mAus busted :o

does anybody have link to the thread where people accused mAus before he proved himself at lan?

like the one on adlernest with tracking 3 guys, etc

thx !

image: funny-pictures-cat-realizes-he-can-buy-cheeseburgers-on-the-internet
Haha, I la.......

what 3 tracking person in adlernest thing you talking about?
whut? :DDD
mAus tracked 3 guys ? srsly ? wtf
3 heads in 0.5 sec
that was just preaiming and preshooting.......
no no no... he tracked 3 headmodels in less than 1 second...
yeah and they were all running in the middle of his aim field and were just running into his very nicely set preaimcrosshair :D

really, i dont see any cheat there or sth, its just luck and lotto :D
mAus u cheatAh! :DDD
hard to use searchfunction, innit?
"I think we got a new Mystic here"
He used to cheat but isn't anymore, where's the point in having such avis now? :C All you get is flame from some random fanboys who weren't even born back then.
Care to share the proof of your accusations?
There were two avis that were 99% evidence, the one on adler and one more I can't remember atm. No doubt he's a great aimer without hax but I guess he started his career with some help, he even admitted that he used public hacks at once (afaik), so it's only a small step to use those in pracs / offis. Looking at his mates now, that he used to play with in the past, (as the avis were made) it becomes even more likely that he wasn't that clean either.

but then again I couldn't care less since it's ages ago.
The adler one was not hacks, nor were any of the avi's I've seen that were supposed proof of mAus hacking.

Where did he admit to have used public hacks?

Why would public hacks be a small step to use those in pracs/offi's? I know tons of ppl that have used a hack on a public server but will never ever use one in a competition type setting.

His mates are not him. I know tons of ppl that have used a hack on a public but that doesn't mean I ever will.

You are just assuming way too much.
Ye the adler one wasn't hacks ":D".

I just heard that, that's why I said "afaik", not sure about it.

And once a cheater you keep being a cheater, there's not a big difference between using hacks on publics and in offis/pracs in my opinion. You know the mechanics and showed that you're able to be that unfair and cheat. I'd also say that if you've been caught cheating in the past it's more likely that you cheat again rather than person X who never got anything to do with cheats starts cheating suddenly.

Of course his mates are not him, but for some reason he keeps playing with such retards, even when they were obviously cheating. I don't say he cheated because of his mates, but it's just another step in the "wrong" direction.
No, the adler one wasn't hacks. But since you are ignorant enough to think that someone who used a cheat on a public server will most likely also use it in pracs/offi's and don't see any difference between a public and a prac/offi, I don't think that anyone can say anything to convince you that the adler moment was not hacks.

As for the retards he plays with I agree, some of them are complete retards. I also have a couple friends in RL that do things that I think are retarded. Doesn't mean they aren't my friends anymore. (unless it's something THAT retarded that I can't even look them in the eye anymore)
Why would you aim on 2 guys that obviously don't have the objective instead of killing the guy who is trying to secure the objective? Probably because the bot tracks the guys that are the nearest to the crosshair? Uhm, guess that would make sense wouldn't it? And I said it's only a small step, of course there's a difference, but not much of a difference if you've already tested cheats you're more likely willed to use them in offis instead of person x who never ever tried cheats in his life, wouldn't you agree on this one as well?

Guess you're the ignorant guy in this case.
You can not judge this on a a 0.1 timescaled slo-mo. Look at anything in slo-mo (in football for instance) and it is a lot easier to see something that's not even there. Look at the thing in normal speed. There is nothing weird about it. He shoots the first guy he sees, moves on because that's not the guy carying the docs, gets hit himself when his crosshair is on the 2nd guy and after the knockback the crosshair moves onto the guy carying the docs. Looks freaky in slomo, sure, but not weird at all.

About the small step thing, no I do not agree. You assume way too much. Nothing about what you said is based on facts. You can not simply say that ppl that used a hack in public will most likely use or are more likely to use them in pracs/offi's as well, based on nothing but your own opinion. To me cheating on a pub is mischievous behavior and cheating in a prac/offi is deceiving behavior. Those two types of behavior are very different in nature and it depends on the person itself whether he will develop both.
I used a public cheat +- 6 years ago in my first time i went patched according to you logic I am cheating for 6 years atleast now?
No, not at all. According to my logic it's more likely that you'll begin cheating in offis than a person X that has never cheated before. As I said it's MORE LIKELY nowhere near certain.
I heard u know tons of ppl :D!
In an interview he admitted
die rhand he, daar kunt ge altijd op rekene
zelfs als die jonge nie speelt, make ze der journals over :D
em is best wel goe en sympathiek, ma overrated.

ze zoude nog zen gat schoon likke als die naart wc was gegaan.
mAus overrated? zwanst gij nu?
nee, kzeg nie dat em nie goe is of nie één van de beste is int damage halen, kheb het gwn meer voor brain players. kheb der natuurlijk alleen mar tege gespeeld toen die juist inactive was geweest, dus mss benk slecht geinformeerd :)
ge moet zen laatste wars is specce, hij heeft meer gamesense en vooral teamplay dan de meeste denken
kan, ik ben gewoon meer fan van players gelijk night, mattias (of lio bij ovr).
mss omdak zelf meer aim-based speel en nie altijd eve slim :)
Ik ook, omda ik zelf ni kan aimen, ma kvind da gewoon dom da sommige (ik bedoel ni gij) maus aim-only noemen, terwijl da ook ne slimme speler is

maar idd matias night lio perfo , die zie ik ook liever spelen
tege bf was die nu wel overdreve aant schiete ;P
ma tege hun schiet ik ook meestal goe, omda die graag revive :D
troll is troll ^^
mAus said he already used hacks in an itw = > Selfbust

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