. You are some retard that trys to fit in somewhere, but actually you fail, completely, if i was u, i would just shutup and run along with ur 'e-friends' and leave the olschool players alone, newschooler
xddd, if i would be u, i would learn how to use cheats without beeing busted.

kkthxbb is the most retarded word ever, like i said, u try to be a big retard like ur retarded friends for saying that... go in reallife man, or, are u to poor? thats right u live in 3rd world country, to bad i don't pitty you, and evryone here has been busted, and i 'wanted' to be busted that time, so again u fail because u are a N_E_W_S_C_H_O_O_L_E_R
seems u failed by getting busted, oh wait seems i had life since u calling me newschooler, bcoz i had smth better to do than playing some game and nerding it for 4 years, now go in ur corner and stay there, since i aint gonna waste my time anymore for ppl like u.


i said , dont comment this , thanks .. retard rly.. READ then type !
Why should i listen to you? You're a kid, i'm a grownup, u should listen to me.
u still suck i dont , dont comment this , thanks!
still? I never sucked, but u always sucked, and u still do, ur ego is so high, but skill is so low, face it 8D
oh my god.. then ill stop this bullshit conversation with noob like u..
Yeah ofc, just don't answer me than? Never leaned that at school stupid kid.
wlasnie sobie badalem ten mecz dzisiaj rano przed szkola na powtorce i on wygral dla nich mape na froscie
why would anyone expect american people to come to european lans? 0o
if they say they are attending then why wouldn't people expect them to be there?
lol wnb wave

will still be funny to play you guys at lan
I have played with you a couple of times so perhaps you can PM me on #gajba

Not the best damage giver but I'm objectiv only and might be a good ingame leader.
Quotemight be a good ingame leader


you write that everywhere and I have to tell you "no" every time :<
Sorry for you but i have to agree with danL :(
gl guys nice offer.
just take Dudinsky?

oh wait
Hahahahhaha :DDDDDDD "silent: hope to cu lan rockstar!.. rockstar: you too!" to bad :DDDDD well played in that offi!
They/him didn't play that good
He didnt play good for his MonsteRlagg , true ... only 8k dmg with an 160 ping :(
whats the problem with the ping if its stable? :<
maybe you guys just arent that good, we played them yesterday in pracc, didnt notice anything suspicious
We have won the last 3 times against them. i dont say we didnt play bad on that offi, cause we did, but still this guys aim is just not possible. and if even cheaters (who should know what they r takling about) say that this is an aimbot, i cant help it.
When im playing with a 160 ping i cant hit shit cause the hits are all delayed... and no his ping wasnt stable at all..

*edit* i fogot: even his teammate thinks he cheats :DDDDDDDDDDDDDd
lol i played with 300 ping and made 9k dmg + 90 hs, if u have stable ping, np to own.
Quoteand no his ping wasnt stable at all..
well thats diffrent but still lol, yesterday we played vs some brazilan guys with 250 ping and they were shoting 40+ acc and 2 hs kill lol, so wondering how the heck they can aim like that :D
cause your a fucking dumb ass euro. its not hard to aim at all in euro. btw you should just shut the fuck up.

btw i bet you never play with a high ping a lot, its definitely something you get used to, oh and its a stable 148 ping.
well i have to agree with rossko, playing with stable lets say 148 like i play with when i play on us servers is fine while its stable and you get used to it rly fast ..i
ofc u cant aim with 160 ping, ur not used to it.
*edit* i fogot: even his teammate thinks he cheats :DDDDDDDDDDDDDd

ye i find that kinda amusing too ;D
8k dmg aint that much if youre playing vs rather bad performing opponents - even if not its not that much... and the 140-160 ping is just like your 48/98, you get used to it.
as far as i remember he also made 11500 dmg against bF @ supply
whats wrong with that
well you said "8k dmg aint that much if youre playing vs rather bad performing opponents" and i answer to you that is not easy to make almost 12k dmg against the OC premier winners...
hmmm well oke(: im avi !
gl pAuz, hope it works out
everyone flaming one because he cant spend ~500euros for an EU lan rofl

then he shouldn't have told people he was going to come in the first place, instead he should have looked at the cost carefully
hehe, unlucky rockstAr
just say you wont attend :-)
:D nice not being at IRC noob
Germany znArk will deliver np
i fucking lol'd. whos next, gross?
haha lol haha lol, ewave low
haha look its gifted lmfao.
fold and give your spot to us
easy bash for gr0ss, he will carry alone
Indeed! :DD
you always knew it!! :D:D
expected :D

good luck :)
hm, didn't expect that, it came unexpected
lame excuse...
gl stray&co
btw im avi ;P
But but... he has this airmiles shit from his dad so he can come without spending a single dollar. Where's the money problem @ ? :<
what are you talking about? are you on fucking crack.
mixed up with pAuz.
How fucking unexpected.

Better recruit 2 new players already.
:D:D sad nerd

GL to e-wave though!
What else did you expect stray?
pm uf0l :) or me :p
fold and give your spot to eesti veri
Rofl , epic
Recruit 2 players rather then 1 just a pre warning! Never saw this coming... :D:D:DX::D:X:D::DX:XD:DX:D:DX:Dx
gr0ss timmae pauz. i count 3 :-)
I dont suspect 2 of those 3 you mentioned. Only ever thought rockstar and gross will dodge. Dont knwo what gross will do now as it will look a bit TOO wierd if he backs out :PDP:DPP:DP:D
Guess that's what makes it even more funny and exciting :D
So how will the seedings work now? I mean they used a player who im my eyes is clearly online only to win a seeding match?
gief points back
who the fuck cares :D
Ha, obvious hax is obvious. Dodgerrrrr! Can't tell me you didn't expect that :D
hes legit bro. this is so fuckin funny. you should ask for the video that anim had to watch so that he knows that rockstArs legit.
That will convince me, a random video from anim.
mhm a random video that anim told him to get a camera and put it infront of his pc and play vs him and get good dmg like he always does. well he did just that and the outcome was good :). anim watched it and it totally changed what he thought.
lol because you can spot an aimbot when youve a cam on the screen... not saying he cheats though
he obviously showed his desktop ect.... then started his et

gl gr0ss & timmAe <3!
unlucky guys,hope you find a good replacement

FU ALL WHINER CUNTS he doesnt hack

as if you faggots would go to lan somewhere in USA
No, but I wouldn't say I'd go either and act all cool and shit and then chicken out one month before LAN.
well he had his reasons for not going,cant blame him for that
I'm not blaming him for that, but when you're playing like he is and you got people whining at you from all corners about you being suspicious you shouldn't say you're going to a LAN in Europe and then decide not to go because of 'money problems'.

+1 my fucking lover
reve mate, look at the story a bit closer. I mean it doesnt even match up... Air miles, Accomidation + antre fee paid for. If he knew he was goign to lan dont you think he would of sorted his money a bit sooner?
Im sure they were given lan support aswell
Dolar, errol or me avi
cheaters will stay @ home as usual. may you rot in your snowy house
=DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD "may you rot in your snowy house " xDDD
you're a funny little nazi aren't you? :)
Don't be jalous, becouse you are shit and afraid to play against me, so stop highlitghting me, fanboy.
so heres the story... rockstArs parents weigh into it, and thats all. well i mean i think they would if your kid is going to europe from canada to meet up with a certain person you don't know.

well i mean who the fuck would want to go to the Netherlands?, that place is a shit hole.
waste of money, unless your like Canada shaun that has the hook ups from his dad at air canada.
dont tell you do then , easy as that

edit: your a retard
He blames him for telling everyone he would be comming but in the end he didn't..
yeah cause it was like a maybe. cause the way him and pauz planned it was that it involved his rents to get him to pauz's house. but in the end his parents said no and thats that, it fucks up everything.
well too bad
Everyone is overreacting tbh
well yeah because everyone thinks he hacks. but the funny thing is that he doesn't :)
dont act like you would go for sure then , thats just retarded.
he didn't know forsure lol.... what are you not getting?
getting what? yeah he didnt know in my ass , for sure he did , just afraid thats all
man you rly need to read you fucking dumb ass euro.
i dont need to read it , he dodged that all , finding excuses is easy if you find them
srry but i don't see any excuses here? maybe the only one stray wrote out lmfao.
go in your canadian forest and cut some snowy trees, you nerd
haha sup Nazis fag. Oh yeah i forgot germany also has trees and snow... shit.

Q: What is the difference between the Dresden bombing and Germany's best comedian?

A: Only the first one can make you smile.
you read it first so i guess i'm not as stupid as you
oh, they just changed their mind one month before? Btw. i don't wanna say he's cheating or smtn (i don't even know him) but doesn't that sound a bit weird!?
dude they didn't change their mind... okay so rockstar told them the plans of the whole lan thing right. so their like okay "we'll think about it", its obviously not something you decide overnight when your kid is going to the netherlands from canada. so they thought about it long and hard and decided no. by them saying no it fucks up how he was getting to lan
hes legit though lmfao, you just should talk to anim about him watching a video of rockstar playin a match vs him and raping.

when i mean video like he had to put up a camera and put it in front of his comp screen and start up et normally and play vs anim in a scrim and get good damage like he always does. so he did and the outcome was good lmfao. and thats how anim began to believe he's legit.
lol :D i never said he's cheating cuz ii said i don't even know him. Calm down a bit! My point was, if he wasn't sure since his parents were still deciding about the stuff, why the hell he said that he will defo attend. Weird logics.. i would never say that i'll go incase i wouldn't be sure. He's hiding something or hes just plain stupid.

Look i don't really care if hes attending or not, cheating or not etc. I just found your quotes and his decisions a bit funny/weird, that's all. :D
hes not hiding anything... but e-wave wrote down something that's 100% not true :)
easy to record it with etbot, turn off spawntimer and gogo
well obviously he showed his desktop ect.... and starting et from scratch
late comment: too bad, i would move my ass to watch CiC7 but now i won't be bothered with :(
shitty parents :DDDD, atleast my parents let me travel to the netherlands
i want to believe
well i mean a flight for you to the netherlands is around 387 miles / 623 km
and for rockstar it would be around 3,531 miles / 5,682 km

just saying like why i can see your parents letting you go, but for rockstar its totally way further.
HE IS FUCKING 17.. I was 13 when I went to the first LAN ( 2000 ppl ) and 15 when i was at cc6, and now going to cic7 (16 now) his parents should give him some space tbh :D but thats just different parents.. ;(
exactly what im trying to tell ppl, but they just can't think like us. you sir are the first to truely understand.
parents in NA shelter their children more, europeans' parents some how let their children do anything. (i.e. Germany stRay is 13 years old and smoking)
he can't even buy cigarretes.:D just like in denmark.. a lot of ppl start to drink when their 13.. tho u cant even buy alcohol, u have to be 16.... again (parents) <3 :D
QuotestRay is 13 years old and smoking

this topic is fun :D
no lie there chief
Dnt forget they frm the eu! They dnt have parents. Meh i knw what u mean rock u wouldnt let ur kids do it! Thats y at 16 i bought my own tickets n went to africa 4 5 months! Woop
from denmark to NL , big deal
from canada to NL, big deal
Hello, do you smoke?
wtf, you are a father??
it is you complete utter waste of space
well i mean who the fuck would want to go to the Netherlands?, that place is a shit hole.

I've been to canada and believe me, canada looks much worse compared to the Netherlands.
your laws are awesome... lol
Assuming it's sarcasm and you're talking about the legalisation of marihuana, you should know that smoking weed is less worse than drinking alcohol.
Also a bigger % of Americans has done drugs than the Netherlands. You're not from America but it's just to show a point that everyone in the world does drugs, except here it's legal.
Quotewell i mean who the fuck would want to go to the Netherlands?, that place is a shit hole.

Good luckl at finding a replacement!
ahahahha XDD
Still avi but i am engie smg / medic smg.
oooohhh caaaanaaaadaaaaaa :DDDD
so tell me e-wave why didn't you write the truth?.

he had the money, just his parents said no.
ok sry i just noticed it on the wrong way .. sry!
then delete the whole paragraph and say that his parents said no, and that it was never a forsure thing that he was going to lan, but he did have the money.
learn to read^^ maybe i did allready?
it's still a huge ass story.
You made his boyfriend sad, look at rossko, he might delete his buddylist now.
nah not sad just lookin at that makes me say why would they say that? lol.
btw i'm not a big pussy like snoop.
I guess you got a point, I'm not hardcore enough to flame :[
sorry but i do think this is funny, i had the same parent problem, but i told them to give me a response before the fucking signups close not after...
yeah rockstar's parents need to give him some space, but so do mine :). everyones parents are different though.
atleast make up the same stories lulz

just fold and give the spot to TAG or smt, youre not kidding anyone :/
Sucks for him. My mum offered to pay my travel & accomo. I didn't tell her about any LANs, she asked me if there was any gaming events I wanted to go to this year :d

She's pretty awesome \o/
i'd hit it!
please dont you all act like thats something weird to not let your kid travel to europe for a computer gaming event.

not saying there arent any cheaters in that team though, seemed really weird last time i played them (over 1 month ago)
Why do i wanted to get accepted on a nerd community? And 4th lower bracket? That's something for, since you're scared to play someone from the '4th lowerbracket'
@all the people whining about lan entry fee, etc...

i paid for lan entry. he was gonna pay me back after he got enough money for passport, plane tickets, etc.

his parents had problems with him going, he didnt have enough money for passport or for plane ticket so he would have had to borrow money from his parents. then i'd probably have to pay for his food. his parents didn't trust me with getting his back or whatever if he was to get mugged, blah blah.
Quotehis parents didn't trust me

u ngr?
Quotewith getting his back

no im just a scrawny mother fucker
Stop fucking saying he's legit. Legit players don't have multiple fucking bans. Jesus
CanadasHAUN will be the only North American attending, mark my words.
im attending for sure. i already have my plane ticket.
you are north american? :O
boooooa was ein blablabla
unmöglich wie die Leute hier flamen -> Kindergarten
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