RoXoR searching

i am searching a stable skilled team to play with. no whine and flame in teamspeak/ventrilo.

i am 17 years old, playing smg medic / eng / rifle.

old mentionable clan: roYality or

i am available @ (nick RoXoR-) or an pm @ crossfire.
gl roxor :D
gl basti
viel glück! nice guy.
Gotta catch 'em all !!!
der roxor der urtier so roxxort ?
viel gnugen meine hurensohn
#fatalbazooka ?
gl roxor
why you write "no flame, no whine"?
it's obvious.
and i've never seen clan or player that searched for whine and flame on ts/vent.

so its kinda useless spending bytes of internet data
u gotta be teh smartest person in teh whole internets
u are right :)
GL roxor
keep such crappy mind shit in yours one...kthxbye
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