
So I'm looking for a nice team to play with. You don't have to be nolifers, praccing 3 times per week should be fine and playing in OC premier. I'm avi for the new projects too. You must be kinda mature and friendly.
I'm playing as medic.
Ex-teams and experiences in my profile.

Edit: I'm avi for the CiC7 if you pay the entrance but honestly that's not what I'm searching atm
gl :))
ik heb cb id's
kkom zo op irc + ik heb killerboy voor jou gepmd
gl not OC premier though i would say 2nd div :-)
How can you say that ? I don't think we ever played together or against each other :o
I did a week ago played against you, so take it from me :)
I don't think so :s or I must be tired :D Check my past, trust me ;)
You were playing with who ? I played with PhiL as nickname ?
Yeah PhiL- or PhiL don't remember exactly anymore.. and it was in the day... and dunno with who i played but the firt map u already kicked all of us cause 'we were to good' but anyway like i said

That wasn't me then :s I never kick anyone even if I get pwn hard :s
+ I don't play with PhiL as nicknames

EDIT: check my guid if you don't believe it
QuoteI played with PhiL as nickname ?

QuoteI don't play with PhiL as nicknames

You are obviously not sure then?

Checked your guid don't mean shit ;)
that was to show that that wasn't me :o I don't remember getting pwned these days :s if someone get kicked that was certainly not because I got pwn. Maybe coz I was at phone with my gf and the guys with who I was playing was angry with it :D That's happen often you can ask arround and yes then I'm not focusing on the game but on the phone :)
And habitualy I don't play with PhiL, except offi.
Thanks for the life story meight! ;)
you're welcome. I knew you'll love it :D
Je l'ai commandé, t'imagines !
It was u, bit some of ur friend could of kicked us ,P
I think I was mercing then :p
Gl PhiL :)
gl philie
Gl Philippe :)
gl HOMO!
you own;)
GL Phil !

Really nice guys.

OC 2nd div imo.

<3 you
haha funny.
or not :(
keeji /!\ ?? il n'a jamais été ban/bust . c'est pas parce que mon copain milit a cru qu'il cheaté que c'était le cas :)

ok excuse moi :(
J'avoue avoir recopié ça un peu bêtement :p
edit: corrigé :)
gl ptite bite

PS: pm moi quand t'auras ton nouveaux pc :D
GL mate <3
He's a good player, too bad for his ego
gl phil, pick him
I still don't understand it :s
Good luck :)
PhiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiL! gl :)
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