ET.exe ...

Hi crossfire,

For the past few weeks, I no longer able to connect to a server with punkbuster ON, because I do kick by "ET.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close". It's just punkbuster, because in the game with CFG NOPB I do not make me kick ...

Do you have a solution?
Thank you
don't play on a server with punkbuster
Iam having a fine solution for you : learn english
Do you use F-Secure? If yes, disable it while your play.
I think there's a problem with Punkbuster...
Don't tell me admins also troll crossfire... :/
why is this retard not banned?
omfg call krosan fast to ban this tard!!!

..oh wait
If you may troll cf, why is baggiez banning trolls from cf then? And you were arguing with me that its good to ban trolls.. Dude.. :-)
It's not trolling, I'm claiming Punkbuster has a problem, which it does, it sucks balls.
Its obvious its PBs fault, so YES you are trolling.
It could be his own fault, by for example turning off the PbstrA process!
Dude, even if im newschooler i know this is trolling + look comments below your troll comment, obvious troll eh?
F-Secure 8<
good you dont even deserve to play
anyway he's busted.
indeed, dont know why he aint banned on here though
Problem exists between keyboard and chair.
Start without etBot.exe -> Win!
cause your computer learned that you are a shit worth in ET and lower than every pub nub
learn english
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