Marta@onis not hax but?

yesterday we played 3on3 with guys from onis and after 20 minutes PB kicked Marta for this:

so is it a hax? if not what's it?
I think that only Perfo know it:)
no cheats afaik
o rly :) thx Perfo and sorry for a spam :P
lal kijk die draak hieronder
no wukas He's Marta from polsih low+ skill clan called onis :]
BTW. Wukas do u remember u played with me and other mix players 1,5 weeks ago (u still want to play an eng+riffle :p) u rly owned then :] Its not a licking so STFU
nice licking.

Quote by sockFanboys - These beings, consisting of almost anyone who ever played poker with Potter on LAN, serve only to bolster the ego's of ET's stars, and increase their own social status. For instance, when a relatively famous players posts a comment, such as a smiley face ":)", fanboys will instantly pounce, posting replies riddled with refferences to their association with the said player - Such replies include: "Hey man, do you remember our match last night, i'll pwn you next time!!!" notice the subtle use of "man" in order to create a more familiar tone; "haha, get on comms you bitch!" Again, notice the use of friendly language, bitch here is an affectionate term, creating the impression that the 2 are mates of some description. This level user is more of an annoyance, and it is rare for someone to become noticed through such methods, although I am sure that in their own minds, they are very important people indeed.
yeah yeah give i a rest you stupid dick, i aint cheated in 3 monthes so theres a big mistake there noob
you still did it, expecting your ban to be in place by cb soon.
dude wtf, i HAVNT CHEATED, so theres some kind of mistake ffs
Quote i aint cheated in 3 monthes

so you did cheat, and your yawn history sais you cheated on to two months ago, not three. Doesnt even matter tbh.
wtf are you talking about, i changed my name to agrippa to make a fresh start, i HAVE never fucking cheated with the name agrippa, why the fuck would i, iv deleted the hack ages ago, only thing i forgot to delete was the nexus.pk3 in my etmain, but i deleted that 1 month ago, so wtf is the big deal, and how can the name drogba be on pbbans, i have never used the name drogba so wtf
Are you retarded?

image: naamloospv1

So you used nexus 'ages' ago, wich is pretty funny as I remember chaplja talking about this first release somewhere around november/december? So you used nexus 'ages' ago, stopped using it ... Strange, as nexus injects your ET with a code so you need a reinstall if you want to play clean ...

Besides, you got caught by pbss, so whatever you are trying to say about you hacking 'ages' ago: you are lying.
no actually i am not lieing, so what the fuck are you talking about, i havnt hacked, because i got a nexus.pk3 in my etmain doesnt mean shit, the yawn would say nexus hack or something instead of a file in etmain, you need to get a life the lot of you
Quotei aint cheated in 3 monthes
plzzz get beter cfg
Never seen that txt :x
he is trying to hide his list of loaded modules (dll's) from PB
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