illumise ":D"
QuoteMay 26, 2009 - 16:39:26

too bad it's older than 1 year

image: vpdiyb
witje, chizz6l, illumise, loazis, crook @ LAN


red yawns lol
He just renamed his config to etBot_default.cfg for the lulz and got kicked... Simple as that
indeed and he renamed his ET to #80332: Violation (GAMEHACK) #80332.... oh never mind
idd and look at this give away, teammates pointing at the cheaters :/

image: 10hkaae
hahaha :DDD
illu played great on lan though :P

I knew he had used that cracked ETbot a few times, me and witje refused to play with him unless he played clean and came lan
Yes sure so logic
post it again after one year to show you care
We dont care - cheater are cheater even 1 year later
+1 nice noticing it!
Im not a cheater - not like you
Also cheated on CiC7! Great fun = Great Fun
image: movie_i_see_dead_people
i see red flags everywhere..
Date Added: 2009/12/21

What do you mean older than 1 year? its not december yet...
that's when Yawn found out about the ban

this is when he got kicked/banned for it May 26, 2009 - 16:39:26
oo like dat
wtf heb jij met onze johan:XD?
le busted :)
so that's called lanproofed?
if its older than 1 year whats the reason to post it ? i dont get it
destroy his rep i guess :)
what rep? :)
You're a fucking retard illumise.
Look at that cute smile at his face, is that the face of a cheater, Dont think so garym8
You babyface too, but you cheater to ":D"
just testing to see that he better aim than bot :P
yet again another person who i thought was cheating is cheating
He played better at lan than any of you ever will :)
We would know if he cheated while playing with us
Yea i played my whole life with that thing! Also i played on CiC7 with it, i had hax in my mouse. Now you know why i played well on LAN :(.
He didnt say you'd be cheating now. He said you cheated and you DID.
Yea but he accused me (always) when i played him. and used the cracked etbot in pubs, because witje and crook didnt want to play with me if i used it in wars :PPPPP
i know what you're talking about
good ol' circus :d
cheating in mmorpgs is just as pathetic. lol.
Those good old times of botting in silkroad D:
you sad faggot botting in a mmorpg

oh wait
chizz6l good boi !
hihihi ownd D:
i made nice frags on LAN ^-^
haha pretty funny no one noticed it when i had 35045788805480348080 red thingys on yawn.
okay, well at least i understand now why roleplayers think so shit about people who play shooters. Their argument is the same.
only no life faggots sit day in day out playing ET to improve aim and skill

it is the same .. :D you just say it isnt cause you do it yourself you silly:P
killing 1 billion snakes to achieve a goal (skill upgrade/treasure/whatever...) = shooting 1 billion heads to achieve a goal ( better aim ).
1 snake doesnt give you a skill upgrade, 1 headshot doesnt make you highskilled.

As you said, the principle is the same, but not the principle you seem to find correct. The principle that great effort leads to rewards is the principle in every game, may it be the effort of killing 1 billion snakes or the effort of playing hours and hours to improve your aim.
It all comes down to 1 thing which is that you gotta work to achieve, work to achieve... my friend :)
see, he has no arguments :(
I know :) I find that justice should be served and I showed him how things are done :)
chizz6l is clean dudes
old cheater ;P
Why you cant ban him even that bust is 1 year old? You have done that couple of times.
and he loled when i told him that he put some hackerclips into his movie
duh, my movie is from 2/3 years ago this from a year so again i lolllllllll :PPPP
oh you re right, that definitely doesnt compute

it should be 10 years, not 1 year!
another 3on3 pwner bites the dust :´)
Trust me, he never cheated when playing with me or yuno.
haha yea i always use it in wars :PPPPPPPPPPPPP
well the problem is always how can u proof u didnt :D ? i dont trust anyone D:
think i playd rlly well on CiC7 so ppl can think w/e they want. just watch my CiC7 matches. Thats why i lol alot now that ppl say always use it. I see it as a compliment
playing good on lan is no guarantee for beeing clean
then i would say: see the way i play normally and the way i played on lan. just the same.
omg :S i rly trusted him :S he told me that he's already using it for 5 years :S wtf man :S he even had it on a usb stick on lan he told me :S srsly this guy is just sick :S gtfo cheaterkid moron :S i hope you die in carfire :S

you're a fcking moron
busted a thousand time, i don't even understand he was allowed to play @CiC7
realy :o ?
good old times :{
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