Well i saw speccing this guy and imo he's more than obvious...



what do you think?

EDIT: Here's the avi

stream or gtfo
le fu OK i'll make one...
Yes pls. Maybe some1 will Care then
care or no?
avi or gtfo
its me and he forget to say it was 1o1 valhalla one way .... so enemy comes alltime same way all who know me and saw me playing knew im a kinda to low to use a hax
still i kinda think it's obvious...i just want some other opinions
anyways its a good hax to play and make a draw ........ like u say in the 3o3 i had hax too my stats where some arround 12-26 or some
k i just watched it via wolfcam and shownormal 1

one thing may look really obvious at 1:30 - 1:25 i would think the same but all others is normal ... maybe look it agin i guess we both got tracerts on
dont care about your opinion tbh :-/
Quote by SouthEZwhat do you think?

dont ask then u fucking moron. hope ull get raped by a nigger...
u ridiculous fuckface
i said i dont care about HIS opinion because HE'S an asshole

reading comprehension ftw
why so much hate darling? :<

image: 07
avi or stream or gtfo
i hope killerboy will take a look on it too

edit: u forgot something to bust ppl ....

here i do that job 4 U

wasn't supposed to be a "bust" just wanted other opinions as stated above!
Wallhack No :D its valhalla
qoute : wasn't supposed to be a "bust" just wanted other opinions as stated above!

yesterday u left our clan deleted me in xfire broke a friendship for this one !

today u need others ops ? u told me some about truth and trust .

sry bro but in this case go in a corne be ashamed and feel ur self a kind spited from me !
avi or gtfo
avi and gtfo !

and that was random sayed .. btw watch 10 demos with shownormals and in 5 its look like wh :>
watch 10 of your demos and 10 will look like cheat.
Tbh one of the most obvious ones I've seen in a while. Also one of the most boring valhalla games ever - and that saying something - you guys do realise there are other ways around the map don't you?
are you implying that valhalla could possibly be interesting?
just less boring
SouthEZ deleted u from Friendslist

entäuscht eher von wegen vertrauen und wahrheit
u are the STAR today ( a comicstar...)
nichmal die eier sich zu entschuldigen , ich wünsch dir dennoch alles gute

english: not the balls to excuse , i wish u all good

no apologize since i still think that it was WH...

dont want to post some private logs to prove that i'm 100% right

edit: u guys even watched a random valhalla demo?
that i told u i will use a wh to look the demo from x-ray couse u pissed me about weeks that he has on ?

i used iprokka idiot its detected since years its only usefull on homehosted without pb .....

learn about hax before u call others to use it
i didn't understand a word you said
omg low tard it's an 1on1 and it's valhalla and if u only run everytime the same fucking ways it's ur problem that u fucked up xD
a liga4fun admin defending another one...hmm

look at the avi must be a coincidence him aiming at the allies head and following him

you are so full of bullshit my friend!
omg little kid go and try to learn how the game is working
i'm pretty sure it's working with walls ON

you shouldn't be able to track people behind walls
u have a pair of ears i hope so for u so u even hear the sound of reload and there is nothing special on valhalla to know where the guys are going to...
he isnt reloading 24/7
see i send this link to all i have in my xfire and all say ur paranoid u cant live with it ? ITS UR FUCKING EGO PROB Mr. i get since 2 weeks not more than 2.5 damage maybe u have a bad time like we all have sometimes but it not means all cheat! Look in the mirror and see the dirt face u show us all right now ! meine fresse man ich dachte echt du bist n freund aber nun alle hier an zu gehn nur weil se des vll objectiv sehn und du DEINE WAHRHEIT gerne bestätigt hättest macht dich sowas von lame ...
Tr0ub!e (=Amused): mach was du denkst aber denk ma drüber nach dass ich den nur genommen hab um bei lukas gewissheit zu bekommen und nich um irgend nen scheiss damit zu machen
Tr0ub!e: wir sind gut forwärts gekommen meinste des setz ich aufs spiel wenn pb mich iewann busted ?
japp dass hab ich geschrieben ! aber wie soll ich den bitte n detected nutzen du lowbob ? erklär mir dass mal !
bei nopb config geht das :)
guck dir die demo an david ... des is lächerlich
iprokka is auch in der nopb.cfg drinne .... als cheat
deswegen lach ich mir grad ein ab xD
quote : that i told u i will use a wh to look the demo from x-ray couse u pissed me about weeks that he has on ?

i used iprokka idiot its detected since years its only usefull on homehosted without pb .....

learn about hax before u call others to use it

scroll up idiot!
1. I sure see you know a lot about hax

2. You used it in a 3o3 (which i can't prove now)

3. You got that undetectable WH
u detected something undetectable ?

du hast mir selbst gesagt (kann ich nicht beweisen aber scheiss egal) dass du irgendeinen

undetectable WH von Adawolfa hast.deswegen bin ich misstrauisch geworden.
he's less obvious than more than obvious imo
u waste ur time on this thread to wait till one comes and agrees with u ?
kk i agree with u can u pls delete ur cf account now and be happy?
Omg, yes! Wallhack for sure! What a tracking! rofl. You don't even have to ask us!
u are stupid as well like this kid...
It was ironic... "You don't even have to ask us! " ;)
then i'm realy srry :D
Np dude! Peace & love, beers!
ehm jo is kla
if i use some undected hax i wonder myself mate y i got bad stats at all! i played valhalla vs u 42-41 and vs x-ray i guess it was a draw , so u think ur that powner that its impossible to to be even with u ? maybe u use something !

also u told me in that 3o3 before i had hax and my stats was like 12 kills 26 deaths really a hax u all should get and pay alot money for it ..... u seems to be more n more idiotic with each answer man

edit: btw u killed me there 5 or 6 times from back in a oneway maybe that wh fails that time ? go fuck and hang urself nerdnoob idiot or how i call it NBA Natural Born Asshole
well mmm i heard him reload then i knew where it was... no wh for me
i would talk to u normal this way but u deleted me in all ... so maybe u are scared to see the truth
yeah but he thinks that i use wh. but i dont use wh because i heard him reload.
i am X-Ray. And he said i use wh because my gamename is X-ray omg!!!
it was southez who told me for weeks u have on and ur obvious so stfu leuke10 i tood him we will see and i say to give a mate 20 rifles in the face on delivery in a 1o1 u shoot them from flagroom without see the dude who has 3 possible exits its more than obvious , and still i want to proof it or not so u trust the wrong guy nerd anyways im happy 2 idiots less in my team

20 rnades in a row ! lmao kiss my ass !
yes, thats a wh
so u agree BROSAN 20 rifles in the face is WH?

anyway if u are the guy show in the clip u are wallhacking as u are just some shit random who tested out a wh cuz he is simply shit:). You also seem bother a lot about this topic, if u werent wallhacking u wouldnt care at all about all this, ud rather find it amusing.
komm ich fang grad an zu lachen , gib mir / dir mehr blösse
und außerdem waren das nur 2-3 mal wo ich getroffen hab und net 20 omg
i was the last who trusted u with ercan all others called u cheater if u left ts and i watched demos and they was same obvious like this one that egonerd posted from me right now i play valhalla since this map exist and i still suck on it but some idiots think i hax ... think about it luke
ja tolles vertrauen! Wh benutzen um zu gucken ob ich clean bin! Mich befragen (warum ich xray heiße usw)! Demos anschauen! Ja das nenne ich vertrauen!
aber eher würde ich sagen vertrauen ist gut aber kontrolle ist besser
ich hab zumindest versucht dich freizusprechen was andere garnicht erst wollten also kreide mir dass nicht an der dem du glaubst vertauen zu müssen hat doch damit angefang4en lass mal des ts revue passieren wer hat den immer gesagt lol lukas du haxt ? war des ercan war des aeffel war ich des oder war es lowbob ekrem? denk ma nach mann

und was glaubste was da im ts jedesmal auf mich zu kam wenn du ins bett bist?
lol träum weiter...

no comment
intresting way of not commenting something...,

was war es, sags uns, war es sperma ?
nichts was dich befriedigen oder dir als wichsvorlage dienen könnte, ANALSCHLACHT
als ob du auch nur einen ansatz von idee hättest was mich befriedigen könnte
ehrlichgesagt will ich es auch gar nicht wissen...
ich hätte es dir auch nicht verraten, sonst suchst du mich noch und versuchst mir die tollen dinge alle mit gewalt an zu tun
tolles comment vertreibst dich hier machst dich lächerlich , bist genauso hinterfotzig wie damals als du bei sagapo gespielt hast mit nem andern clan tag , nimm lukas von mir aus mit aber uns fickst du pisser nich hintenrum !NEGER like u say all the time !
sehr erwachsen von dir!

ich sehe ich kann noch viel von dir lernen

EDIT: wer von uns beiden hinterfotzig ist kann hier lukas oder auch ercan

bestätigen...sobald einer off war hast du schon über den gelästert...keine eier um es

den leuten ins gesicht zu sagen
omg analschlacht :D
jepp bist der bringer .... buste doch noch ercan und lmao buste aeffel dann biste sicher der glaubwürdigste bringer auf erden
sonne nich vergessen und purzel die schon ewig nimmer spielt aber findest sicher ne obvious demo von jedem buste einfach alle am besten och dich selber dann kannste dich GHOSTBUSTER nennen . BOB!
das ist ja mal das unlustigste was ich heute gelesen hab..., aber gut, es ist ja erst fast 'ne stunde heute aber es wird schwer das noch in der verbleibenden zeit zu toppen
btw thx to be in owned et my first video and the avi is really nice 20 seconds of 5 mins .... learn to make a vid learn to bust and atleast learn to see hax
btw. thanks for amusing me (and probably a couple of other CF members) with your AWESOME english


"Me is germans" is not an excuse!
clean, he is just following the noises
there's no noise on valhalla when walking on the floor...

0:09 is impossible
you are stupid :D he started running away when the pressshot started
99 out of the 101 comments are from 3 guys. cant you talk about this crap at irc or smth
no, otherwise you would have no shit to complain about. you're welcome.
lol youtube i guess i get a kinda music carrier then too
would be the first bust if the cheater get asswhiped ... maybe think about to ban thoose ppl from cf to try bust clean players ?
dude those german kids are priceless
This guy upset poor poor morty yesterday in a 3v3 with us :)
shocking aimer but deffo using WH.
Crossfire 3.0 - A Private Chat Community
epic, how can this avi even be debatable
you serious?
after 7years i never saw something which is so funny then this :D
if youre meaning the debate on this topic I think it isn't as funny as some but comes real close XD
for it's funny cause this debate is totaly ridiclious, the demo or the avi wouldn't proof enough. btw to proof in a 1on1 game that someone has an wallhack on is so lol....
if you think like that I expect you didn't even watch the avi then:D
i watched the avi but i felt into laugh cause u hear sounds of reload and when the allie guy is shooting u see the lights of the shots it's easy to know where he is xD

btw when u play with r_dynamiclight 1 then u have a "wallhack" as well u can't look throw the walls but when someone is shooting u see the wall is glowing and u know behind this wall there is someone. et make it easy :)
well never mind then, you obviously are too stupid to even start a debate about this with (since I read from above youre friends with this guy)
rofl lol theres no wh nga pls
wh ofc :o
Too short. and low :F But strange behaviour
there is nothing strange lol
yep, i can say without even watching cuz i got the magic stick.
Awesome reply skills btw, made my morning.

- posting in epic thread - :D
how is this not a wallhack?
ty, finally someone not totally brainfucked...
1on1 ONEWAY in Valhalla vs a member whos playing over 1 year with me .... and like David sayd with bullettracers and dynamiclight no wh needed for this but if u think its one i see it as compliment
halts maul du frosch.
A compliment? are you fucking retarded or something? Your clearly wallhacking and yet your still only low+, how can hacking and still being shit be classed as a compliment. Your tracking the guy through a wall for about 7 seconds , you aim on his head he moves right you track through wall to the right then track him back to the left most obvious wallhack ive seen for a little while.
as i told yesterday .... and some others too

AmuSeD on 05/06/10, 20:12:16 Del | Edit | Reply

k i just watched it via wolfcam and shownormal 1

one thing may look really obvious at 1:30 - 1:25 i would think the same but all others is normal ... maybe look it agin i guess we both got tracerts on
Your even dumber than i thought. Your standing still and tracking him THROUGH a WALL for about 7 seconds onto his head then tracking him to the right and then back to the left, what the fuck has tracers got to do with it? thats the dumbest thing ive ever heard congrats!!!! You random low+ wallhackers get dumber by the minute.

do this with all ppl u spec and pic out the 20 best seconds from a 1337 mins Baserace im sure u will Bust all then .......
clear häck
Nice through-wall head tracking there
lol he sucks :p
lol even more obvious than obvious and he`s still loosing.
what a retard
n1 discussion of two nonames.
Obvious, definate WH, played a 3on3 vs him and the Xray dude hes fighting there. We thought he was hacking the whole game. Nice bust and thanks for going to the effort.
Lolz why u even ask :D
because he won't stop denying it and he's getting on my ballz

guess that's what cheaters do to save their ass
the most say clean and u still want to have the right , funny on it is if u make a pbscreen from me u see something if i did it from u it was black .... an all my screens are clean , bring me more idiots like u i would like to have some 2.55 guys who play et since a week and bring them to valhalla in a ONEWAY mr i cant handle my ego ! if some ppl say its cheat be happy but the most see what i saw and heared collecting guns reloading and stuff.
but if u want to get that skill too i do u a favor after u tooked an horse and let fuck in ur sick brain asshole !

www.speedlink.com get a soundcard .... and medusa 5.1

dont call ppl wh if u run arround with ur onboard sound and a 3euro headset nerd, and yes i know he use this shit couse this nigger was a member of my team .

last what i say to this useless post !
Random wallhacker.
low with cheats
doesnt has to be wh.. he aims pretty hard on the head when watching through the wall (but that can be bad luck too).. he heard you the whole time (while you reloaded and picked 7800 weapons on the floor)

also valhalla is 99% of estimating the enemys movement.. if you have the right timing + experience you always know where he is and dont need wallhack :>

tho i toubt a random has that experience but who knows..

@edit: if he would be smart enough to know where u go without wallhack, then he would aim at the corner and not on the head through the wall. so i think hax
a noob would, just like him, propably aim on the wall instead of the corner and then while that, with bad luck, maybe aim on your head :S
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