Smokey and Impulz pwner are on tha look

Well after a long time of inactivity i am searching for a team
don't care about skill:). just some fun guys
Also when somebody needs a manager for his team pm :P
got some free time :P

Well if any team needs a 5th or manager just pm overhere:)
gL national 0wner
gl smokey :)
smokey <3 , aren't searching a 5th but you can play some games with us mate!
gl Smokey
GL dikke! pm me als je wilt spele

(E: maak dervan dat Impulz en Smokey owners zoeke dan)
Zou beter gekke hagenees xD
Ik heb alleen nog geen headset en shit xD
Woon nu in duitsland samen met mijn vriendin xD
gl gekke hollander
the crackheads are back. yow!!
the crackiest bunch of cracks that ever cracked
il crack ur crack in a minute
Impulz!!!! :D
Good luck man :)
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