PhAz looking

oioi, im still looking for a nice team to play with, please be


Im mainly playing rifle, but i can be smg if needed. History in profile.
No new teams, cant be arsed putting time in another 2 weeks clan.

Contact me at #team-jote or #crossfire
gl phaz, mss is poging 85 succesvoller dan de vorige :)
Stealer :'(
well, I was first + now we can make a chain!
phaz is gay ole ole
wil je mn 2weeks clan joine? #2weeksclan.take3479
gl phaz
gl dutchy
again ... gl
nice guy ;) gl
nice phaz weer cless :)
phAz is gay olé olé!!!
gl phazzeh :p
phAz is gay olé olé!!!
gl phazzeh :p
waarom wordt hij nou constant geweigerd dan eigenlijk ? :p
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